Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1718 calm down, calm down


Seeing the unusually serious look on Chiba's face and the undeniable words, Yuze looked at Hyuga Snow Eagle and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

To be honest, even with Xue Ying's explanation, he still didn't understand the situation that made the two in front of him so serious.

Now he only knows that this matter is quite urgent, so that just now Qianye barged in a little out of composure.

And hearing Qianye's words, Xue Ying, who always likes to solve things one by one, also put down the matter that he just talked about again, and joined in this matter.

It can be seen that this matter is really urgent.

It's just that he still doesn't know whether this matter has really reached the point where he has to move. After all, moving is not a small matter. It is still during the war, and although it tends to talk about peace talks and alliances, it is still quite chaotic outside.

As for their small camp, the real fighting strength is only him, Soya, Heyin, and Hotaru, Mingtai, Saki, Cheng, Xiaozhen and others who have grown up rapidly in the three attacks. Even Tsubaki cannot be said to have fighting strength. , if they really want to move, they will face many dangerous situations.

Yuze has no confidence in how many people he can protect.

At this point, he didn't know if moving was worth it.

I don't know if I should agree to Chiba.

"No, don't move, definitely can't move!"

But at this moment, while Yuze was hesitating, Hyuga Xueying suddenly opened his mouth, and once he opened his mouth, he rejected Chiba's invitation even more than Qianye.

"Absolutely not?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Qianye obviously didn't expect it, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. Looking at Hyuga Snow Eagle, he asked subconsciously.

"Yes, absolutely not!"

Regarding this, Hyuga Xueying took a slight breath and expressed his affirmation, but his face was completely determined.

Obviously, Hyuga Snow Eagle was very persistent.

Even his expression made Chiba feel unconvincing.

"Are you kidding! I know that Yuze and the others have made great progress and experienced the test of life and death. They are not what they used to be, but if Danzo really has any plans for me, they will definitely not be able to deal with Gen. After all, they are all the elites of the village, and they all have talents, didn't your teacher tell you about this?"

And hearing this sound, Qianye frowned, and his voice was obviously a little higher, already filled with anger.

"Don't say that the current situation is not necessarily such a nonsense, you can deceive other people, but you can't deceive me!"

In the end, as if thinking of something, Qianye added while suppressing her anger.

"Don't worry, I won't say any nonsense. Since there is such a possibility, we have to plan it as if it is inevitable. However, I don't know if anyone told you when you were in the village that you should Trust others more."

In this regard, seeing Qianye's frown, the corners of Hinata Xueying's mouth twitched slightly, took another breath, and spoke while suppressing his anger.

Trust others more?

But hearing this sentence, Qianye was slightly taken aback, and swallowed the words "Since you know, then you should know that moving is the best choice".

Let him trust others more, Mito Menyan and Zhuanju Xiaochun have also told him this sentence.

"Are you sure we won't be able to deal with Gen? Once Danzang comes, we'll be like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and we're bound to lose? Can you put more trust in these children you saved?"

And at this time, seeing Qianye's appearance, Hyuga Snow Eagle couldn't help but spoke again.

"Besides, if we really can't deal with it, it's because we are not strong enough, and we deserve to die in the hands of Danzo's root, no matter how many things you do."

Then, after these words, Hinata Snow Eagle added another sentence.

"You guys, calm down, calm down and discuss!"

But at this time, the expression on the face of the dazed Yuze changed, and he hurriedly said.

There was obviously a tendency to quarrel between the two, and immediately, almost subconsciously, he tried to persuade them.

He could more or less see that the relationship between these two people is not likely to be very good on weekdays. This is not a few words. The two people who have always been calm, their words are full of gunpowder, and they are almost about to quarrel.

However, next, the scene of the two slapping the table and arguing that Yuze imagined did not happen after all. Hearing Hyuga Snow Eagle's words, although Qianye's face flashed with anger, she did not speak, but fell silent .

It seemed that Hyuga Snow Eagle's words reminded him of something.

"You should also know that you can't keep them for a lifetime, or even stay for two or three days now. Do you want to stay here forever? Or, can't you lead them to move together?"

Regarding this, seeing Qianye's silent appearance, Hinata Xueying took a deep breath, tried to slow down her tone, and said.

"Then, I will leave this matter to you?"

And hearing this sound, Chiba also took a deep breath, looked at Hyuga Snow Eagle, and spoke in as calm a tone as possible.

"No, it's for them."

Regarding this, Hyuga Xueying shook his head, pursed his lips, and said, "I'm just helping them as much as possible, everything depends on them."

"Are you sure about this?"

Hearing this, Chiba frowned again and asked.

"It's not something you can't grasp! Do you have to take everything on yourself, so that everyone can live well under your shade? Do you really regard yourself as a god?"

But when he heard this sound, there was a "bang", Hyuga Xueying slapped the table suddenly, his face was instantly full of anger, and he said angrily: "Is everyone in your eyes? They can only be protected, only by you! Put away your overflowing desire for protection, everyone has their own way, let them walk by themselves, this is the world of ninjas, it is up to them whether they live or die !"

"Cold... calm down, Xue Ying, calm down!"

Hyuga Snow Eagle's sudden anger scared Yuze who was on the side to rush forward, put his hands on Hyuga Snow Eagle's shoulders, looked at Chiba at the same time, and explained: "Chiba, don't get excited, talk well, everyone say."

"Yuze, what do you think?"

However, the scene where Yuze was worried that the two had a big fight and even fought didn't happen after all. At this time, Chiba, facing the angry and staring Hinata Snow Eagle who was about to spray all the saliva on his face, was actually Unusually calm, even just looking at Hyuga Snow Eagle, he turned his gaze to Yuze and asked seriously.

There was only a bit of heaviness in the words, and there was no anger at all.


Hearing this, Yuze was taken aback.

"Do you think you should move?"

To this, Chiba asked additionally.


Facing Qianye's supplementary question, Yuze was obviously still a little dazed, but he didn't know what to say when he opened his mouth.

"You may face troops that are a hundred times more powerful than those exiled ninjas and are best at assassination. Although moving will face many dangers, most of them will survive. If you stay, the entire army may be wiped out. Do you think you want to move? ?”

In this regard, Qianye looked at Yuze with a serious expression on his face that he had never seen before.

completely annihilated……

and most of those who survived...

But when he heard Qianye's words and saw the solemn expression on Qianye's face, Yuze was completely stunned, and a look of hesitation slowly appeared on his face.

Then, silence, descended.

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