Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1726 Just leave

"So, that is to say, now we not only need to conduct regular training, but also need to do some infiltration training that the two of you are not familiar with?"

In front of the long table for eating, Yuze looked at Chiba opposite, the corner of his mouth slightly pulled, and he said.

"That's right."

Regarding this, Chiba who was opposite him also looked at him and nodded seriously.

"Chiba's is right."

Afterwards, after noticing the way Yuze looked at him after hearing Chiba's affirmation, Hyuga Snow Eagle also nodded.

An organization, a camp, this information is absolutely the first.

Whether it is to accept commissions in the future, to complete commissions, or to protect oneself, to survive in this ninja world, intelligence will always come first.

And this infiltration is definitely one of the most important ways to obtain information.

"But... even if you are not good at it, how can we train?"

Regarding this, He Yin, who was sitting next to Hyuga Snow Eagle, said quite worriedly.

Right now, all their abilities are based on Qianye and Xueying, if they are not good at something, how can they teach it?

"Don't worry, about sneaking in, we have received systematic education, have reliable theoretical knowledge, and various contingency methods. How to use it depends on your reaction at the time. Infiltrating is a test of temporary response. , it depends on the individual and experience, and there are only those things that are taught. Although we are not good at it, it does not mean that you will be as bad at it as we are after learning these things. Diving in, there is always only theoretical knowledge, and specific practice, everyone It’s different. After you are familiar with the theory and have enough strength, you can choose some small ninja villages for infiltration practice. Moreover, after the war, many organizations of exiled ninjas should pop up in a short time, which is just right for you. Try your hand. Here are the theoretical knowledge and various coping methods for sneaking in. Of course, they are only for reference, and the details depend on you.”

Looking at the worry-filled Harmony, Chiba said while handing out the scroll in his hand, and placed it among the five of them.

At this moment, five people had gathered in the dining room, Yuze, Heyin, Zongya, Hyuga Snowtaka and himself.

Just about an hour ago, after Heyin said to let them tell her the matter properly, Yuze came back within a few minutes. After the camp was organized, of course they stayed and joined the discussion.

Afterwards, the discussion lasted less than ten minutes, and it was a coincidence that Zong Mi also came to help Heyin after a day of training, picking and choosing, and naturally stayed.

As a result, the four most important people in this small camp and the four people in charge of decision-making all gathered together, so this discussion turned into a decision-making meeting that was directly implemented.

In the previous half an hour, several people had made a very overall agreement on the rules and regulations of the camp organization, the adjustment of the training schedule, and the special training, and decided to give everyone a day off tomorrow, except for the necessary patrols and traps Check, everyone can have a day off tomorrow and do nothing.

Then, the day after tomorrow, a new training schedule was implemented, and the rules and regulations were announced, and they were strictly followed.

After all, after the organized camp, this orphan team of about 20 people is no longer a village of ordinary people, but a ninja organization. If there are no strict rules and regulations, the number of new orphans will increase in the future, which will be difficult to manage and prone to accidents.

Not to mention, in the future, other ninja organizations, such as Ninja Village, may target and send people to infiltrate.

Chaotic management will only lead to disaster.

Rules and regulations can be said to be the most basic.

The rules and regulations formulated by Chiba are also mostly effective in Muye Village and have passed the test of time. They are very effective, and it should not be a problem to deal with them here.

As for the method of investigating spies, there is Hyuga Snow Eagle, a person of the Hyuga clan who has lived in the Xueji boundary since childhood and is coveted by countless enemies, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

"I see."

After hearing Chiba's words, the three of Yuze looked at each other in dismay, and finally their eyes fell on Hyuga Snow Eagle. Regarding this, Hyuga Snow Eagle could only nod. What Chiba said was what he wanted to say. Seeing Hyuga Xue Ying had no objection, and Yu Ze also put the scroll away, with a serious look on his face.

In fact, this action can't mean that he doesn't believe Chiba, but Hinata Snow Eagle has also learned these things about infiltration. If he also said that, then they didn't take shortcuts, and the infiltration training can only be like this manage.

And he knew that this kind of infiltration training was quite dangerous and extremely challenging, and if he was not careful, he might die.

Therefore, it's not that he doesn't believe in Chiba when he solicits Hyuga Snow Eagle at this time, but Yuze hopes for a safer way.

"Don't worry, as long as you are cautious enough and have a thorough understanding of this knowledge, even if you are discovered, you can get away."

Seeing Yuze's expression, Hyuga Xueying also knew what he was thinking, so he opened his mouth immediately and comforted him.

"I see."

Regarding this, Yuze looked at Heyin, then at Zongmi, but seeing that the faces of the two were determined, he immediately suppressed the hesitation and solemnity, and nodded firmly.

They chose camping, organization, and even the establishment of Ninja Village before. They are already mentally prepared to take a more difficult path.

They all knew that the road ahead was difficult and dangerous, so at this moment, they didn't feel too much hesitation.

"Then, the next thing is about the transformation of the camp. Since there are plenty of wild animals here, as well as fertile and cultivated fields, there is no need to move. This is a place suitable for survival. However, although it is hidden here, it can After all, it is a place that will be discovered, or easily explored. Therefore, after the camp is organized, all training facilities must be moved underground, and a complex dungeon will be built. Enough food and water that are easy to preserve should be stored in the building for emergencies, this is the first draft I thought of, you can make your own evening, I will not participate in the specifics.”

Seeing the determination of the three people, Chiba put down another scroll and said, "That's all I want to say. Next, you can discuss it with Hyuga Snow Eagle."

"Yes, I understand."

At this time, Yuze seemed to have made up his mind, and without hesitation, he took the scroll that Chiba had put down and put it away.


And that's all?

However, after putting away the scroll, Yuze was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly looked at Chiba.

At the same time, Heyin also noticed something, looked at Qianye and wanted to say something, but didn't say anything.

It seems that he really doesn't want to... No, he can't!

That's why...

But hearing these words, Hyuga Snow Eagle sighed in his heart.

"when are you leaving."

Then, after sighing, he looked at Yuze and Harmony, who had obviously noticed something, and Zongya, who hadn't noticed anything, and said.

He asked the three people present what they wanted to know.

"Tomorrow, after dinner tomorrow night, I'll go."

Regarding this, Qianye did not hide it, and directly stated her purpose.

"What? You've only been here for a day! Are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Hearing this sound, Zong Mi's face almost froze, he stood up, and his voice was several decibels higher.

"Is that so...then, let's all get together tomorrow and have a good meal!"

But at this time, Yuze forced a smile and said.

"Yes! You have to prepare well!"

In this regard, He Yin also said.

"Then, it's settled like this."

Hearing this, Qianye looked at the three of them, smiled slightly, then stood up and said, "The rest..."

"We have discussed the rest by ourselves, you can go and have a rest."

However, before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the chorus who gave Zong Mi a glare.


Regarding this, Qianye didn't say much, and walked out of the room with light steps.

It seems that I really don't need to worry about it.

How far they can go is up to them.

After all, I can't protect them forever.

After leaving the room, Qianye stopped in her tracks. Looking at the hazy sky and the pattering rain curtain, the smile on her face slowly froze.


That's the goal of my business!

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