Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1734 Measures

Konoha Hospital, outside the emergency ward, corridor.

"How's the situation now? Is it life-threatening!"

Amid the hurried footsteps, the white-bottomed robe with the fourth Hokage embroidered with flames trembled uncomfortably, and Minakaze asked with a fixed face.

"When I left, the inspection was still underway, and there was no conclusion yet."

Hearing Hokage's words that were almost as frozen as his face, the white and dry lips under Anbu's ninja mask slightly pursed, couldn't help but take a breath to calm down the tension in his heart, and then spoke truthfully.

"Did the discoverer say anything unusual about the time of discovery?"

Regarding this, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but took a slight breath, and asked again.

"I heard that he lost too much blood, his entire back was covered with blood, and he was unconscious."

Hearing this, the Anbe ninja swallowed almost subconsciously, and told the inquiring Hokage everything he knew.

To be honest, he still hasn't come to his senses now. He was originally performing a routine investigation task on the ninja engineering team. Master Chiba, at that time he was almost so shocked that his head went blank, and he only had the thought of something bad in his heart.

He didn't know how he arrived at Hokage's office and reported the incident.

Following this journey, although I gradually came to my senses, I still felt palpitations in my heart.

If something happened to Lord Qianye, the person he could kill would be such a terrifying person.

Moreover, if Master Chiba falls, what will happen to the future of the village, and what will happen to the candidates for the Fifth Hokage?

Whenever he thinks of this, even he, who is a well-informed and experienced Anbu, feels panicked and even a little panicked.

"I see, you go and send some people to guard the hospital."

And hearing Anbe Ninja's words, Namikaze Minato let out a mouthful of turbid air, seemed to have calmed down, and said in a low voice.


To this, the Anbu ninja responded directly without any ambiguity, and then with a flash, he went to transfer people to guard the hospital.

This incident, regardless of whether it was the Chiba-sama who was seriously injured and unconscious or not, finding a seriously injured member of his own in the village basically meant an invasion, and one couldn't help being nervous.

This is already a very serious situation.

Moreover, a few days ago, the official peace agreement and armistice agreement of the three generations of Tukage had just been delivered, and the current situation occurred today, so it must be treated seriously.

What's more, the one who is seriously injured and comatose is the village's future hope, the absolute candidate for the Fifth Hokage.


After the Anbe ninja left to deliver the order, Minato Namikaze stopped his hasty pace, took a deep breath, and after arranging his clothes a little, suppressed the emotions in his heart and melted away the seriousness on his face, then turned and opened the emergency door. The door of the ward.


As soon as you enter the door, you will hear the steady electronic sound of the instrument.

"Master Minato!"

Then, Xue Nai and Hirohiko, who had worried faces in the room, immediately stood up, bowed slightly, and bowed solemnly.

And the tense and worrying atmosphere in the ward also eased a little.

"How is Chiba?"

In response, Namikaze Minato stretched out his hand, signaling to the two of them that there is no need to be polite, and then his eyes fell on Chiba, who was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, frowned, and asked again.

"The doctor said that there is nothing serious, and there is no need to worry about blood loss. Although it looks terrible, in fact, what Qianye suffered was only a flesh injury, not a serious injury."

Hearing Namikaze Minato's question, Hirohiko responded.

No serious injuries...


Very good!

And hearing this sound, Namikaze Minato let out a long breath.

"Then, did the doctor say when Chiba will be able to wake up?"

After heaving a sigh of relief, Namikaze Minato's expression finally eased completely, and he asked.

If something really happened to Chiba, then the impact of the matter would be too great. The most important thing is definitely the issue of the future Hokage of the village. Chiba is almost the successor of the fifth generation of Hokage by the entire Konoha, whether it is the ninja group or the civilian group, there is no one.

Everyone has subconsciously regarded Chiba as the future Hokage.

It's not that the ninjas and civilians in Muye Village made them forget the identity of Chiba's traitor's son because of Chiba's achievements, but what Chiba did made everyone in Muye Village feel convinced from the bottom of their hearts.

Whether it's putting aside past suspicions, going through life and death for the village, or showing the once-in-a-thousand-year talent and ability to deal with things, people can't fault it, and they are convinced from the bottom of their hearts.

Even those who have always been difficult among Konoha's high-level executives have a lot of appreciation for Chiba, and even in words, they are already demanding Chiba with Hokage's standards.

Of course, Chiba has never let him down, nor has he let down those high-level officials who demanded him with Hokage's standards.

Every time, basically Chiba brought them only surprises.

It can be said that if something happens to Chiba, the village may be shaken three times, and there may even be a lot of chaos.

Now, Chiba is fine, only injured and comatose, not life-threatening, and the situation has been stabilized.

"The doctor said that if you do it for three to five days longer, you will wake up in just one or two days, so we don't have to worry about it."

To this, Hirohiko spoke truthfully.

"Is that so...that's good."

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato breathed a sigh of relief again, and spoke.

"Minato-sensei, there is one more thing."

But at this time, Xue Nai opened her mouth with a serious face.

"whats the matter?"

Seeing Xue Nai's serious voice, Namikaze Minato's relaxed expression slowly regained his composure.

Now Xue Nai is not a simple little girl, but the deputy commander of the defense force, who is in charge of the defense of the village. Now Chiba was found in the village and was seriously injured. What Xue Nai said now is already true. The village's defense level suggested that, as Hokage, he must be treated with caution.

"The matter of Qianye's serious injury must be concealed, and the news must not be allowed to spread."

And hearing Namikaze Minato's response, Xue Nai also said straightforwardly.

"I know that."

Regarding this, Minato Namakaze nodded, and he had already ordered the work to be kept secret when he came here. This matter involves Chiba, so it is a big matter, and keeping it secret is the most basic.

"Especially Teacher Kushina, now that Naruto is about to be born, we can't let Teacher Kushina worry."

But when she heard Namikaze Minato, Xue Nai nodded, but her words had another meaning.

this kid...

Are you worried about Kushina?

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato was slightly startled.

Indeed, Kushina, who is already pregnant and is about to reach the expected date of delivery, should not hear such news, especially Chiba or Kushina's most beloved student who is almost a family member.

"Well, don't worry."

Then, he nodded, affirming.

"Now, do you have any clue about Chiba's injury this time?"

However, after being affirmed, he didn't get too entangled in Kushina's issue, not because he didn't care about Kushina who was about to give birth, but, as Hokage, the most important thing now is to figure out why Chiba was injured.

Is it an invasion, or some other threat!

This is, as Hokage, what he should do most now.

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