Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1751 Arrival

Is this... Sasuke?

In the hidden place of the houses on this remote arched road, Qianye, who was rushing at a high speed, suddenly stopped and stopped in a shadowy corner, and his eyes couldn't help looking at the middle of the road. After saluting Sarutobi Lake Biwa, he let out a voice of surprise, which attracted Kushina's beautiful woman.

This glance, although in the dark, Qianye noticed the beautiful baby in the arms of the beautiful woman.

And this scene is very familiar.

Moreover, this beautiful woman, he also knew, was Uchiha Mikoto.

This scene is also clearly one of the few scenes before the Nine-Tails Night depicted in the original work.

In the original book, after this scene, the screen directly shifted to Kushina's production, but what happened in it was not explained.

However, according to the original book, since it was not mentioned, then probably nothing happened in it.

At the same time, with this look, Chiba also knew that what Uchiha Mikoto was holding in her hand should undoubtedly be Sasuke.

"What... what's wrong? Thousand..."

At this time, noticing that the leading young Anbu ninja who stopped by Qianye had returned, he also hid in the shadow, and asked in a low voice.

However, before he could finish speaking, Chiba raised his hand to stop him.

Is this... is there a problem?

After being stopped by Chiba, the young Anbu ninja couldn't help but also looked outside, but saw that it was only the protection target of this trip. Master Kushina was talking with the wife of the head of the Uchiha clan, and teasing the children, even Lake Biwa The adults were all attracted, feeling a little puzzled in their hearts.

Although it is said that such a thing should not be done during the transfer at this time, but according to the information, Master Kushina and Mikoto-sama are indeed best friends, and the second son of the Uchiha clan has just been born. Quite, it's normal to stop here, and the masters of Lake Biwa are all on board, obviously there is no danger.

This, no problem, why does it attract Chiba-sama?

Did Lord Chiba see something wrong?

"Let's go."

However, before he could come up with something, Qianye stopped spying on the other side, and flew directly towards the original direction without a sound.

No problem?

And this sudden one made Anbu Ninja stunned for a moment, but seeing Qianye walking further and further, he didn't have time to pay attention, and flew out immediately after. Overtake Chiba at the fastest speed, leap to his front, and lead him the way.

It seems that on the surface, I made the village prepared, but it didn't change anything.

But obviously, compared to the few guards in the original book, there are obviously many more guards this time.

They all look good too.

Although on the surface it is the same as described in the original book, but secretly it is already different.

I don't know what kind of chemical reaction this will produce.

In the original animation, Obito is based on Kakashi's recent narration in front of Lin's grave, knowing the location of Kushina and the fact that Jinzhuli gave birth.

However, this paragraph is TV original, and the original comics are not available.

The TV original is not written by Kishimoto, and it is even just an expedient measure when the manga plot is about to be used up, but the animation broadcast cannot be stopped. There is no original work factor at all.

This is also not accurate.

In other words, this paragraph may not be the reason why Obito knew about Kushina's information. It is very likely that Obito knew about Kushina's childbirth through other means.

So, that is to say, if it wasn't for the original TV content, Obito knew the information here through other means, then it is very likely that he already knew that the security here is tight, and Obito may even have known about us. Already prepared for him.

His appearance may be different from that in the original book.

His attack method may also be different!

I can't make a conclusion based on the original work!

From now on, everything at this turning point of fate has nothing to do with the original work!

But at this moment, Qianye was vigilant to himself. Before, in the Battle of Kannabi Bridge, because he believed too much in the absoluteness of the original book in the turning point of fate, he ignored the uncertainty of fate, and finally fell short.

Now, in the constant reflection, especially in the last three days of improvement and reflection, he has more or less a very credible guess.

That is, at this turning point of fate, once a link is disrupted, every link will undergo changes, even earth-shaking changes, just like the half-hour advance of the mission of Kannabi Bridge, the content of the original work will change. To be a misdirection, a fatal misdirection, in this turning point of fate that has changed.

Now, Chiba must abandon the direction and content of the original work, and think completely based on what will happen in this ninja world at that time.

In other words, knowing the content of the original work may not be an advantage for Chiba now, but a disadvantage!

Just a confusion!

But if the original work is discarded now, Chiba is actually standing in the light, while Obito is in the dark, the dark is facing the bright, and the bright does not know what information the dark holds about itself.

Already, it is an absolute disadvantage!

Chiba at this moment understands this very well!

When I get to the place, I can't relax in the past few days, I have to prepare well!

Thinking about it, Qianye's eyes flashed sharply, and his face was already showing an unchangeable firmness. At the same time, his eyes, who had been shuttling through the shadows, suddenly brightened, then darkened suddenly, and his figure had already rushed into a large virgin forest.

And after passing through this virgin forest and turning over a hill covered by the virgin forest, Chiba finally arrived at the destination, the secret place where Kushina gave birth under the leadership of the young Anbu ninja.


Following the slight sound of landing, Chiba stood still behind the young Anbu ninja, looked at the river in front of him, the mountain wall above the river that was not too steep but not too gentle, and the plank road built on the mountain wall And the cave at the end of the plank road, and the vigilant Anbu ninja at the entrance of the cave on the plank road, the firm look on his face slowly dissipated, turning into a normal expression.


It is also exactly the same as in the original book, except that there are more guards.

It has indeed changed!

Then, the content of the original work can be forgotten here!

Then, during this period of time, the defense loopholes here must be filled one by one!

And watching, such a thought flashed through his mind.

"Lord Chiba, let's go."

At the same time, the young Anbu ninja made a few handprints, seemed to have opened something, turned around and spoke.


In response, Chiba nodded, not talking nonsense, and directly followed the young Anbu ninja across the river in front of him.


While crossing the river, such a thought appeared in Qianye's heart.

It seems that the defense is quite comprehensive.


Then, when he was walking on the plank road, he had already started to calculate in his heart.

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