Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1753 Same as the original


It is exactly the same as in the original book, this stone room.

Walking into the stone room, amidst the sound of clucking, the stone door slowly closed behind him, blending with the mountain wall like a wall.

In front of Qianye, there is no door frame without a door, and the dim candlelight is spreading from inside, reflecting his face is a little uncertain, and through this door frame, Qianye can clearly see the stone room decorations.

Everything is exactly the same as in the original book, the position of the delivery bed, the position of the candles, and even the pattern on the wall are all exactly the same.

And Qianye can also feel the powerful enchantment that can't be felt in the original book and animation. At this moment, after entering this stone gate, Qianye can feel a sense of oppression in front of him, and gently push him Pushing away from the door frame without a door is obviously a kind of enchantment.

"Go ahead and have a look."

After sizing it up and confirming that it was the same as the original, Qianye slowly raised her two fingers and made another seal. The feeling of pressure and pushing away disappeared instantly, and Qianye took a slight breath and stepped into it.

The same layout as the original book, the same stone room, after entering, Chiba didn't pay much attention, but looked up at the stone wall above the door frame.

As far as the eye can see, a piece of paper with "knot" written on it is stuck squarely, which is the support of this stone chamber enchantment.

In the past few years, Qianye has also dabbled in some enchantment techniques while thinking about sealing techniques and spell sealing techniques. Although enchantment techniques, sealing techniques, and spell sealing techniques are different, they are all based on the technique after all. If the sealing technique is to open up a sealed space and lock the sealed objects inside, then the enchantment technique is to isolate the existing space and repel the outside, pushing people and things away. Outwardly, in a sense, there is something in common.

It's just that Qianye's current attainments in sealing techniques, after being exposed to enchantment techniques, he can learn by analogy, and he quickly got started. If it weren't for the fact that there are not many enchantment techniques in Muye Village, I am afraid that he is now a master of enchantment techniques .

Of course, even if he is not a master, Qianye can still break some powerful enchantment techniques with confidence.

At this time, Qianye saw the way of the enchantment technique in the stone room at a glance, and unlocked this relatively powerful enchantment, or in other words, found the key to pass through the enchantment.

This should be Anbu's enchantment technique, relatively powerful.

Take into account the alarm and some defense.

It can be regarded as a powerful enchantment in Konoha Village.

This enchantment technique, compared to the seal technique and the spell seal technique, is somewhat rare, and it seems that there are not many in the entire ninja world.

Speaking of which, Namikaze Minato also has extremely high attainments in the field of enchantment.

In the original book, he transferred the time-space barrier of Nine-Tails' Tailed Beast Jade, which should be one of the most powerful barrier techniques in Muye Village.

And after looking at the enchantment possession, Qianye raised two fingers again, and the knot seal filled the gap that was opened in the enchantment just now to allow one person to enter, that is, the enchantment door that he opened Locked up, the enchantment of this stone room returned to its original state.

At the same time, a series of thoughts about enchantment could not help flashing through his mind.

Now, the defensive power here, not to mention the Anbu ninja, there are two barriers, the outer barrier, and the barrier of this stone room, all of which have the function of alarm, as long as someone passes through the barrier, they will be noticed.

And the only situation where people won't be discovered through the barrier is the person who is seen as his own and can open the barrier by himself.

However, Obito has the ability of time and space, and can move body parts or even the whole body into a different space that completely belongs to him, and the enchantment may not be able to stop him.

In other words, these two enchantments should be in name only.


At this time, the space...is really a headache!

Although Namikaze Minato and the others have been made aware of Obito's ability, they still have no way to make an effective defense. After all, there is no way to defend against time and space in this enchantment technique.

But following the thought of enchantment, Qianye felt that it was tricky.

It seemed that fighting was inevitable.

Soil invasion is also inevitable.

And my duty now...


Wait a minute, it doesn't seem right, has something changed!

But thinking of this, Qianye frowned, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, thinking of something.


Did I switch positions with Namikaze Minato?

I remember that in the original book, Namikaze Minato was with Kushina, and he was the one who stabilized the Jinchuriki seal, but he was finally destroyed by Obito, and Obito succeeded in saving Naruto.

And now, Namikaze Shuimen sent me here to stabilize the seal after production, could it be that he won't come by himself?



Even if I insert it into the night of the nine tails, according to logic, it is impossible for Minato Namakaze not to come, this is the birth of his beloved wife, and it is still destined to be dangerous. How could it be possible not to come?


It seems that there is no news that Namikaze Minato is coming.

Is this because I changed the course of the Turning Point of Fate, so that things are going in a non-original direction?

The uncertainty of fate, has it started to work?

Afterwards, Qianye's frown became tighter, and heavy and doubtful thoughts flashed across his mind one by one.

At the beginning, when he was on the mission of Kannabi Bridge, he did not remind Kakashi and the others, but chose to rescue them when the time came, just to avoid such a situation that did not follow the original plot. Certainty, there are still situations that are different from the original.

However, the changes that occurred this time were completely different from those of the Shenwubi Bridge mission.

The task of Shenwu Biqiao is only half an hour ahead of schedule, so what should be done, or what should be done.

However, this time, the characters who appeared on the stage changed, and it was the protagonist who changed.

Yes, the main character changes.

Throughout the night of Kyuubi, Namikaze Minato is undoubtedly the most critical figure. He saved the village, repelled Obito, and sealed Kyuubi. He is undoubtedly the most central figure in the night of Kyuubi.

However, such a critical task may not come here at this time.

This kind of change is not in the same concept as half an hour earlier!

This is an essential change in this period of history, or the turning point of the fate of Nine-Tails Night. Kannabi Bridge was moved half an hour earlier, but the flow of the story has not changed at all. What happened or what happened, in the end What is the result, or what.

However, the central character is gone, so the Night of the Nine-Tails has slipped into an unknown, that is to say, Chiba cannot imagine, or predict, what would happen to the Night of the Nine-Tails without Namikaze Minato.

This is also what Qianye is most afraid of, he can no longer use the perspective of God.

Knowing the direction of the plot, you can even infer the progress of the Nine-Tails Night through the situation at the time, and even without any information, you can infer the location of the key characters and the development trend of things. In a sense, it is a kind of God's perspective. Just like playing a strategy game without the fog of war, knowing where everyone is and what's going on in every place is equivalent to knowing everything.

And with this level of information, Qianye has considerable control and can make everything develop in the direction he wants.

Now, his actions undoubtedly broke the inherent plot. Nine-Tails Night has become an unknown. He is no longer from the perspective of God, but just like those characters and even soldiers in strategy games. Entering the fog of war, the direction of the entire Nine-Tails Night has become unknown.

The process of Obito's attack has become uncertain.

Maybe, he used Naruto as a threat before, but after the change, he might just take Kushina away after giving birth, without even threatening.

Now, perhaps this is the situation that Chiba is least willing to see.

He originally thought that providing information and inserting into the guards would not change the beginning of the story, at most it would change the process. He can take advantage of the opportunity, and as long as he has the opportunity, he can completely see through his tricks and survive the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

However, he didn't expect that even the core has changed. If the core has changed, then the opening has probably changed as well.

never mind!

Do your best!

The beginning changed, and things slipped into the unknown, that's okay!

Anyway, I don't plan to rely on knowing the plot of the original work, so that I can completely ignore the original work!

What should be done, still has to be done!

When I first provided the information, I was also prepared to change at the beginning!

However, after realizing this, Qianye did not panic after all, and it is impossible to panic. He thought too much, thought too much, and inferred too much for this day. Although this situation is not good, But it's not that he hasn't thought about it, and it's not that there are corresponding plans!

Although I don't want such an opening, it doesn't mean that such an opening is useless!

Thinking about it, Qianye didn't think too much, looked at everything in the stone room, and began to arrange it according to his own plan.

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