Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1768 Postpartum

"Mizumon-sensei, you also possess time-space ninjutsu. I believe that with your understanding of time-space, you should also know how difficult this member of Akatsuki who is about to invade is, so please, please don't take care of Kushina Teacher's body, even if something went wrong with Mr. Kushina at that time, if there is any condition in the body, bad condition, please stabilize the seal as soon as possible, so that Kyuubi will be completely honest! As long as the seal is stable again, in order to Teacher Kushina's strength, that Akatsuki's ninja, no matter how powerful they are, they can't make any waves!"


Looking at his wife Kushina who nodded lightly with a happy smile on her face, she took a slight breath while pressing the sealed Namikaze Minato, and what Chiba said to herself that day appeared in her mind. The words, and the serious and dignified expression that never appeared on the child's face.

"Kusina, thank you!"

Thinking of this, he unconsciously spit out such a deep and gentle sentence.


But after hearing this sentence, looking at her husband who had already looked away, his face slowly sank, and turned into a serious expression, Jiu Xinnai's eyebrows and eyes slowly bent down, and the happy smile on the corner of his mouth was even more serious. It seems happy.

I'm sorry, Kushina!

Although you have had a hard time just after giving birth, please be patient.

I have to make Kyuubi completely honest!

At this time, with the release of the chakra in his hand, it was transformed into a steady stream of sealing techniques, which were integrated into the Jinzhuli seal on Kushina's stomach, and such a slight flash of light flashed in Namikaze Minato's heart. Sorry but extremely firm thought.

Now, it is known that someone will come to attack, and he is the most difficult time and space ability ninja. Even if Chiba does not emphasize this repeatedly, he still knows the importance of the seal, and knows that the seal must be completely stabilized and restored immediately. .

And the enemy came for Nine Tails, as long as the seal is intact, with the strength of the Four Elephant Seal, I am afraid that not many people can unlock the complete Four Elephant seal, and there is no way to untie the seal, get Nine Tails, and the enemy will not stay behind. The reason for being in danger of being surrounded by them.

That is to say, as long as the seal is restored to integrity, then the enemy has no position to attack.

The attack was passed safely.

"Minato, wait a minute."

But at this moment, standing behind Namikaze Minato, the kind look on his face had completely disappeared, leaving only the dignified Sarutobi Lake Biwa who suddenly spoke and walked forward.

"What's the matter, Biwako-sama?"

Regarding this, Namikaze Minato and Kushina turned their heads almost at the same time, looked at Sarutobi Lake Biwa who came forward with Naruto in his arms, and both expressed doubts in their mouths.

"Let Naruto stay with mother?"

But meeting Kushina's gaze, the dignified look on Sarutobi Biwako's face disappeared in an instant, and he looked at the baby with fox-face pattern who was tired of crying in his hand, and there was an unconcealable kindness from the heart Emerged again.

Following the change in expression, Sarutobi Biwako also lowered his body and placed the baby in front of Kushina.

"Lake Biwa... my lord?"

Looking at the baby who was put down, Kushina's eyes flashed with uncontrollable love, and she looked at Sarutobi Lake Biwa, her face already full of puzzlement.

According to the procedure, it is time to send Naruto away and protect him. How can he keep Naruto by his side?

What's the matter?

At this time, Jiu Xinnai was also full of doubts.

She also knows the whole production process. At this time, Master Biwako should arrange Naruto instead of staying in the delivery room. After all, it is dangerous to hold the seal, not completely. Rest easy, if there is an emergency, then the little Naruto may be a burden, and it may even harm Naruto.

Master Lake Biwa...

Could it be that this was also arranged by Chiba?

At the same time, Namikaze Minato also set his eyes on Sarutobi Lake Biwa in surprise.

However, at this time, Sarutobi Lake Biwa had already turned around and walked back.

Next, it's up to you, Minato!

Instead of transferring Naruto out and letting Anbu strictly protect him and send him back to the village for resettlement, it would be safer to put Naruto next to his parents!

But at this time, Sarutobi Lake Biwa turned back, his face had already returned to the previous stern expression, but his eyes were full of determination.

This is her judgment on the current situation. Instead of sending the baby back to resettle, it is better to put it with the parents!


No, this is not Chiba's arrangement, but Master Biwako's decision!

And at this time, it seemed that he had noticed the look of Sarutobi Lake Biwa passing by, and Namikaze Minato suddenly understood in his heart.


is that so!

As expected of the wife of three generations of Hokage-sama, indeed, now, with Naruto by our side, it is safer!

After realizing it, Namikaze Minato also suddenly realized, and instantly guessed Sarutobi Lake Biwa's intention.

Fly Thor!

It's Flying Thor!

Master Biwako meant that when the situation was not right, I would immediately use Flying Thunder God to transfer Kushina and Naruto away together!

As long as both Kushina and Naruto are transferred away, the enemy will have no chance to take advantage of it!

And if Anbu is brought back to the village and placed under layers of protection, after all, it will take a certain distance, and the other party is a space-time ninja, so he has time to rob Naruto!


"Mizumon-sensei, please also remember to ensure Naruto's safety. After Kushina-sensei gave birth, not only the seal, but also herself is weak. At this time, Kushina-sensei has no fighting power. The object to be protected, and the object to be protected, is Naruto. Moreover, you are only one person, Minato-sensei, and you must be beyond reach when facing the same space-time ninja. Please be sure to confirm Naruto's safety as soon as possible! Moreover, considering all the circumstances, the chance that the enemy will threaten you with the newborn Naruto is almost inevitable, Naruto is also the top priority!"


At the same time, at the moment of sudden realization, Minato Namikaze's mind also remembered another repeated emphasis from Chiba.

Then, next, it should be the most perfect decision I can make!

But at this time, Sarutobi Biwako who turned back and walked back did not leave, but stood still at the original position, and the vigilant light in his eyes gradually became stronger.

Now Minato has to concentrate on repairing the seal. It is my task to be vigilant.

"Can't relax anymore."

At the same time, after this series of thoughts flashed through his mind, Sarutobi Biwako said something in a low voice.


Hearing this sound, the female medical staff who assisted in the delivery at the side nodded heavily, and as they spoke, they turned around and walked to the other side of the delivery bed, guarding behind Lake Biwa. This stone room is only this big , and apart from the delivery bed and a few lampposts, there is only an open space. This female medical staff's action has eliminated all blind spots of vision.

The two looked behind each other, and had a clear view of the entire stone chamber!

Now with those targeted arrangements outside, although it may not be able to block this space-time ninja that even Qianye is very afraid of, it should be impossible for him to invade silently, besides, there is Qianye guarding outside.

Even if the line of defense is breached, there will be movement.

And as long as there is movement, then you can make preparations in advance. Considering the characteristics of time and space ninjutsu, what you need to do now is to find out the location of this time and space ninja as soon as possible!

Give Watergate time to react!

Following the actions of the female medical staff, such a thought also flashed in Sarutobi Biwako's mind.

"Yes, I understand."

And at this time, seeing all this, Minato Namikaze, who fully understood, nodded heavily, and said to her.

In this way, it should be safe!

At the same time, Namikaze Minato breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he turned around and focused all his attention on the seal.


However, at this moment, at this moment of relief, in an instant, Namikaze Minato's expression changed drastically, and he suddenly turned around!

"It seems that my actions have been seen through..."

Just at this moment, a strange voice with a little laughter suddenly sounded.

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