Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1770 Ineffective

Shadow... Shadow clone?

Panting slightly, Jiu Xinna let go of his hands bit by bit, opened his eyes hard, looked at the wall on his right side, in his eyes, there was a cloud of fire and smoke mixed with white mist, slowly Slowly dissipated.

But the figure of the masked man standing over there just now has disappeared.

Obviously, it is a shadow clone.

Damn it!

Sarutobi Lake Biwa, you underestimated her!

Under such sudden and nervous conditions, I was able to silently set the detonating talisman on my shadow clone, and at that moment, I chose the detonating talisman with the appropriate power.

Not too big, not too small, just enough to severely damage my shadow clone, and not affect Kyuubi's Jinchuriki...

At the same time, under the mask of the masked man who touched Jiuxinna's shoulder but was trapped by the seal, his face was already slightly stiff.

He didn't notice what Sarutobi Biwako did just now!


And at this moment, the flames and smoke were mixed with the white mist at the stall, and on the other side of the flames and smoke, there was a sound of a heavy object hitting the ground.

The female medical staff who was originally a vigilant sight on the opposite side of Sarutobi Lake Biwa suddenly fell to the ground, and there was no trace of life in her dull eyes. As she fell to the ground, thick blood slowly flowed out from her nose , dripped to the ground, and gradually spread.


But at this moment, the masked man's only exposed right eye, shining bright red light, stared suddenly, startled, and screamed in his heart.

"It's over here..."

At this very moment, the cold voice of Namikaze Minato came from behind him. But at this moment, around his neck, there was already a three-pronged kunai with flickering cold light, and a wisp of smoke was slowly floating up from the hand holding the kunai.

Then, with the smoke rising, without the slightest hesitation or pity, with this sound, Kunai scratched the masked man's neck!

Tian Lu...

And following the movements of his hands, Minakame Minato, who was standing behind the masked man, glanced at the female medical staff lying limp on the ground, and a flash of guilt flashed in his eyes.


"Mr. Minato, no matter what happens, no matter what the situation is, if you find the time to kill the space ninja at that time, please don't have any hesitation. If you can kill it, you must kill it. Otherwise, Mr. Kushina and Naruto will both It's dangerous! Even if Naruto is in his hands, you can't be soft! If you are soft, none of us may be able to save him!"

At this moment, in Namikaze Minato's mind, there were Chiba's cautious and cautious, tense and nervous, repeated words.


"Minato, be careful!"

But at this time, Jiuxinna, who was still weak and unable to move, let out a nervous low drink, and in her slightly widened eyes flashing with horror, was the hand that seemed to melt into her shoulders. !

The tadpole text is gone!

The sealing spell and sealing technique has failed!

"So far? It's too early to say this! Fourth Hokage."

At this moment, almost at the moment when Kushina opened his mouth to exclaim, the masked man's voice came again.

I saw the masked man twisting his body and shaking his hands. The hand that had touched Jiuxinna's shoulder was completely submerged in the delivery bed at this time, and the half forearm on the right had already stretched out from the delivery bed, and his The left hand was raised with the back, a kunai flickering with cold light, from bottom to top, was about to stab Namikaze Minato's neck.

But at this time, Namikaze Minato was slightly sideways, his right hand was drawn out, and in his hand was the three-pronged kunai that was shining with cold light, but it was the moment when the movement of wiping his neck was exhausted!

It is also the time when the old power is exhausted, new power is hard to emerge, and there is no way to hide!

Don't hide!

However, at this moment, such a judgment flashed through Namikaze Minato's mind, whose gaze was slightly deflected.

don't hide!


But at this moment, he seemed to notice the determination and gaze in Namikaze Minato's eyes, but the corner of the masked man's mouth twitched slightly, and his face immediately became stiff again.

At the same time, the masked man's eyes fell on his right hand, the forearm and the lower half of the upper arm have already protruded from the right hand of the delivery bed!

Time and space ability!

Known by him!

And at this moment, such a thought suddenly flashed in the masked man's mind.

Then, in the next second, Kunai penetrated directly from Namikaze Minato's chin, and went straight out from the top of Namikaze Minato's head.

It's now!

At this moment, the sharpness in Namikaze Minato's eyes flashed, and his figure suddenly flashed and disappeared in place.

But at the moment before Namikaze Minato disappeared, in his eyes was the intact right arm that seemed to be pulled out from the delivery bed.

The right arm of the masked man!


Also at this moment, in the masked man's naked right eye, Gou Yu suddenly turned around, twisted suddenly, Kunai pierced from the top of Namikaze Minato's head, flashed a half-spinning cold light in the air, and slammed towards the The three-pronged suffering that started to fall freely slashed obliquely from top to bottom.


Almost at the same moment, this kunai flashed a half-spinning cold light, and suddenly cut out, a hand suddenly flashed out from the other side of the three-pronged kunai, and grabbed the three-pronged kunai, and in an instant, The bitter cold light came out suddenly like an arc, but it suddenly slashed out from the bottom up.


And in the next second, with the sound of gold and iron clashing, the two Kuwu crashed into each other heavily, and sparks flew everywhere.


The ability was completely targeted!

Feeling that the strength of the blow from Kunai in his hand was not inferior to his own, the face of the masked man changed slightly, and he cursed secretly in his heart.

At this moment, in his bright red writing wheel eyes, it is the left hand of Namikaze Minato who suddenly stretched out under the fighting Kunai.

In the next second, Namikaze Minato's hand will touch him!

And when he met himself, it was obvious that he would face Fei Leishen of Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato, this is to transfer him out of here!


And at this moment, the corners of Namikaze Minato's eyes slightly twitched as he stepped out of the probe, and his eyes suddenly turned to the fighting Kunai.

At this moment, his right hand was suddenly empty, and the three-pronged kunai that he held diagonally upward seemed to cut off the kunai in the masked man's hand, and swept upwards obliquely, penetrating the masked man Kunai in hand.

And the next moment, his left hand also passed through the masked man's right hand. And under this sudden lack of force, Namikaze Minato's figure also suddenly leaned forward under the force of the slash and the probing hand.

At the same time, the masked man who was also leaning forward due to the force of Ku Wu obliquely slashed his whole body and rushed forward.

Then, the two passed through each other's bodies and crossed each other.


However, at this passing moment, the masked man stepped on the ground and twisted his body, spun suddenly, and with a flick of his right hand, Kunai suddenly came out, and with a "swoosh", he rushed straight at the back of Namikaze Minato's head, rushing forward. out.

At the same time, after throwing out Kunai, the masked man stepped hard on his feet and grabbed it away with his hands.

In an instant, Kunai and Shou were within a short distance from Namikaze Minato who stopped in his tracks!

In the next second, you can hit and touch Minato Namikaze!


However, at this moment, Namikaze Minato's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Nine Tails Jinchuriki!

Suddenly, the masked man gritted his teeth, and with a sound of "Qi!", Sharingan suddenly turned to the delivery bed.

And Namikaze Minato was already on the side of the delivery bed, and his hand had already touched Kushina on the delivery bed!

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