Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1809 Refreshing!

damn it!

It turned out to be so difficult!

Moreover, in that short period of time, he even carried the medicine to quickly recover Chakra. Just now, it was clear that there was only less than 10% of the normal amount of Chakra, but now it has exceeded 20%. Even, just a detonating talisman At that time, the amount of chakra had reached 21.2%.

This recovery speed, if it continues like this, won't it be endless?

Even, comeback?

Gently raised his right hand that was pressing on the water, reflected in his eyes the three waves of white foam spreading out, the face of the masked man under the mask had completely cooled down, and even the writing of the three hook jade The round eyes are all congealed.

And his gaze seemed to have crossed the flowery waterfall in front of him, turned into a water column hit by the torrential rain, and landed on the one who was like himself in the distance in front of him, gently lifting and pressing on the water surface. The right hand is above the figure of the half-squatting and silent boy.

At the same time, with the divergence of his gaze, the three congealed jades in his eyes slowly rotated and deformed at this time, faintly merging into one.

He was really impatient.

Although procrastination is his goal, in the current situation, it doesn't matter what kind of waves the opponent makes, as long as the other person is locked here, it will be fine, but this time, this time, seeing that the opponent is broken For some reason, the masked man suddenly felt irritable in his heart.

Just looking at Taki Chiba, he couldn't stop his heart from churning with nameless anger.

Even, there is an urge to kill Taki Chiba in front of him without thinking about anything.


not the right time yet!

No, it's not that it's too late, but, this Taki Chiba is special after all, he's different from everyone else I've met.

At this time, don't be impulsive!

Never be impulsive!

What should go on, must go on!

But at this moment, when the murderous intent in his heart became so strong that he wanted to kill this unsightly Takichi immediately regardless of everything, the three gouyu that were about to merge into one were unscrewed in an instant, like a basin of cold water in front of him. When he poured it down, his heart suddenly woke up, and the pervasive killing intent subsided in an instant, and that unusually calm mood also slowly suppressed the irritability that was entrenched in his heart.

Just now, I was... what's wrong?

But after suppressing the irritability entrenched in his heart, a strange look appeared in the eyes of the third masked boy Gouyu's Shulun.

Why... am I so angry?

Although this Taki Chiba is special, for me now, is it worth wanting to kill directly?


Have this qualification?

Then, when this strange look appeared, a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

Heh... heh heh...

Then, after this thought flashed by, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A touch, self-deprecating and cold smile.

I am also really, a mere Taki Chiba, and I almost lost my sense of proportion.

But because of the limited nature of the plan, he had a huge advantage from the very beginning, otherwise, it would have taken so much effort.

Sure enough, the smooth days have passed for a long time, and I myself have become a little slack.

So, let's get on with it.

Along with silently laughing at himself, a series of thoughts flashed through the masked man's mind.

Then, after this series of thoughts, he took a slight breath, as if he had completely calmed down the restlessness in his heart, and slowly stood up.


At the same time, the water curtain scattered by the waterfall in front finally spilled out. After the last part of the water curtain burst like water, the water waves spreading to the surroundings immediately rose a little bit. There were still a few calm lakes. , has been completely stirred up by the waves of the waves, and amidst the sound of popping, the waves slapped heavily on the wall of the pit with the inertia of the last petal of the water curtain falling.

And as the waves rose, the figure of the man in the mask who stood up also began to rise and fall with the waves.

At the same time, the huge water column in front of him finally fell down, and the vision of Sharingan finally widened, slowly reflecting the figure that was also standing up slowly far in front of him.

This time, let you completely give up!

Seeing this young man's figure, the face of the masked man, who was originally relaxed, immediately turned into ice, and a gleam of anger flashed away in his eyes.


However, before he could make any movement or attack, the sudden movement of the young figure over there and a crisp sound made him stunned on the spot.

At this time, no, it should be said that just a moment ago, the young man in front of him who made him start to be irritated actually slapped his face fiercely with both hands.

This crisp sound that spread almost far away was produced by him slapping his cheek extremely hard.

Hit yourself... hit yourself?

This is……

What are you doing?

And at this moment, the masked man who was stunned on the spot opened his eyes slightly, looking at the figure of the young man who was slowly slapping his cheek, with a dazed expression on his face.

I don't get it at all, why would the other party do this?

Moreover, at this time, doing such a thing always made him feel stupid.

Yeyuebi...Three Generations of Raikage...Penn...

Which battle is not a fight for life?

Which battle is not on the verge of extinction?

Isn't that opponent a tough one?

What is in front of me now is just a piece of soil!

Is there any need to be in such a hurry?

Now that Kushina and Namikaze Minato have moved to a safe place, even if Obito has any sure-fire plan, it will be after holding me down!

In other words, I was the one he was most worried about!

If I'm dealt with, Obito will really be sure!

Since he deliberately does not use the time and space ability, and deliberately uses this to constrain me, then let you never use it!

At this time, Chiba, who slowly put down the hand that left two unusually clear red handprints on his face, took a deep breath, his eyes became more determined, and even ignited a raging fighting spirit.

If you can't relieve anxiety, then you won't relieve it!

If you can't solve Obito's time and space ability, then don't solve it!

Now, how can you back down!

Kushina and Namikaze Minato are only one step away from changing their fates, how can they hesitate?

Isn't it just desperate?

Then, let's fight!


And thinking of this, Qianye, who no longer hesitated or was in a hurry, clasped his hands together suddenly.

Immediately, as if time stopped for an instant, Qianye's figure, which was ups and downs with the waves, suddenly stopped and condensed on the water waves.


Then, in the next second, time seemed to speed up hundreds of times, and with a bang, the figure that stopped straight suddenly rose to a height of several meters!


And at this moment, the face of the masked man who was far away from him suddenly changed his dazed expression. With a bang, he subconsciously took a step back with his right foot, his eyes suddenly raised, and his body froze in the splash of water under his feet.

The huge waves with a height of several meters, like a ferocious beast with its mouth open, already filled his eyes!

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