Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1824 The One Who Knows Everything

"The one who knows... everything?"

The extremely plain words that seemed to be talking to each other seemed like a thunderclap, every word exploded in his ears, and with a buzzing sound, Qianye's head went blank.

In the suddenly opened eyes, the expression was indifferent, almost indifferent. On the face similar to Hirohiko, there was no half hesitation, no half temptation, there was only a faint but firm affirmation, almost subconsciously , Qianye blurted out a sentence in surprise and suspicion.

Does this... such a thing... exist?

Unexpectedly... will be...

But at this moment, in his blank mind, there was only such an unbelievable thought.

Although he has faintly noticed something, and understands that this Uchiha Nobuhiko already knows a lot, and even knows enough information, he can deduce something that he never wants anyone to know, but he really heard this about him. For a while, or subconsciously, Qianye still didn't know how to respond to Dongxi's words.

After all, there is no similar plot in any of the time travel novels he has read for the person who has traveled through the world to see that he knows the plot.

The man who knows everything is undoubtedly saying that he knows the plot.

At this moment, except for this surprised and doubtful rhetorical question, he couldn't find any language or words, and he didn't know how to respond.


He doesn't know... this one who knows everything?

But at this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha, who was looking at Chiba, was slightly taken aback when he heard this sentence, and a trace of hesitation flashed across his face involuntarily. He could see that Taki Chiba's words of surprise were definitely not fake, and this At that time, Taki Chiba looked astonished and dazed, as if she didn't know anything about "knowing everything".

Is it possible that my deduction is wrong, the person who knows everything, there is another person, this Taki Chiba seems to know everything, but actually doesn't know?

Rather, being used by someone who really knows everything?

If this is really the case, then who is the one who really knows everything?



I have investigated all the people who came into contact with this Taki Chiba. During this period of time, I have finally figured out the living habits of this Taki Chiba. He is definitely a person who can be called a loner, the person who has the most contact , namely Kushina Uzumaki, Yukina Hyuga and my stupid brother.

Or Kakashi and his like, these people, my stupid younger brother is absolutely impossible to be the one who knows everything, and the others have also been investigated clearly, and there is nothing unusual.

Only this Taki Chiba, only this Taki Chiba is special enough. The current situation also points this person who knows everything to this Taki Chiba.

There is nothing wrong with my deduction!

However, to be on the safe side, it's better to confirm again.

After noticing the unexpected expression on Chiba's face, Nobuhiko Uchiha's face remained unchanged, but a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Sure enough, you are the one who knows everything in the prophecy."

At the same time, after this series of thoughts flashed through his mind, Nobuhiko Uchiha seemed to be convinced at last, his face relaxed, and the smile appeared again at the corner of his mouth.


But when he heard this sentence, Qianye, whose mind was blank, shivered, and blurted out a sentence of doubt in his mouth.

Just now, was he testing me?

Originally, he wasn't sure either?

At this time, with a shudder in his heart, such a vigilant thought flashed through his mind.


The problem is not this now!

Rather, since Nobuhiko Uchiha in front of him already knows that I "know everything", what will he do next!

And, after he finds out, what kind of impact will it have on Nine-Tails Night!

What can I use this for?

Now that it has been known, it doesn't matter even if it was detected by him, the key is what can be done after knowing!

What can you do with this!

Now the turning point of Night of the Nine Tails has been completely changed by me. It is not absolutely impossible for this kind of passage that has never appeared in the time-traveling novels to have such a character who sees through everything!

After all, fiction is fiction and here is reality!

Fiction is just written by one person, but reality is written by everything in the whole world together!

It's time to calm down!

But thinking of this, Qianye suddenly woke up like ice water pouring on the ground!

After all, for the Nine-Tails Night, he has already made a lot of psychological preparations, and he has thought of everything he can think of. Although he didn't think that he would be seen through by others, and he would be seen to know everything, but those who had been before The mental preparations he made for various emergencies still calmed him down.

And the mental preparation of "no matter what happens, we must make the best use of the situation and stay calm" is considered to have made the first effort at this time.

Moreover, Chiba was at a disadvantage at this time. If he had been calm enough to notice that Nobuhiko Uchiha was probing, he might be able to cover up this matter.

"It seems that the Fourth Hokage, who looks gentle and sincere, is not honest with you, a person who values ​​abnormalities."

At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha, who looked at Chiba, smiled even more at the corner of his mouth, and said.

Between the words, in addition to the arrogance, there is also a bit of teasing.

"I've never heard of any prophecies! What does this have to do with Minato-sensei?"

As for Uchiha Nobuhiko's words, Chiba, who had already calmed down, frowned slightly, and opened the mouth to speak.


What prophecy?

There are only a few prophecies in the original book, one is that the son of prophecy will save the world; Gaining the power of the nine-tailed beasts, the final battle is the prophecy of Nazuo.

Among them, none of them are related to the person who knows everything.

During the speech, although Qianye's face was calm and slightly displeased, but in his heart, he was full of doubts.

"Minato... teacher?"

But when he heard Chiba's words, Nobuhiko Uchiha seemed to be slightly taken aback, and then the smile on the corner of his mouth became a bit mocking, and he said, "It's kind of you to scream."

"What do you want to say?"

In this regard, Qianye's eyes turned slightly cold, and he said.

This Uchiha Nobuhiko, do you have any opinions on Namikaze Minato?

Or, deliberately have an opinion?

But at this time, such a slightly vigilant thought flashed through his mind.

"I want to say it's very simple, don't you wonder how I know the existence of the one who knows everything?"

Hearing Chiba's apparently cold words, Nobuhiko Uchiha put away the mocking corners of his mouth, looked a little serious, and asked.

"Do I need to know?"

In this regard, Qianye did not show much interest, but said lightly.

Is that prophecy?

What does that prophecy tell me?

The one who knows everything?

But in his heart, he was not as calm as the surface, thinking like this.

"I think, this prophecy, the entire ninja world needs to know."

In response to Chiba's indifferent words, Uchiha Nobuhiko's expression remained unchanged, and he said.

No denials!

It is basically certain that this Taki Chiba is the one who knows everything!

At this time, Uchiha Nobuhiko finally felt relieved.


As for Uchiha Nobuhiko's words, Chiba just pursed her lips and didn't intend to say anything more.

The whole ninja world needs to know?

Is this prophecy really so important, or rather, serious?

At the same time, in his heart, there was uncertainty.

"Of course, because the person who knows everything that shouldn't exist will change the established destiny, and the world will be destroyed as a result!"

Regarding Chiba's silence, Uchiha Nobuhiko seemed to see through his mind, and said straightforwardly.

"The world... is destroyed?"

But upon hearing this sound, Qianye stared blankly, but could no longer keep silent, and blurted out an unbelievable sentence in her mouth immediately.

The person who knows everything that shouldn't exist will change the established destiny, and the world will be destroyed because of this?

yes... say i will...

Destroy the world?

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