Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1829 Ominous

damn it!

I should have thought of it!

I should have thought of it!

The wind whizzed by his ears and swept back, and with a "poof", Chiba, who was chewing a mouthful of special military ration pills, plunged into another denser mountain forest. As long as he crossed this mountain forest, he would reach Konoha's within the territory, and then, in about five minutes, he could enter the village.

At this time, in his mind, scenes of fighting with Uchiha Nobuhiko, who he considered "Obito", kept flashing in his mind.

I should have noticed that mask!

The mask is the most obvious "ignored place"!

And a series of images flashed by, and Chiba's teeth clenched even tighter. Although in the memories that flowed back from the water body, the water body had already skipped the remorse and turned the regret into determination, but at that time, after all, it was a strong enemy. Before, now after breaking away from the powerful enemy, this feeling of regret still surged up uncontrollably.

With the surge of remorse, the picture in Qianye's mind was frozen frame by frame, and what he hadn't thought of, and what seemed to be neglected, was already clearly revealed.

It is not something that can be disguised like "I have never used time-spatialization", and it is not something that can be explained like "Sparrow Flash", but a mask that is clearly in front of my eyes!

If he had paid more attention, paid more attention, and thought about some details of the original work, then this would not be the case now!

Nobuhiko Uchiha used an orange spiral pattern mask, but in the original book, the mask with soil belt is a mask with similar facial patterns to Anbe. Although it is also a one-eyed mask, it is different in color and style!

The orange spiral pattern mask worn by Uchiha Nobuhiko is more like what Obito will wear in the future, or in other words, the mask that A Fei wore when he appeared on the stage, although there are some subtle differences, they can still be clearly distinguished. of!

It was he who took it for granted and directly substituted Nobuhiko Uchiha into Obito!

He should have found out!

The current situation should have been avoided!

If he could have found out at that time, then he would not have sealed the Flying Thunder God Kunai, nor would he have made the decision to stay alone and hold Nobuhiko Uchiha back.

It is precisely because he thought that Uchiha Nobuhiko was Obito, so he wanted to stay there, thinking about Obito in the end, so that once and for all, Namikaze Minato over there can completely deal with Kushina's weak seal, and it is also the safest. The method with the highest success rate.

Moreover, in the face of Obito, although he has no means to effectively restrain time and space, he still has the means to create decisive points such as unicorns and spiritualization techniques, even if he cannot defeat Obito or completely kill Obito. Obito, but it is still possible to repel Obito, or retreat from Obito's hands.

But now, the Obito he thinks is Nobuhiko Uchiha, Nobuhiko Uchiha who has the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, those are two completely different things.

If it was Nobuhiko Uchiha, he would definitely choose to be powerful with Namikaze Minato, guarding Tokikushina's side and increasing Kushina's defensive strength.

This Nobuhiko Uchiha has two concepts with Obito, a complete eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, and only an ordinary kaleidoscope Sharingan, those are completely two concepts!

What is the concept of a pair of eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan? The pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope can completely control Nine-Tails, at least it is also a tail beast-level combat power. Not to mention other things, this Uchiha Nobuhiko only has this pair of eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan. , and still opened Susanoo's Kaleidoscope Sharingan, which is already enough to be a tailed beast-level combat power, even if it is not as good as Uchiha Madara in its heyday, it will never be much worse.

Chiba is very clear about what it means to open Susanoo's Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, this is definitely not a battle of magnitude.

Uchiha Nobuhiko, can be said to be invincible to him, if he stays, he is courting death!

What's more, this Nobuhiko Uchiha not only has a pair of eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, but also this even more terrifying and difficult thing.



Wait a moment!

And under a series of remorse, Qianye's figure has already turned into an afterimage, but there is a flash of light in his mind, as if thinking of something, the face that was tense because of remorse immediately changed drastically!

Now, "Obito" is Nobuhiko Uchiha, and Nobuhiko Uchiha is "Obito", so what about Obito?

Where is the real Obito!

At this time, such a thought suddenly occurred to him that made him difficult to calm down.

At the same time, a picture flashed in his mind, outside the birthing cave, the elite guards among the dead Anbu elites.

The configuration of those guards, if Obito is alone, it is absolutely impossible to solve it silently.

But if it is with a Uchiha Nobuhiko who has an eternal kaleidoscope and seems to be good at illusion, then it is completely possible!

And if there is only Nobuhiko Uchiha alone, it is impossible to be silent!

In other words, now, there is another Obito!

There is another Obito, in the dark!

Suddenly, Qianye had an extremely bad idea, and even felt that it was too late for him to rush back now.

When you play with fate, fate will also play with you!

At this moment, Qianye's heart, for some reason, suddenly flashed such a sentence.

In an instant, Qianye's face turned pale.


And at this moment, a strong wind suddenly picked up, as if something huge was passing through the air, the dense tree crowns above Qianye's head suddenly separated from the two sides, extending to a very far place in front of Qianye.


The gust of wind rushed in, and the leaves flew across. Almost subconsciously, Qianye, who was speeding forward, suddenly stopped, broke a branch with a click, and fell with a crash until it hit the ground. Only then did he barely stop his figure.


But after landing in half-squat, Qianye was covered in cold sweat, and his face was strangely pale. Even his figure was trembling uncontrollably, and his whole body seemed to be trapped by a weight that he couldn't break free from. Things are pressed together, showing an unnatural stiffness.

Good... so strong...!

Really, is it a trick of fate?

But in the next second, with a thud, Qianye, who raised his head slightly, couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

At this moment, he suddenly had an illusion that behind him, there was already darkness, and in this darkness, a pair of huge scarlet eyes with the pattern of an eternal kaleidoscope were quietly watching him, which belonged to the eternal kaleidoscope. His pupil strength was already overwhelming him.

Even if you move, you can't move!

PS: Thank you to all the book friends who gave rewards today! grateful!

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