Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1832 This is the end



In the end, is fate unchangeable?

After a series of thoughts and talking to himself, he calmed down the many emotions in his heart caused by these thoughts, and looked at the hand that he had forgotten belonged to before time travel without a trace of callus, and it could be said to be almost white, Qianye pursed her lips, But it suddenly quieted down.

Although, things have come to this point, it is useless to think too much.

However, compared to getting together with Kushina and the others in the Paradise of Elysium, it is better to live happily together in that Naruto World after all.

He even thought about making up for all the regrets in the original work. After all, from the taste of reading books, he also prefers happy endings.

After all, am I still thinking too simple?

After all, this is not a time-traveling novel. According to the readers' preferences, or the author's own preferences, everything can be changed.


I think it is too simple, if the fate is so easy to change, the established history, the plot that so many people like in the original book can be changed so easily, then those who seek light in this world full of darkness are too cheap up!

Not only did I think of things too simply, but I also underestimated the world too much.

If it is really that easy to change, just because I know the plot, just because I can mobilize the whole Konoha, and use the power of the whole Konoha to turn the gear of fate, I can change it.

Then, this world is too fragile.

Konoha's power is indeed second to none in the entire ninja world, but to the world, Konoha is just a component.

Moreover, this component has always been driven by fate.

From the beginning, I was wrong.

Simply thinking that changing any turning point of fate can change fate!

Thinking of this, a wry smile slowly appeared on the corner of Qianye's mouth. However, after all, there was no overreaction, nor was there any surprise just now. Knowing that he was bound to die, there were many things that Qianye could see after all. It's gone.

Now, the situation has reached the worst part, no, it has reached an irreversible situation, at least for him, it is over.

Some obsessed things in life are easier to see through after knowing that there is no hope.


What did I do in this second life!

Then, after a series of thoughts, Qianye's mouth was bitter, but there was a trace of self-mockery.

At this moment, following his thoughts, the scenes since the time travel kept appearing in his mind.

And after this revolving door scene flashed by, he looked at everything after the time travel, and suddenly found that his second life, apart from training, was basically training, or going into battle to kill enemies and encounter danger repeatedly.

Even Kushina and the others gave him a lot of warmth, and they seemed to be people who took up a lot of time. In fact, in his second life, Kushina, Hirohiko, Yukina, Namikaze Minato, Kakashi, Lin... These people who gave him warmth didn't actually take up much of his short twelve-year life.

Even if Hirohiko and Xue Nai live together, in fact, they eat dinner together every day, and sometimes they don't eat together. Compared with the time of a day, the ratio of time spent together is too low.

At this moment, Qianye also regretted a little. At the beginning, he should have been with them more, otherwise, it would not be like this. Even if he recalled it, he couldn't find much to recall.

However, this life is not a waste of time, a waste of a second life.

Although the ending is still a failure, I am still a loser, but at least, this time, I died on the road of resistance, not in the humbleness of obedience and fear.

Even if the ending is not good, it can be regarded as a clear conscience!

Then, after this self-deprecating smile floated up, as the thoughts in his heart changed, Qianye's face began to calm down slowly. This revolving memory gave him not only regret and regret, but also He is a consolation.


Yukina, Hirohiko, I'll go first.


Kushina, Namikaze Minato, next, I can't help you anymore, Uchiha Nobuhiko, plus Obito, I really... can't do anything!


I'm sorry everyone, Kanno, Aso, Kusuki, Captain Morino, Shiga, Kento, Rin...

Also, Kakashi!

Sorry guys!

I have no choice but to wait quietly for death.

And then, after being comforted, Qianye's heart welled up with apologies and a deep sense of powerlessness in the current situation.

At this moment, even though he had truly resigned himself to his fate, he still couldn't help but think of any way to solve the current situation when he thought of these deceased and living partners, but in the end, he couldn't think of any way. Only this is left with some unwilling apologies.

If, if possible, he still wants to make up for all the regrets after all, even in the thought-through calm of dying, every time he thinks of these things, he will be warmed up, and he will be able to hold his chest up in this dark world For the family and partners who are going forward, he still can't help but want to use up the last bit of strength.

However, the reality is cruel, the drama that belongs to him has come to an end, no matter how unwilling or unbearable, it is already over.

At this moment, he had exhausted his last ounce of strength!


This time it's really over!

It's really over!

Thinking of this, Qianye slowly closed his eyes, and subconsciously took a deep breath. Although it was impossible for him to breathe in his current state, after making this movement, he still had a kind of The feeling of air filling the lungs.

Afterwards, as this "breath" filled his lungs, in his mind, scenes from the past and the present emerged together, passing quickly through his mind like a revolving lantern.

At the same time, a kind of tiredness slowly spread in his consciousness, becoming more and more intense.

At this time, Qianye also seemed to realize something, and a calm smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, the tiredness suddenly intensified, and Qianye let out a long "huh".

After so long, it seems that he should really rest.

Completely, rest!

Along with the tiredness, his thinking slowly dispersed, and Qianye's consciousness also slowly began to fall asleep.

This time, it really won't wake up again!

"Tick tock!"

Then, at this moment, a crisp sound of water droplets suddenly sounded.


Immediately, the consciousness of Chiba, who was extremely tired and was about to fall asleep, suddenly woke up as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head.

Suddenly, Chiba opened his eyes!

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