Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1834 What is it?

"Do you think I said this to mock you?"

Looking at Chiba who was facing him with undisguised guard, Uchiha Nobuhiko only smiled faintly and said.

Although it was a rhetorical question, between the words, Uchiha Nobuhiko's words sounded quite sincere.


Regarding this, Qianye just smiled, and said lightly, but in the words, she didn't believe it at all.

A person like Uchiha Nobuhiko, who is indifferent to emotions and anger, can completely have one face and one inside, and even the condescending and complacent that Uchiha Nobuhiko pretended just now is nothing more than giving the enemy a kind of easy to underestimate the enemy. The dignified appearance made the enemy more or less relaxed, and it was just an act of showing flaws.

Moreover, although it was said just now that he was misled and was misled by himself, it is true that Nobuhiko Uchiha played Obito without too many flaws. In the end, it was discovered that the enemy in front of him was not Obito, but someone else.

Now this sudden and sincere change, in Chiba's ears, is just the beginning of another purpose, or, in other words, it is a kind of arrogance towards the mortal.

It is because his own life is in his hands, and he will surely die, that's why Nobuhiko Uchiha is so sincere and polite.

In the final analysis, this is a kind of arrogance, and a very bad kind of arrogance.

Basically, it is a kind of arrogance that puts one's personality above that of another person. At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha is sincere and polite to Chiba, but he is more noble by raising Chiba.

This is already an almost condescending pity.

However, although he feels very uncomfortable now, Qianye has nothing to do. Now he is a spiritual body. Although the spirit transformation technique is a spiritual forbidden technique, the time for Qianye to master the spirit transformation technique is not long after all. Long, he can only break away from the body and invade the enemy's body, but he has no idea how to use the spirit body to fight in his own body.

Now he has no attack power after all.

Although the opponent is also an incarnation of pupil power similar to a spiritual body, but the opponent has an eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, and it is commonplace to use pupil power, or spiritual power to fight. In comparison, he is still at an absolute disadvantage.

"Since we have reached the current situation, let's take off the mask. You have your eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, which can see everything about me, and I also have my way to see everything about you."

Then, after a faint sound, seeing Nobuhiko Uchiha shrugged helplessly as if he wanted to say something else, Chiba interrupted him without hesitation, and said: "Let's be honest, this light ball ,what exactly is it?"

Saying that, Chiba specially emphasized the question just now.

At this time, even though he was at an absolute disadvantage, Chiba also knew that he was not completely helpless, and even, it was very possible that Nobuhiko Uchiha's attitude was so polite, probably because of this support.

In Chiba's view, the current Nobuhiko Uchiha, out of emotion and reason, should kill himself. After all, the cooperation between Nobuhiko Uchiha and Obito must be for the sake of Kyuubi, whether it is to control Kyuubi, let Kyuubi Tail became his own psychic beast, further improving his strength, or using Kyuubi to do something, now that he has defeated himself, then for the sake of Kyuubi, this Uchiha Nobuhiko should kill himself immediately.

But now, he specially used the pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope to come to his sealed space. Obviously, this sealed space has what he wants.

Even, judging from his confirmation that he is the one who knows everything just now, it is very possible that what is on him, that is, behind the sealed door behind him, is what he wants.

The importance of this thing is even more important than a nine tails.

It is very possible that the reason why Uchiha Nobuhiko and Obito will cooperate is because of their own existence. Uchiha Nobuhiko not only wants to get Kyuubi, but also wants to get what is in his head.

And now, if he dies, the sealed space will disappear with him, and what he wants will never be obtained.

That's why Uchiha Nobuhiko kept himself alive and entered this sealed space.

In other words, the reason why Nobuhiko Uchiha's attitude softened, and the reason why he is still alive, should be that he can't die yet.

And this is also his reliance, his bargaining chip.

Moreover, the bronze door behind him has not been opened yet, and what Uchiha Nobuhiko wants should not be obtained yet.

Considering the complexity of the huge sealing technique on the door, Chiba believes that no matter how strong this Uchiha Nobuhiko is, if he wants to untie or forcibly destroy it, he can do it in a short time.

Even, Chiba is very confident that this huge sealing technique cannot be solved by Uchiha Nobuhiko at all.

And he may be the key to unlocking the seal. Everything Nobuhiko Uchiha does now may be to use him to unlock the sealing technique.

After all, Chiba, who has learned a lot of sealing techniques and even the combination of sealing techniques and spell sealing techniques from this sealing technique, knows how powerful this sealing technique is.

You must know that the spell sealing technique is born out of a small part of this sealing technique, but only the spell sealing technique can confine the chakra of the human body for three seconds, and it is absolute, so the sealing technique How powerful the complete power is is almost unimaginable.

Chiba doesn't think that an eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan can break this sealing technique.

And it is precisely because Uchiha Nobuhiko can't crack it, and because he may be the key to unlocking this sealing technique, plus some "arrogance" that is difficult to get rid of, so Uchiha Nobuhiko behaves so "kindly".


At this time, after hearing Chiba's words, as well as the obvious guard and a little hostility in the words, Nobuhiko Uchiha couldn't help but sigh.

"Has anyone ever told you that being too smart is a bad thing?"

Then, after sighing, Uchiha Nobuhiko said rather helplessly.

"So, has anyone ever told you that "arrogance" is not a good thing, either."

To this, Qianye was not polite, and responded directly.


And upon hearing this and seeing Chiba's honest words, Nobuhiko Uchiha seemed to understand something, he snorted coldly, and a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth.


Did you take off your mask?

Seeing this sneer, Qianye frowned, and his face gradually became serious.

He knew that the next step would probably be a battle of wits and courage, and now he was sure to die, but no matter what, he must not be allowed to get what was in the gate behind him. Uchiha Nobuhiko wants the things inside so much, even better than Kyuubi, or in other words, the priority is still higher than Kyuubi, I am afraid it is something that will improve Uchiha Nobuhiko even more.

In any case, Uchiha Nobuhiko cannot get it.

"Originally, I wanted to at least end this peacefully. After all, I'm a little tired, but since you don't appreciate it, then forget it."

At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha's face gradually became cold and calm, and the whole body seemed to slowly emit a trace of air-conditioning. There was no more kindness, and the whole person seemed to be icy cold with a layer of cruelty.

This sentence also sent chills down Chiba's back.

Then, the next moment, Uchiha Nobuhiko slowly raised his hand a little higher, and opened his five fingers slightly.

At this moment, the ball of light slowly floated up, and the warm and peaceful light seemed to be a little more intense in an instant.

"This thing, I think, you should know better than me."

Then, in the next second, as if feeling that Chiba could see more clearly, he slowly spit out from Uchiha Nobuhiko's mouth with a kind of cold and indifferent words.

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