Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1837 Answer

Nobuhiko Uchiha in front of him is actually a time traveler!

This is Chiba's first inference from what Uchiha Nobuhiko said, and it is also what he wants to know most urgently.

Perhaps, this Nobuhiko Uchiha has come into contact with the prophecy and knows that there is a person who knows everything.

However, from the battle with him, and from the series of investigations on himself before the battle, and repeated confirmations, Chiba felt that this Uchiha Nobuhiko was purposefully looking for this person who knew everything in Konoha.

It's as if Uchiha Nobuhiko knew that the person who knew everything would be in Konoha.

In fact, the prophecy only mentions that there is such a person, and does not clearly say that it is in Konoha. Then, this person who knows everything is actually in the entire ninja world, and the entire ninja world, or the entire ninja world, Not too big, not too small. It seems easy to find someone among them, but it is actually not easy.

The dividing line, which is easy and not easy, is also very simple.

It is the man who is looking for.

If you have a Dainin village, and all the hands can be mobilized, and they are all mobilized to find such a person who knows everything, relatively speaking, it is naturally easy to find, and Uchiha Nobuhiko has only one person, even if he is attached to some The organization doesn't have all the resources of Daren Village. If we want to find such a person who knows everything, I am afraid that twenty or thirty years will not be enough.

Moreover, since it is a person who knows everything, according to this person's personality, the time it takes to reveal his feet will vary, which will undoubtedly increase the uncertainty of the search and make it more likely that he will miss it.

Moreover, even if it was Konoha, if the whole army was not dispatched, this Uchiha Nobuhiko defected for so many years, and there was no trace of it.

Nobuhiko Uchiha said before that the focus of the investigation has been shifting to himself unknowingly. Although he just meant the so-called "attracted by himself", since he knows this prophecy, he must first give up Kyuubi even now. How could it be possible for him to be attracted to this light sphere in the sealed space of the person who knows everything because of his own shining points, but began to select possible candidates for the person who knows everything with a purpose.

And before he also said something similar to the meaning of paying attention to Konoha. Obviously, he purposely searched for this person who knows everything in Konoha.

Of course, these are just side evidence that Uchiha Nobuhiko may be another time traveler, perhaps a special time traveler than himself. It's also a bit far-fetched. There are still many loopholes in this inference, and Chiba's subjective intuition has many factors.

Mostly Chiba thinks.

But there is another inference that makes Chiba very suspicious. The Uchiha Nobuhiko in front of him is also a time traveler, but a special type of time traveler than himself.

That is the growth path of this Uchiha Nobuhiko, something is not quite right.

Before, after learning about Uchiha Nobuhiko's limited information, he thought it was Uchiha Madara's chosen successor before Obito, and the decisiveness and ruthlessness shown by Uchiha Nobuhiko really stirred up the whole world and completed The high-quality successor of the Moon Eye Project.

But now, he felt that it was his own wishful thinking that automatically rationalized the behavior of Nobuhiko Uchiha.

It is impossible for Uchiha Nobuhiko to become Madara's heir.

First of all, Uchiha Madara's age is basically relying on the body of the sacred tree, that is, the golem of the heretics to support his life. It is impossible for him to get out of his secret base and save Obito. It is estimated that Bai Ze also did it.

Judging from the original book, Uchiha Madara almost took a few breaths when he took a step. Even in the year when Uchiha Nobuhiko defected, he estimated that he didn't have much fighting power. Since Uchiha Madara can wait until Obito appears, then , At that time, Nobuhiko Uchiha would not come to Konoha because of the danger alone.

What's more, before Nobuhiko Uchiha's rebellion, he had never been out of Konoha at all, and he didn't show the mountains and water. Madara Uchiha was nesting there underground. How could he know a guy like Nobuhiko Uchiha who is so scheming and good at hiding.

As for why Obito was chosen, it was also because Obito participated in the Fourth Ninja World War and fought near Uchiha Madara's hiding place, and it was a good seed found by Madara or Black Zee.

It wasn't Uchiha Madara who took the initiative to investigate, checked in many ways, and took the initiative to find it.

In other words, Madara has never been in contact with Nobuhiko Uchiha, at least before Nobuhiko Uchiha's rebellion, he had no contact with Nobuhiko Uchiha.


Why, why did Nobuhiko Uchiha know how to open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan?

At that time, Nobuhiko Uchiha was unknown, and according to the age of his defection, he should have not even graduated from the ninja school. He was full of calculations, and he graduated soon. The task could only be a task in the village. How could he get in touch with the opening of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan? secret?

Moreover, can he kill a genius friend who is far superior to himself?

At that time, there was neither Itachi nor Shisui. Among the Uchiha clan, there were probably not many people who knew how to open the kaleidoscope Sharingan. Even Uchiha Fugaku opened his eyes because he accidentally witnessed the death of relatives and friends in the war. Eye-opening.

A little-known boy who has not yet graduated from the ninja school, is it possible that the Uchiha clan specially trained him to tell him the method of opening the eyes of the kaleidoscope that basically no one knows?

This is simply impossible!

In this world of ninjas, in this world where power occupies a major position, and even some positions can only be stabilized by relying on power, even if anyone in the Uchiha clan knows the secret of this kaleidoscope sharingan, they will not tell it. The little-known Uchiha Nobuhiko!

This is human nature!

Not everyone is as generous as Hokage, and every family is not really upright, harmonious and selfless, but most of the secret arts of the Konoha family are just like that, and that’s all for whoever practices it. It was just some small quarrels, and the smiles passed away.

But for a big family like the Uchiha clan, there is a huge gap between Sharingan and Kaleidoscope Sharingan. If someone really knows, it will be courting death if they tell it!

Moreover, the difference in interests between monopolizing this power and sharing it selflessly is not the slightest bit.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Uchiha Nobuhiko to know how to open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan here. Even if he is jealous of a genius friend, he will never do such a thing as a sneak attack and murder.

The Uchiha clan, after all, is also a "love clan", if it is not necessary, it is impossible for the same clan to kill each other.

Judging from the reactions of Hirohiko's crazy killing of the Uchiha clan and various members of the Uchiha clan, the Uchiha clan may have problems with their loyalty to Konoha, but the clan is definitely very united.

In other words, it would be impossible for Uchiha Nobuhiko to kill his genius friend if he hadn't known the opening method of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan in advance.

So, that is to say, Uchiha Nobuhiko knew the opening method of Kaleidoscope Sharingan from the very beginning, and everything was in his plan, including Hirohiko's eye opening and everything in the future.

Moreover, looking at the history of Nobuhiko Uchiha's fortune, don't you think it looks familiar?

Little transparency, gaining strength by defecting, plotting to seize more powerful power, sweeping the world...

Isn't this routine a kind of fortune-telling routine for the protagonist in the time travel novel?

Therefore, Qianye's current problem is also to the point.

Sure enough, he was sharp!

And at this time, when he heard this question, Uchiha Nobuhiko's face was also slightly solemn, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

Is it a time traveler, or isn't it?

At the same time, Chiba's gaze also froze, fixedly staring at Nobuhiko Uchiha's face, if Nobuhiko Uchiha was lying, then he would definitely be able to tell.


Then, in the next second, without any hesitation, without any grumbling, and without any strange emotions, Uchiha Nobuhiko replied cleanly.



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