Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1842 Second Place

"At that time, when I realized that he was the second outsider, he was only a child of seven or eight years old. Although he was counted as a member of the Uchiha clan, my strength was still of the mediocre type. Compared with the Warring States Period, the Uchiha clan that had established Konoha Village did not strictly delineate responsibilities according to the heights of strength and talent. However, the clan still has an elite policy, and the elite governs the clan, except for the Uchiha Tajima lineage. In addition to the bloodline of the patriarch, basically the strength of the clan is still respected, and the strength of the clan chief Tajima is indeed the strongest. However, after all, it is a time of peace. Even if the strength of the clan is respected, we weak Even if it is a time of war, it will not become cannon fodder like garbage, and no one will feel sorry for it when it dies.

Although at that time, I felt that it was inappropriate to accept such a position in the police force, but after all, it was a hard-won peace, and it coincided with the loss of Konoha's two strongest pillars. After the new Hokage took office, his actions have never been wrong , Konoha is thriving, to be honest, I like the environment at that time very much, at least everyone can find a place in the village, whether it is powerful or not. Moreover, as a police force, I still have a stable job, and a relatively safe job. "

After finding the Huatou, Nobuhiko Uchiha did not hesitate at all, with a faint look of nostalgia on his face, he slowly opened his mouth and said.

"Wait a minute, at that time, you opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

And at this moment, after hearing Nobuhiko Uchiha's opening words, Chiba was keenly aware of something, and interrupted.

Before, Nobuhiko Uchiha said that he saw the white light under the layers of seals in the head of the first traverser, it should be under the kaleidoscope sharingan, I am afraid, although it is not under the eternal kaleidoscope sharingan, this Uchiha Nobuhiko is a special The existence of the existence, the eyes probably have inherited special pupil power, and under certain circumstances, they can see the unknown light ball or light inside the traverser's brain.

Moreover, this special pupil power may not be able to see the light ball or light in the mind of every traverser.

He should have some certainty about me before, and he didn't lock me in as a target at the first time. I'm afraid, this special pupil power didn't see through my head.

"No, to be honest, I didn't open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan at that time. At that time, I didn't even realize how to open my eyes. After all, although I opened my eyes before, I died of illness not long after. Pay more attention to Kaleidoscope Sharingan."

Regarding Chiba's sudden interruption, Uchiha Nobuhiko was slightly taken aback, but soon came back to his senses, this Taki Chiba guessed that he would mention the second outsider when talking about this age group , obviously knew that he could only see the light by turning on the kaleidoscope, so he asked this question.

The reaction is so fast!

For this, he couldn't help but sigh.

"So, how did you discover this second outsider?"

Upon hearing Uchiha Nobuhiko's words, Chiba frowned slightly and asked.

"Don't worry, I'll explain it to you right now. I noticed this second outsider. In fact, it's because this second outsider is my close friend who was born in the Uchiha clan. Perhaps, I am Born to recruit geniuses. He has been my best friend since I was a child."

In this regard, Uchiha Nobuhiko raised his hand that was not holding the light ball, signaling Chiba to be safe and not to be impatient.

"Speak, I won't interrupt."

And hearing this, Qianye didn't bother too much, just opened the mouth.

It seems that it was learned by other methods.

This second traverser belongs to the Uchiha clan!

At the same time, he thought so in his heart.

"From childhood to adulthood, he was basically in the center of the clan, and he was even the most dazzling genius except Uchiha Madara, the eldest son of the Tajima clan. He is also a direct descendant of the Tajima clan. He opened his eyes at the age of six months, and evolved into Sangouyu Sharingan, and in a licensed mission, he successfully opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, awakened the strongest eyes, and was proficient in five kinds of escapism. Various secret techniques, and even a unique blood succession limit, even compared to the most dazzling rising star of the Hokage lineage at that time, Sarutobi Hiruzawa is not much better. Although he was not accepted as a Hokage disciple, he basically has The appointed patriarch. At only seven or eight years old, he has already become a unique candidate for the patriarch. Speaking of it, it is somewhat similar to your current situation. It’s just that it’s far worse than you.”

Hearing what Qianye said, Nobuhiko Uchiha let go of his hand, but heaved a long sigh, as if he felt sorry for his best friend.

The Uchiha clan...the strongest eyes...the unique blood succession limit...the proficiency in five evasion techniques...the patriarch is sure...this Uchiha Nobuhiko is modest, he completely exploded the third generation of Hokage!

It can't be said that it is already a quasi-samsara eye!

This is with the time travel benefits that can be called hanging!

You and I are just like one another!

Maybe it's already the Eye of Samsara!

This... This is the standard way to travel through time!

But at this time, seeing Nobuhiko Uchiha's regretful face, Chiba's thoughts drifted to another place.

To be honest, Chiba was a little jealous at this time.

He has worked so hard for so long, maybe this second time traveler can crush himself to death casually.

As for the second time traveler being the Uchiha clan, he didn't care. It was a high probability that Shibon would travel through the eight Uchiha clan and cross to the Uchiha clan. What happened to him was a small probability.

"So, how did he... die?"

Then, thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help but said.

"Hey...Although he is very strong, he is already one of the best in the clan and among the younger generation of Uchiha Konoha at a young age, but I always feel that his mind is not normal."

Regarding this, Uchiha Nobuhiko sighed regretfully again.

Brain... a bit abnormal?

Qianye was slightly taken aback by this.

"Yes, I always don't understand what's going on in his head. In the era of peace, the new Hokage is working hard, peaceful and happy, and has such a strong strength. It is still the line of the patriarch. In the future, as the captain of the guard team, the scenery will be infinite. Even The most beautiful girls in the family are all in love with him, and Huimei is not only beautiful, but also powerful. At the age of seven or eight, she is also a genius of Sangouyu who writes sharing eyes. She is devoted to him. Originally, his life can be said to be Everyone is envious, but he always expresses his dissatisfaction with the new hokage in private, thinking that the new hokage is isolating the Uchiha clan, and that the new hokage has failed the Uchiha clan, deliberately bullying the Uchiha clan, and even, all the time Not all of them are thinking about betraying Konoha, or re-establishing the ninja village of the Uchiha clan, or wanting to usurp Konoha's Hokage position, or even want to assassinate the new Hokage..."

After sighing, Uchiha Nobuhiko sighed again, and his words were full of doubts.

Obviously, there is a feeling of "Isn't it good to live well? Why do you have to die?"


If the first one is a naive faction, he betrayed Uchiha and entered Senju for the sake of Senju Hashirama, who was still young at the time, but he was too naive to take it for granted and ruined his life.

Well, now the second one should be someone who complains about the Uchiha clan...

Lengtouqing who loves Uchiha deeply...

And hearing this, Chiba's mouth twitched, and he understood instantly.

"But... who is New Hokage! What a bold method, and he is the strongest of the Senshou clan. His strength is close to that of the gods of the ninja world. He does not have the full power of a god, but he also has the power of a demigod. At that time, Senshou The clan is still strong, and the clan also has a strong sense of belonging, isn't he courting death by doing this? No matter how well he hides, it is impossible to have an impenetrable wall!"

At the same time, the corner of Chiba's mouth twitched in his heart, Uchiha Nobuhiko's regretful tone has turned into hatred, and the words that came were also full of helplessness.

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