Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1848 I don't know...

have no idea……

Nobuhiko Uchiha was slightly taken aback by Chiba's decisive words.

"Really...you don't know either?"

However, after regaining his senses, he did not show any negative emotions such as anger, but just uttered such a sentence lightly, with a slight disappointment in his eyes.

To be honest, he still wants to know what happened to him. Ever since he witnessed the white light, something seemed to have emerged in the depths of his mind, storing the memories of his every life, including His own personality, but even though he is now the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, he still can't explore the things deep in his mind, which seems to be a restricted area.

It's like the layers of seals on these outsiders.

Originally, he thought that these outsiders who knew everything would know who he was and what kind of existence he was. He even asked these outsiders a few times, but the answers he got, without exception, were all It was the same answer as Taki Chiba.

have no idea.

Although he asked sincerely, he didn't really think he would get an answer.

The reason for asking this is just a fluke, hoping that the most special outsider in front of him will know his situation.

After all, since outsiders know everything about this world, as a part of this world, it is very likely that outsiders will know about it.

And he doesn't understand why these outsiders know everything, whether all outsiders know everything in detail, so, if he is lucky, it may not be certain that those outsiders before don't know the whole picture.

Of course, it can be determined now, I don’t know, and outsiders don’t know what they are.

It's just that if you don't know, you don't know. He is not an idiot after so many reincarnations. With such a magical ability, he didn't explore and dig it. In fact, at the beginning, he was really afraid that he would lose this ability. Ability, and once desperately looking for answers.

But now, although he doesn't have a definite answer, he has gradually understood the value of his existence, and has a vague but certain guess, but no one has come to tell him that his guess is indeed correct.

Now, seeing Taki Chiba in front of him, recalling those memories, he has more or less understood.

This question is just a confirmation of others who want to know everything. In fact, he already has a vague concept in his heart.

Whether you get an affirmative answer or not.

In fact, he didn't pay much attention to it.

In his heart, he already had the answer.

It is nothing more than if there is an affirmation from someone who knows everything, then this answer is perfect.

Right now, it's just not perfect.

However, he has been reincarnated for so many lives. Even if his aptitude was not good and he seldom fought in the previous lives, he was still strong in the next few lives with the help of his previous life memory. , is far superior to the outsider in front of him, even if it is not perfect, since he has a conclusion in his heart, it is also a conclusion.

It doesn't really matter if it's perfect or not.

"Actually, there is a saying about your situation."

However, at this time, Qianye, who seemed to be thinking about it for a while, opened the mouth and said.


Hearing this, Nobuhiko Uchiha, who originally thought it was impossible to get an answer, was slightly taken aback for the next step.

"That's right, although your situation, even in this statement, is difficult to apply, but, to some extent, it should be in this type."

To this, Chiba nodded in affirmation.

"Oh? Then tell me."

Hearing this, Uchiha Nobuhiko spoke with great interest.

Although he already has a conclusion in his heart, and even a conclusion is a conclusion, he still wants to know how these outsiders who know everything think about his situation.

Now the answer is definitely not perfect. Even outsiders who know everything about my own situation don't know, and it is even more impossible for my own world to know what is going on with this alien.

It's okay to listen to what this outsider has to say, and when you meet outsiders in the future, you can also call yourself to facilitate communication.

"In your case, you are called a reborn person."

And seeing Nobuhiko Uchiha's interested appearance, Chiba didn't hide anything, and said directly.

It's just the name of a reborn person, and it won't have any effect.

However, Chiba really didn't know whether to use the reborn person to call Nobuhiko Uchiha in front of him. After all, in the rebirth-type web articles he read, the protagonists basically died in one life, because in the rebirth life, the protagonist basically Those who have already achieved success and fame, most of the cultivators have attained the Dao, or become the Lord of the Universe or something, are immortal, immortal, and are unlikely to have a next life. Those who are urban, when the end is over, the protagonist's wealth will be exhausted. The world is rich, and there is no such thing as a second life or a third life... So, according to what Qianye saw, at least in the rebirth novels Qianye read, they all end in one life and there is no next life.

But Nobuhiko Uchiha in front of him has countless reincarnations, no matter whether he is successful or not, he is always reincarnated.

Chiba is a little unsure whether it is more appropriate to call him the reborn person or the newly thought of reincarnated person.

Of course, it's just a saying, it doesn't matter.

However, it doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, Chiba has other thoughts, he now hopes that Nobuhiko Uchiha will be more curious about the reborn, so that he can talk more about this kind of nonsense.

From the words of Uchiha Nobuhiko just now after he didn't get the answer, he has already heard that this Uchiha Nobuhiko is just asking, but there is actually no need to delve into it.

In other words, Uchiha Nobuhiko's casual question is already planning to end this conversation.

Next, Uchiha Nobuhiko may be about to show his fangs!

Now if he could ask him a few more questions, he would be able to gain some time!

"Is it...reborn? It's appropriate."

At this time, upon hearing what Chiba said, Nobuhiko Uchiha couldn't help but nodded secretly, and said.

"It's just that the reincarnated people I've seen are just reincarnated in one life, that is, with the memory of one life. I have never seen reincarnation of several lives like you, and the memory can still..."

Hearing this, Qianye struck while the iron was hot, and said.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter anymore, the reborn is the reborn, since you answered my question, then I should also answer your question."

However, this words of striking while the iron was hot was interrupted by Nobuhiko Uchiha before he could speak.

At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha, who interrupted Chiba, had already stood up, holding the light ball in his hand, his face was completely indifferent.

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