Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1860 Return

"Master Minato!"

Seeing the Fourth Hokage's imperial robe slowly falling down, revealing the serious but handsome face, Hirohiko and Yukina said almost in unison.


When he heard the words of the two disciples, Jiuxinna, who felt that someone had entered the room, immediately flashed a look of excitement on his face, and said the same thing in his mouth.

Hirohiko... Yukina...

But at this moment, the corner of Namikaze Minato's eyes twitched slightly, but his eyes fell on Hirohiko's broken arm.

In his mind, the thrilling scene just now flashed past. At that time, when he realized that there was someone behind him, it was too late. When the cold sword light hit, it was time to repair the Nine-Tails Jinzhuli Seal and The critical moment of suppressing Kyuubi, at that time, was also the time when Kushina knew that going on like this was not an option, and exerted his last ounce of strength. It happened to be at the stall where Kyuubi, who was struggling frantically, had just been suppressed. The opponent's timing, Terribly accurate.

Not a second was wasted!

At that time, he had only two choices, one was to block the sword light and be seriously injured by the sword light, or even be fatally hit by one blow, and the seal would disintegrate.

The second choice is to avoid the sword light and the seal will collapse.

It can be said that it is already a certain death situation, how could he leave his youngest son and wife to avoid this sword light.

However, at this moment, at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out from the side, blocking the sword light for a fraction of a second, and at the same time, blood spurted out, and while blocking the sword, a The arm flew straight up and landed in front of the door with a slap.

Originally, he had passed a dangerous situation and had some chance to breathe, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the hand of a half-black and half-white strange figure was about to touch his son.

At that time, at that moment, even though he was rich in combat experience, his youngest son was about to be killed, and his mind was blank.

At this very moment, his mood fluctuated suddenly and suddenly, behind that strange half-black and half-white figure, Xue Nai's figure appeared out of nowhere, and the eight-diagram palm came out directly. Fly the half-black and half-white weird figure.

Afterwards, with Hirohiko at the back and Xue Nai at the front, a dangerous and fierce battle unfolded around him and his wife and young son.

Fortunately, Hirohiko and Xue Nai in front of them were unexpectedly strong, and they were able to hold back the two attackers. At that time, it was Kushina who tried his best to repair the seal with all his strength. A few minutes later, the seal was repaired, and without further ado, he took the two intruders away with the Flying Thunder God.

And now, he also defeated the two of them and returned safely.

However, seeing that half of the wall was broken at this time, except for the wife's young son's bed, which was safe and sound, the already scattered house, plus the blood that overflowed from the severed arm and almost spread to the side of the foot, it was a desolate place. .

"Xue Nai, hurry up and wrap up Hirohiko with this."

However, although his heart was full of desolation, Minato Namikaze was a generation of Hokage after all, so he didn't hesitate, and directly handed the emergency medicine kit on his shoulder to Xue Nai.


In response, Xue Nai reached out to take it, then opened it, and began to perform a series of formal treatments on Hirohiko's broken arm.

Although Xue Nai is not a medical ninja, seeing Chiba always returning home with serious injuries, she also thinks that one day she can fight side by side with Chiba, so this bandaging and treatment of wounds is actually secretly trained with Yuriko.

Even if she was blind, she did not miss some necessary training.

At this time, it is also quite proficient in handling.

"Hong Yan, don't talk, rest at ease and heal your wounds, and save some energy. Although the enemy has been defeated by me, but tonight is not over yet, and now we still need to recharge our batteries."

But at this moment, Namikaze Minato nodded to Hirohiko, but stopped what Hirohiko wanted to say.

"Kushina, can you eat?"

At the same time, he stepped forward, walked to his wife's side with a dignified look, and asked.


Hearing this, Jiu Xinnai was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting that her husband would say such a thing at such a time.

"Come on, open your mouth."

But at this time, Namikaze Minato had already grabbed a handful of bean-like army ration pills and handed them to his mouth.


Seeing the bean-like ration pills handed over, Kushina was slightly puzzled. However, Sakura's mouth was already opened, and she swallowed the beans, chewing them slowly.

"You also have to recover your strength, eat more."

At this time, Namikaze Minato's voice came again.


Jiu Xinnai didn't suspect him, so he opened his mouth to chew and swallow the army ration pill.


"Mr. Minato, these are the improved versions of my special military rations. Although they are not tasty, they can replenish nutrients and energy necessary for cells, and can restore physical strength to a certain extent. If we successfully rescue Teacher Kushina, no matter what the situation is at the time , is it stable, please make sure to let Teacher Jiushina eat more, Teacher Jiushinai must also recover some fighting power! One night is still very long! Fighting does not necessarily only last one night!"

Seeing his wife chewing and swallowing the general grain pills mouthful without any rejection, Namikaze Minato recalled Chiba's last words in his heart.

Does Qianye know that today must be full of twists and turns?

Every arrangement is constantly left behind, and even the newly produced Kushina has to become a fighting force when it has to.

It seems that the enemy is really quite difficult.

And the enemy I defeated, although using the same time and space pupil technique, should be two different people from the previous one!

Now, should Chiba still be dealing with the first intruder?

Afterwards, he fed his wife the bean ration pills, whether they were precious or not, one after another like money, but Namikaze Minato frowned bit by bit.


And when his eyes inadvertently passed over his sleeping sweet child, Namikaze Minato's face was covered with a layer of haze.

Chiba, you must hold on!

Even for my son, for Kushina, you are not worth sacrificing yourself!

Quickly break the seal!

Quickly unlock the seal!

And with the haze, Namikaze Minato's heart secretly became anxious.

"Minato-sensei, hasn't Chiba sent the signal yet?"

And at this moment, Xue Nai's voice, with a little irritability and worry, rang softly.

Snow Nai...

Hearing about Xue Nai's life, Namakaze Minato almost turned his head suddenly, almost spilling the bean ration pill in his hand.

However, when his eyes settled, he opened his mouth and couldn't say a word.

Maybe he was too worried about Qianye's current situation, but he couldn't find words to comfort Xue Nai!

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