Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1868 You should believe it

Although, this will lose a possibility that is beneficial to us.

However, this is the safest way.

Only when our condition is complete can we deal with all situations. If Chiba is here, he should do the same.

One bite at a time, although each bite was not big, Xue Nai quickly wiped out the dried meat on hand, watching the other three people who were eating the same food and the ninjas secretly guarding him who couldn't stop staring at him , Such a thought flashed through Xue Nai's heart.

In fact, there are three possibilities, and there is another possibility, which she didn't mention.

That is, now Qianye is very likely to suffer both losses with the enemy, or in other words, Qianye was defeated, but the enemy was not much better, and this time the untie seal was the seal that Chiba untie, but was captured by the enemy. Imprint Kunai, and then seal it, the enemy may not be in complete condition at this time.

It's just that this possibility is much lower than the other three possibilities. Moreover, if it was said just now, Hirohiko and his teacher, who were already very anxious, might lose their composure because of the sudden hope, and they might even It will affect Minato-sensei, who must be the main force, and at that time, it will have the opposite effect.

After all, in front of the fourth possibility, among the three possibilities, except for the possibility of the first type of good news, but the probability is quite slim, the other two possibilities all show that when supporting Chiba , is a fierce battle.

And after all, the other party is a ninja of the Uchiha clan who possesses kaleidoscope Sharingan and the ability is time and space. Even if it is Naruto who also has time and space ninjutsu, it may not be able to take advantage.

Right now, Minato-sensei's condition is not complete. Although her eyesight has not fully recovered, her white eyes are already usable, and in the white-eyed state, she can still see things at the level of the white-eyed angle of view without any ambiguity. Now, Minato-sensei More than half of the chakra is consumed and needs to be recovered.

Just now, Teacher Minato also faced two intruders. After taking the two intruders away together, she didn't know how fierce the battle was.

However, the current state of the main combat power is not complete, and it would be unwise and unsafe to let Mr. Minato pass when the mark has not disappeared just now.

Now they are actually in a defensive battle, and now the enemy has fallen into a disadvantage. Their target, Mr. Kushina, has been rescued. It should be safe and sound, not seeking merit, but seeking no fault. As long as they do not make mistakes, they can also be stable wins.

And it is the enemy who is at a disadvantage, so even if Chiba is defeated, it is impossible to be killed. The enemy still has many places where Chiba can be used, and can even use Chiba to turn the tables. Because of this, the enemy knows that Chiba The importance of Ye, so they go to support, it must be a fierce battle, although they are also worried about Chiba's safety, but here Xue Nai can still maintain reason after all.

Now, it is a mistake that must not be made to make the mentality of the main combat force unstable.

This fourth possibility will only make the mentality of the next few people on the scene worse and worse. At that time, if there is really a fierce battle, they may lose half of it.

So, she didn't say anything, and she didn't plan to say it, but just let them sit down and have a good meal.

Even if eating now tastes like chewing wax, it is still a way to distract attention after all, and eating is the most direct way to replenish energy and restore physical strength. Strictly speaking, the effect is much better than emergency measures like military food pills. In terms of the effect of recovery and the continuity of recovery, it is better to eat a real meal than to take military food pills.

Right now, including herself, everyone's condition is not very good. When Hirohiko restrained the masked male intruder just now, he already consumed a lot of pupil power. Pupil power is also a kind of chakra, and he also needs to recover , regardless of whether they participate in the next plan or not.

She also spent a lot of chakra to deal with the half-black and half-white guy.

As for Teacher Jiushinai, she needs food supplements even more. Even if she is a protected person, she has a very strong fighting power. In fact, she can protect herself in a sense. Now the seal is repaired. Completely, relying on the strong vitality of the Uzumaki clan, if they can eat enough, I believe that Teacher Jiushinai can also recover a certain amount of combat power. In this way, for them, they will be more confident in getting through this long night.

Eating something now, which can not only stabilize the mind, but also replenish the state, is the best way she can think of.


The enemy should not let it go, they should know that after this incident, coupled with the information Chiba obtained from them, the village will never put Teacher Kushina in any danger again.

Moreover, Mr. Kushina gave birth to a child, and he will also raise the child in the future. He lives in seclusion, and it is even more difficult to catch Kyuubi.

Then, next, consider the two possibilities of the fierce battle, especially the third possibility. The enemy should find a place that is beneficial to him, set up traps, and deal with Minato-sensei.

However, as the Uchiha clan, and the owner of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, there are probably not too many traps that can be set.

The Uchiha clan relies on Sharingan, and there should not be many ninjas like Hirohiko who like to delve into traps and detonating symbols.

Well, basically something can be determined.

And now, considering the third possibility and the second possibility...

Some things, you have to ask Minato-sensei.

And following her thoughts, Xue Nai frowned slightly, but she had already started thinking about fighting later.

Xue Nai is right, we should have a good meal and calm down.

If we face those possibilities with the anxious mood just now, the first possibility is okay, but we may lose half of the other ones.

Also, our state is not complete.

Now whether we are going to rescue Chiba or not, we should ensure that our state is intact. The better our state, the higher our chances of surviving this crisis.

Here, we should trust Chiba and Xue Nai.

Believe that Chiba will not die.

I believe Xue Nai will be able to rescue Chiba.

At this time, Hirohiko and Kushina, who were eating, also gradually understood, and slowly dissipated the anxiety in their hearts.

In the future, if this young couple gets married, what will it be like...

At the same time, Namikaze Minato looked at Xue Nai, a thoughtful thought flashed across his face, and in his heart, such a somewhat inappropriate thought flashed across.

"Minato-sensei, did you leave anything behind when you fought the two intruders just now?"

And at this moment, Xue Nai suddenly raised her head and asked.


Hearing this, the thoughtful Namikaze Minato raised his head subconsciously and blurted out.

Do you have……

What's left?

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