Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1876 This is different!

Simple...let's take away...such a nice prop!

Nobuhiko Uchiha's words fell gently, but it was like a thunderbolt in the lacquered night, roaring in the three grief-stricken consciousnesses that were almost unable to think, and also cut through the grief-stricken darkness, and instantly, illuminated These three sorrows cannot control their own consciousness!

Grief, suddenly turned into sudden understanding.

"Is it your hands and feet?"

Then, in a flash of thunder, the three faces, in the same direction, looked at the chakra-wrapped figure like a pitch-black flame, blurting out a cry of grief, anger, or surprise!

"Of course I did it."

In this regard, upon hearing this sound and feeling those three gazes, Nobuhiko Uchiha flashed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said.

is... is it...

Is it the trick of this enemy?

So Chiba wasn't breathing?

So, in fact, Qianye is not dead, but has been tampered with, so it looks like he is dead?

In fact, Chiba is not dead!

But after hearing this sound and knowing that Chiba had been manipulated by the other party to restrict his freedom, Hirohiko, Yukina, and Kushina suddenly smiled on their faces.

It was obvious that Qianye was controlled by the enemy, but at this moment, the three of them only felt joy in their hearts.


It was because of being tampered with, that's why I didn't breathe!

Is that so... that's right.

It's because of tampering!

Very good!

That's great!

Chiba is not dead!

Still alive, he's still alive!

But at this moment, in his heart, the distraught just now has turned into ecstasy, as if as long as Qianye is not dead, no matter what, it is the greatest good thing.

Even Minakaze Minato, who was on guard ahead, let out a long sigh of relief.

Although Yu Gong said that Chiba is the best candidate for Hokage due to the importance of Kyuubi, but he is still replaceable after all. It's not Chiba's, what's more, Chiba's wish is also to protect his teacher who is Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

However, in private, Namikaze Minato still hopes that Chiba will survive after all, and hopes that he can save Chiba. The future he describes, the future he silently wants to create for his wife, is for everyone. future.

Without Qianye, even if the future is peaceful and bright, in his wife's heart, there will still be a layer of darkness.

This is what he does not want to see.

Right now, Qianye is just being forced to suspend his death, and there is no real death, so he is quite happy.

"What did you do? How do you prove it?"

However, happy to be happy, now is not the time to be blindly happy. Whether the hands and feet were done by the person in front of me is still a question, or it may be Qianye's own problem. Every time Qianye is seriously injured, he can miraculously survive , and even some things that they thought were impossible, such as walking back to the village step by step from a very far place with a seriously injured body. It is also possible that Chiba has some kind of physical blood-successor limit, or awakened the family-inherited blood-succession limit. The Taki clan has weakened rapidly since joining Konoha, and has had physical defects since then. Always very little.

In this regard, the original Taki Maya also had difficulty making achievements because of this physical defect, but after becoming Hokage, he once investigated Taki Maya and the Taki clan for Chiba, and this Taki Maya seems to have some kind of ability, although There are few chakras, but there are also many times when the weak defeated the strong. Even the original Yan Yin was a very famous ninja in Yan Yin Village. According to Taki Maya's strength, it was impossible to defeat the target, but in the end he After defeating this ninja, although he died soon after due to his injuries, this record is enough to show his extraordinaryness.

Now, Chiba's state may be a manifestation of some kind of physical blood inheritance limit. For example, when seriously injured, it will enter a state that is more able to endure death, so as to continue life and wait for rescue. The expression is the appearance of Chiba's death now.

Even, this state is likely to repair or delay fatal injuries.

It is precisely because of this limit of blood inheritance that the Taki clan does not have many chakras, which is a side effect of this limit of blood inheritance.

Of course, this is his guess.

However, according to the relatively long historical records of the village, in the Warring States period, when there were many families, there were still many strange blood inheritance boundaries. Later, after the establishment of the ninja village system, the family system gradually declined. I don’t know why. There are fewer and fewer descendants of the Blood Successor Boundary family, which has caused the rare situation of Blood Successor Boundary.

This Taki clan can be regarded as a family handed down from the Warring States Period. Although there is only Chiba left now, and the family blood is diluted like ordinary people, but the inheritance of the blood successor limit is not so simple after all. Whether the blood is strong or not will be able to determine.

Maybe it's not necessarily that Qianye has awakened.

But now, whether this state is caused by the other party's hands or feet, or Qianye's own blood succession limit awakening, there is a big gap between the two.

If it was the other party's hands and feet, I'm afraid they will have no way out, and they will be the passive side next. The other party controls Qianye's hands and feet, and it will definitely be accompanied by an absolute disadvantage.

However, if this is Chiba's own state, then they can leave or stay. Although they intend to capture this enemy, regardless of life or death, they can get a piece of information if they can, but after all, they can leave as much as they want. Let's go, the other party has nothing to bind them. The initiative is in their hands, but the opponent is an absolute disadvantage.

This back and forth is almost two diametrically opposite situations.

This point is very important.

If you blindly agree with what the other party said, it is easy to fall into the trap of the other party. It is very likely that they will lose before the battle begins.

As soon as Namikaze Minato said this, his head went blank because of Hirohiko's sudden conclusion of Chiba's death just now, and at this moment, Yukina, who was unable to concentrate because of joy, was also shocked.


This is different!

And in her heart, such a thought suddenly turned.

Minato is still careful!

At the same time, Kushina, who was connected with Namikaze Minato, also understood instantly.

Master Minato...

At this time, Hongyan frowned when he noticed the change in the surrounding atmosphere, and quickly realized this.

"Is that so... All I can say is, is it worthy of being the Fourth Hokage?"

And upon hearing this sentence, Uchiha Nobuhiko's sneer sneered slightly, showing a little unnaturalness.


If it is difficult to deal with in terms of strength, those outsiders are better.

However, in terms of this calm and cautious difficulty, it is still more laborious for the natives.


Can't relax for a moment!

But at this moment, such a slightly helpless thought flashed through his mind.

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