Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1886 So what?


Is it because of this?

So, with so many traversers, none of them can make the fate of the world go astray, and the whole world is moving forward according to the established route.

That's why there are aliens like Nobuhiko Uchiha!

This world is not as simple as I thought.

Amidst the clattering sound, the young man with sudden enlightenment in his eyes, that is, the spiritual body Chiba, sat down slowly.

And on his face, a serious look flashed across his face.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Uchiha Nobuhiko suddenly mentioned about viruses and antibodies.


We time-travelers, the outsiders in his mouth, are viruses to this world.

And he is the antibody produced by the will of the world, the antibody specifically targeting our viruses.

That's why he can have the special pupil power to enter the sealed space of outsiders and snatch light or light balls.

Only then can it easily take away the ability of the traverser!

Moreover, after the photosphere is taken away, it may cause irreparable damage to the traverser!

For example, right now I may be trapped in this sealed space.

With the emergence of a dignified look, this series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind.

In this world, every once in a while, or even after a while, a traverser will come across, and the traverser who knows the plot of the original book, for the sake of self-interest, to make up for the so-called regret, how can he let the plot follow the schedule indifferently? conduct.

What's more, Nobuhiko Uchiha also said that most outsiders have strange brains and even some abnormal existences. They are all thinking that he can't understand, and they will definitely destroy the plot.

But now, everything in this world is still moving towards the original plot with a huge historical inertia.

Obviously, there's something special about it.

Even if these traversers miscalculated the danger of this world, it is impossible that just because they died in the end, there will be no deviation in the historical process of this world.

What a person does has a series of chain reactions. Some of these traversers were reborn into the Uchiha clan, and even reincarnated into the Uchiha clan a long time ago. Maybe there are also traversers from the Senju clan, as Standing in the entire plot of the original book, the historical process of this world, and even the two families that run through the entire future, every move of these traversers may cause earth-shaking changes in the entire world.

It may only take an inadvertent word to bring about huge changes in the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan, especially the two soul figures Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma, and among the possible consequences of this sentence, Wood Ye established in advance, and Uchiha Madara and Senju Zhuma saw through Heijue's conspiracy in advance, which eventually led to all the chaos behind.

It is also possible that Konoha Village will not be established, and Uchiha Madara and Senju Zhuma will not meet by that river.

This kind of standing among the two families at the center of the world, plus the time travel benefits attached to the time traveler, the time traveler is bound to rise rapidly, and in that war-torn era when strength was crucial, they would easily have the right to speak, If you are smarter and don't miscalculate the world so much, basically changing the world is really a matter of one sentence.

In other words, it has nothing to do with whether the traveler's head is normal or smart, as long as the traveler who knows everything puts himself into this world, he has already changed the world.

This traverser does not exist in the world itself.

And according to the prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal, those who should not exist who know everything can know that they, the traversers, should not exist.

Because of its existence, it has disturbed the world.

Therefore, the world has created a monster like Nobuhiko Uchiha, a reborn who specializes in dealing with traversers.

Just like a virus and an antibody, the traverser is the virus, and the antibody is Nobuhiko Uchiha who prevents the traverser from destroying the established destiny order of this world.

And at this moment, Chiba finally understood why Uchiha Nobuhiko looked harmless to humans and animals, but in the midst of lightning and thunder, when he looked at him again, he looked like a ferocious demon!

It turned out that Nobuhiko Uchiha was his natural enemy as a traverser!

This Nobuhiko Uchiha is absolutely capable of ignoring all his advantages in time travel!

That is...

natural enemy!

"It turns out that this Nobuhiko Uchiha already knows the nature of his origin, and it's also...he has been reincarnated for hundreds of years. Even, what he told me may not be completely correct about his origin story. Since it is the time traveler... If there is an antibody against a virus, it is naturally possible that after the first time traveler, he has the ability to regenerate this antibody, and those time travelers he mentioned never said which one was the first. And he didn't say that he has seen all the time travelers, it is very likely that there were other time travelers before the era he mentioned, and it is not necessarily true.

It is also possible that before him, there were other antibody reborns, but died in the battle with the traverser, he was the second in order, or even the third, the fourth...

According to the theory, viruses will evolve, and antibodies must also evolve.

The virus traverser and the antibody reborn may be a killing drama in which you kill me and I kill you. "

Afterwards, thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help muttering to himself.


No wonder, no wonder something always feels wrong!

It is because of antibodies like Nobuhiko Uchiha and the fact that we are rejected by the world that we frequently miss and fall short at the most critical moment.

In fact, it is not that fate cannot be changed!

Exactly, fate can be changed!

That's why the world is so eager to create natural enemies and reject them. If fate cannot be changed, then the world doesn't need to worry at all. No matter how many traversers, just let them go. Destiny itself is immutable, and it can be as noisy as countless traversers.

Because it can be changed, the world will continue to correct it, even at the expense of creating a reborn who does not conform to the most basic rules of life and death in the world!

Destiny, not only can be changed, but also quite fragile!

The knowledge of the traveler who knows everything may change!

"Is that so? Is it because of this? So... that's why I failed. Is it because of the rejection of the world, and the existence of this natural enemy?

It has never been a question of whether fate can be changed, but a question of whether I can defeat the natural enemy! "

Thinking about it, Qianye suddenly smiled, a bit bitter, a bit helpless, a bit dumbfounded.


Now what's the use of knowing!


Already defeated!

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