Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1897 Nobuhiko Uchiha's Evidence

The same seal spell?

Also at the heart?

Hearing Uchiha Nobuhiko's words in front of him, Kushina frowned slightly, turned his head slightly, and subconsciously looked at Yukina at the side.

"That's right."

And at this time, Xue Nai's eyes seemed to turn around just in time, the meridians in the corners of her eyes slowly faded, she nodded, looked at her teacher, and said with certainty.

At the heart of this masked man, there is indeed a curse mark very similar to that of Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Moreover, from the perspective of white eyes, and from the knowledge of Xue Nai's curse seal, this curse seal should also be the same conditional curse seal as Uchiha Nobuhiko.

"Well, I see."

In this regard, Kushina nodded and said.


Then, the next second, she looked at Minato Namikaze beside her and spoke, as if she wanted to ask his consent for something.

"Hey... now, you don't have to take care of my face."

Regarding this, looking at his beloved wife and her resolute yet somewhat hesitant face, Minato Namikaze smiled bitterly and said.

At this time, it turned out that she still wanted to give me a man's face.


However, although there was a bitter smile on his face, his heart felt sweet for some reason.


And when she heard the words of her beloved husband, and the clear blue eyes that she used to dare not look at, despite the wry smile, her eyes were full of strong support, the corners of Kushina's mouth curved unconsciously, There was an unprecedented sweet smile.

Sorry, Minato.

I've been giving you a hard time.

"Then, how do you prove that the masked man's curse seal is subordinate to yours, or can restrict you."

Then, in the next second, she turned her head resolutely, the smile on the corner of her mouth dropped instantly, turned into an unprecedented seriousness, and said.

how to prove?

In this regard, upon hearing Kushina's questioning, Nobuhiko Uchiha's mouth twitched slightly.

What a joke, how can he prove his personal words now?

Could it be possible to wake up Obito Uchiha and let him demonstrate it himself?

Do not make jokes!

If Obito Uchiha woke up, he would have escaped within minutes.


No, not running away.

Accidentally substituted into the role of "now subject to Uchiha Obito".

Rather, if he has the time and space ability of Uchiha Obito, then he still needs some restraint and deception. With Uchiha Obito's time and space ability, he can go all over the world to find Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

With his own strength, coupled with Uchiha Obito's time and space ability, he can definitely turn Konoha upside down and catch Kyuubi.

It is precisely because this Uchiha Obito stumbled and was unable to become a fighting force that he could take such a bad strategy!

This Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was simply making fun of him.

"I can't provide corresponding evidence, because it's just my family's opinion now. If you really want real evidence, I'm afraid you have to wake up the masked man. However, I don't recommend you Wake up. Without any confinement."

However, although he was speechless in his heart, Nobuhiko Uchiha's face remained unchanged, and he spoke immediately.

At the same time, while speaking, his hand pointed to the thick black flame wall.

"Of course, it is impossible for me to allow you to wake him up now. Don't think that there is really only one way for me to get rid of this masked man. On the contrary, I have plenty of ways, but this is the fastest way now It's just a solution, if you don't cooperate, I don't mind waiting a while, although I don't want to provoke Konoha, but that doesn't mean I'm afraid of Konoha."

Wipe it off, he said emphatically.


It is a strong expression.

Even at the end, his face had completely darkened, and his arrogance was beyond words.

Here, they can't let them completely push their feet!

The initiative, after all, rests with him.

He's just pretending that the initiative isn't entirely his.

After all, he is the one who has the upper hand!

He is the one who takes the initiative!

He is the one who speaks the most weight, after all!

Now, it's time to remind them too!

Blindly giving in will only make things worse.

Now, instead, it should be strong.

"Xue Nai, what do you think?"

However, his words, which were full of strong words, hadn't finished speaking yet, and Kushina who was opposite seemed to have not finished listening, so he turned his head directly, looked at that day to Xue Nai, and asked.


At this time, Xue Nai did not know when she had opened her eyes. She was staring at Nobuhiko Uchiha, and said: "His threat is not a lie, nor is it a bluff. He does have confidence. It should be said It's true."

After all, I am not very good at observing words and expressions.

However, just now, what this Nobuhiko Uchiha should have said is true.

At the same time, such a thought flashed through her mind.


After hearing Xue Nai's words, Kushina did not express his opinion immediately, but looked at Namikaze Minato and asked.

"I want to know the conditions of the masked man's curse seal, and what is the specific relationship between the masked man's curse seal and his curse seal."

In this regard, Namikaze Minato ignored Uchiha Nobuhiko's threat and spoke, while holding Hiraishen Kunai in his hand even tighter.

"Well! I see."

To this, Kushina nodded.

"I want to know the conditions of this masked man's spell seal, and the relationship between the masked man's seal spell and your seal spell."

Then, after nodding, she turned to Nobuhiko Uchiha and asked again.

not for...


Seeing Kushina's actions and words, Nobuhiko Uchiha's mouth twitched slightly, feeling a little unnatural.

Sure enough...it's not that easy to deal with!

However, Nobuhiko Uchiha was not too surprised after all. The Nine-Tails Jinchuriki showed such enlightened eyes, and he didn't expect the threat of the suspect to shake him much.

Moreover, half of what I said just now was for myself, so don't forget yourself too much while you're acting.

Half remind the other party, half remind yourself.

"As for the conditions for the seal spell on his heart, it's actually very simple, that is, "you can't send me a mission that will kill me, and you can't just take care of my life." Otherwise, even if he grabbed me at that time, I wouldn't May agree, as for the relationship between these two curse seals, it was set up by this masked man. After my investigation, there should be an activation of my curse seal buried in his curse seal, as long as his heart stops beating , can trigger my heart, and if he sends a mortal mission, then his seal will be triggered, but it will not affect me."

However, thinking about it, Nobuhiko Uchiha's face didn't change at all, he just looked ahead and said lightly.


And hearing this sentence, the three people on the opposite side, Kushina, Namikaze Minato, and Yukina who opened his eyes were all startled.

Buried boot...


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