Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1905 Then, let's start!

"Ah, I see."

Looking at Yukina who shook her head again in front of her, Kushina took a slight breath, and finally stopped holding on, and slowly let go of Hirohiko and Chiba's hands, the red nine-tailed coat was swaying, and slowly straightened up body.

"As long as Hirohiko can wake up."

Regarding this, Xue Nai took a deep look at Chiba next to her, and with a forced smile, she nodded heavily.

However, this sentence is not so much for Jiu Xinnai, as it is for himself.

At this moment, in her mind, Qianye's every move, every word she said to her, every touch she had, every little bit of getting along with her reappeared clearly.

Indeed, Xue Nai was right.

Although Kyuubi is powerless to resist my extraction because of the big fuss just now, even with a small amount of Chakra, a large amount of Kyuubi Chakra can be extracted, but after all, it will be a tough battle. It is quite fortunate that the beast coat can be maintained.

The amount of Nine-Tails Chakra is basically exchanged with my Chakra.

Now, it seems that there is no effect on Chiba's side. Instead of wasting it, it will not be enough by then, so it should stop now.

The hard battle is coming, and I can't be too willful.

At this time, Kushina took a deep breath, resisted not to look at Chiba, and kept admonishing herself.

"Xue Nai, you stay and take care of Chiba and Hirohiko, and you must not let the battle spread here."

Then, taking another deep breath, Kushina looked at Xue Nai seriously, and spoke almost in the commanding tone of the teacher.

"No! I want to participate in the battle too, there is still hope for my Soft Fist..."

But hearing this sound, Xue Nai subconsciously wanted to refute, but after understanding the seven-petal tail blooming again in front of her, and the chakra oppression brought by the seven tails that almost made her shudder slightly Li, the following words, but he couldn't say anything.

"Ka...Ka Ka Ka...Ka Ka Ka..."

At this moment, Jiu Xinnai's red foam-like thick liquid-like tail beast coat suddenly turned crimson because of the blooming of the seven tails.

Even those clear, firm yet gentle eyes had already been dyed crimson.

The ground under his feet was constantly cracking, as if he couldn't bear the tailed beast's coat with seven tails, it was constantly being oppressed and cracked, and even with Kushina as the center, a slight depression had already formed, and it was constantly falling. As the crack extends.

The bodies and positions of Chiba and Hirohiko in front of them seem to be constantly going offline.

At this moment, Xue Nai understood her teacher's plan.

"In the next battle, I need you to protect Hirohiko and Chiba from the impact of the battle with your soft fist. Now among the three of us, only your soft fist has absolute defense, and your white eyes can always pay attention to every move here. One move, although you have been hiding, but your Chakra level is not inferior to mine, and should be able to perfectly guarantee the safety of Hirohiko and Chiba."

As expected, Jiu Xinnai's next sentence verified her guess.

However, my teacher was right, and now her Soft Fist is the most suitable for protecting Chiba and Hirohiko.

Looking at the appearance of Teacher Kushina now, and looking at the movement of Nobuhiko Uchiha just now, the movement of the next battle will definitely not be small.

This time, Teacher Jiuxinna definitely did not exclude her, but the result of careful consideration.

Here, it is indeed necessary for her to stay and protect.

"Yes, I understand."

To this, Xue Nai nodded and agreed.

"Then... I'll leave this to you."

After receiving Xue Nai's affirmative answer, Kushina didn't talk nonsense, and after nodding back, the crimson light flashed, and with a cracking sound of "click", Kushina immediately disappeared in place.

A faint circle of smoke and dust remained, spreading away from her original position.

Well... so fast!

After almost being stunned for a second, Xue Nai suddenly turned her head and looked at her teacher Minato.

In an instant, his teacher was already standing beside his partner.

Well... so fast!

Is this... Kushina?

At the same time, standing beside Kushina, feeling a little wind pressure caused by the oppression of the huge Chakra, circles of smoke and dust passing by the shoes, and Namikaze Minato, whose golden hair was flying, couldn't help it. Glancing at his wife who came suddenly from the side, almost without seeing clearly, his heart was full of disbelief.


too fast!

Just now, he barely reacted.

Nine-Tails Chakra...Seven Tails...

This speed, this chakra oppression...


Is it because the Nine-Tails was very weak for a while, and has not recovered after being imprisoned again, so he extracted such a huge amount of Nine-Tails Chakra?

At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha swallowed calmly on the opposite side, and the corner of his mouth pulled unnaturally but invisibly.

Seven tails, although he has not entered the second stage of tail beast transformation, but based on his understanding of tail beasts, especially the nine tails, these seven tails are already impressive in terms of speed and attack power.

Although he had already made some psychological preparations, Kushina's move still had a big impact on him.

He didn't expect that this generation of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki could directly transform into a Seven-Tails Beast, and his combat power was definitely beyond the category of Kage-level, at least in Super Kage-level.

This is still only looking at Chakra, not to mention the fighting skills and ninjutsu she has mastered.

"Really? Time, enough?"

However, although he was shocked in his heart, he still said with that haughty face and condescending tone.


And hearing this, Jiu Xinnai's crimson upside-down pupils turned slightly, looked at her husband, and seemed to be asking.

"Then, let's go together."

Regarding this, Namikaze Minato also put away his surprised expression at this time, looked at his wife who was wrapped in a crimson tailed beast coat, and nodded slightly.

At this moment, inexplicably, Minato Namikaze felt a sense of security.

Originally, he was a little apprehensive about this battle, but he was completely determined, and a warm feeling surged in his heart for no reason.


This time, I am not fighting alone!

There are the most reliable people by my side!

And in his mind, such a thought flashed lightly.

"Really? Then..."

At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha also took a deep breath, and the brilliance of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan flashed in his eyes.


In an instant, the area of ​​Flying Thunder God Kunai in front suddenly turned into a pitch black sea of ​​flames!


Kushina and Namikaze Minato changed their colors instantly.

"So, let's begin, our battle."

Seeing the discolored two, Uchiha Nobuhiko smiled and said lightly.

Do you think...

Would I give you such a big advantage?

And in his calm eyes, there was such a thought.

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