Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1912 A moment

Overwhelm me with speed?


Completely suppressed!

In the dissipating smoke and dust, Uchiha Nobuhiko's eyes are constantly moving, left and right, sometimes backward, and suddenly turned back to the front, and as his eyes move, Susanoku's hands are also constantly changing In this direction, or grab or block, or cross, or move left and right.

However, the movement of the eyes and Susanoo's skeleton's arm seems to be a little inconsistent. Often the eyes have moved to the left, but the arm is hitting to the right. Pause and turn to hit the left side, but at this time, the eyes often turn to other places again, and when I grab half of the left side, I have to turn around and hit the place where the eyes are, just like this. It's half a beat fast, but the arm is always jerking and straightening, stopping and turning, turning and then stopping in mid-air, it looks like some kind of inflexible or out-of-control machine.


And at this moment, his eyes suddenly turned to the front, and the moment his eyes turned fixed, a cold light flashed over, without any suspense, across his Susanoo's chest, shattered There was a sudden sound.


I'm too slow!

At this moment, it was the first time to turn to the eyes on Susano's chest. There was no trace of this extremely swift blow, and Nobuhiko Uchiha could see clearly every slight tremor. Chu didn't miss a single thing, but Susanoo's skeleton arm, which he used to block and attack, just stopped the momentum of slapping to the left at this time, and the turning point has not yet begun.

And Namikaze Minato, who swayed this cold light, was about to pass by him at this moment, and his footsteps were already on the ground.

He is too slow!

His speed is too slow!

Even if the eyes can keep up, but the reaction can't keep up, and the Susanoo of the physical chakra can't even keep up.

And compared to just now, the speed seems to be faster.


And at that very moment, with a thud, Namakaze Minato, who maintained this posture of slanting from top to bottom, stepped on the ground and his knees were slightly bent, but there was a little stiffness on his face. color, but his eyes couldn't help but look towards his right side, that is, Susanoo's ribs.

As an extremely fast ninja, Namikaze Minato's dynamic vision is also absolutely excellent, but in this high-speed battle, he can clearly see the ribs of the jet-black chakra group The three-pronged Flying Thunder God Kunai that I pressed with both hands, and the trajectory that Kunai passed by.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

But at this time, in the eyes of Namikaze Minato, whose face changed slightly, the flying thunder god Kunai who slashed across the ribs of the pitch-black Chakra group shattered inch by inch in the process of slashing. , under this blow, it was as strong as Flying Thunder God Kunai, but in front of this defensive pupil technique, it was like rotten iron, and it shattered directly, but the jet-black chakra group did not change at all , not even a trace of the white seal.

Even without suffering...

The collision of Heliwanwan and Kushina's Haohaoshui wrist technique with the power of Nine Tails, and the collision of two huge forces could not hurt him at all.

Heliwan, this is already my most offensive ninjutsu, and there is also the power of the powerful water wrist technique with the addition of Kushina's power of nine tails, there is no way to make this defensive pupil technique break in.

It seems that he is indeed invincible to us.

And seeing Kunai shattered inch by inch along with the slanted slash, the iron pieces collapsing and flying, a wry smile quietly crossed the corner of Namikaze Minato's mouth.

The current situation was really the worst he had imagined.

They couldn't cause any harm to this Uchiha Nobuhiko, that is to say, they had nothing to do with this Uchiha Nobuhiko.

And the only thing they can do is to use their only advantage, which is to drag him in place with speed until Hirohiko wakes up, and then use the masked man to threaten Nobuhiko Uchiha!

End this fight.


However, thinking of Namikaze Minato here, his face became stiff again, and the corners of his mouth twitched unnaturally.

It's just that he can't hold on for long. First of all, let's not talk about the consumption of Chakra. In order to keep up with Kushina's regular speed without using Flying Thunder God, he activates himself with a small amount of Thunder-attribute Chakra. Reaching the physical standard of being able to use short-distance teleportation, however, this method, whether it is thunder attribute chakra or short-distance teleportation acceleration attack, will place a considerable burden on his muscles, especially if the attack is effective, then Defense against the shock force transmitted from the pupil technique.

With every attack, his body was injured.

Compared to his wife, he didn't have any means of defense and self-healing, and there was nothing special about his body.

Under the situation where this kind of damage has been accumulating, he can't last that long!

Now if only Kushina is left alone, I am afraid that this Uchiha Nobuhiko will not be able to hold back. Without his Flying Thunder God, it will be impossible to maintain this speed and comprehensive suppression.

What the other party has is Sharingan, no, it is a more advanced kaleidoscope Sharingan, with the insight ability, it is possible to predict. There have been several times just now, and they have relied on Flying Thunder God to escape several times Anticipate the attack, maintain the opportunity, and maintain speed to suppress!

The opponent is not completely helpless!

Moreover, compared to just now, this Uchiha Nobuhiko's attack is obviously more flexible.

The opponent is also adapting to their speed!

Can't go on like this!


Is there any other way? In addition to using speed suppression like this!

And bent his knees, watching the moment when the three-chased kunwu was shattered, various thoughts flashed in Namikaze Minato's mind.

However, although in the end there was still nothing to do, Namikaze Minato's figure did not hesitate at all. After bending his knees and unloading his strength, he straightened his figure and was already about to leap out.

Nothing can be done, there is nothing to do, the current situation still needs to be maintained!


However, at this moment, at this moment of standing up, Namikaze Minato's expression suddenly changed drastically.

He can't move!

His feet, suddenly, lost feeling.

Originally, this subconscious, or a conditioned reflex, or a natural stepping out of the ground, once again performed an extreme distance step, but it seemed to be nailed to the ground. Although his upper body was straight, his lower body was It was nailed to the ground and could not move.


Muscles are at their limit!

Is my body so weak?

And at this moment, Namikaze Minato immediately understood what was wrong.

At the same time, he almost subconsciously looked at where his wife was. At this moment, with a glimpse, his wife was jumping up, and the chakra fist of the Nine-Tails coat was hitting Nobuhiko Uchiha. On the back of the defensive pupil technique.

Exactly, the state of their cooperation.

His wife's sight was blocked!

Oops... Oops!

And in the next instant, cold sweat suddenly condensed on the corners of his forehead, and his entire face became completely stiff. Among his slightly widened eyes, his eyes suddenly looked up.

The shadow that seems to be in the palm of your hand has already been pressed down!

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