Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1925 Time seems to be slowing down countless times...

Damn it!

It's this kind of spiral pill, the one that crushed my Susanoo just now is this lavender spiral pill!


Uzumaki Kushina's three-tailed nine-tailed coat disappeared just now, and the nine-tailed chakra was used up because of practicing the spiral pill mixed with nine-tailed chakra!

Although I don't know how they practiced, Namikaze Minato has been able to skillfully mix the Nine-Tails Chakra into the spiral pill!

The eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, which seems to be outlined by flame-like black light, looked at his right cheek as hard as he could, watching the moment when the lavender high-speed rotating chakra ball kept approaching, Nobuhiko Uchiha's mind , but a series of thoughts flashed through, and even the situation where Kushina Uzumaki didn't have a tailed beast coat around her body just now.

And at the moment when this series of thoughts flashed by, Nobuhiko Uchiha finally understood where the Nine-Tails Chakra in the three-tailed Nine-Tails coat went.

During the time when they were in the consciousness space, they did not attack themselves rashly, but figured out why the spiral pill could crush their Susanoo, and mastered that spiral pill proficiently!


And at this moment, a cracking sound suddenly resounded.

No matter how clean and visible the moving track of this lavender spiral pill is under the insight perspective of the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, the time seems to be countless times slower in the senses, and because of the insight ability, Uchiha Nobuhiko's thinking speed It also speeds up to the same multiple as the countless times that the sensory time slows down. After all, the spiral pill is pushed by Namikaze Minato, and it is in motion. Time slows down countless times, and it does not stop after all.

At this moment, with the approach of Helix Wan, the thin layer of chakra cluster like a black flame-like outline on Uchiha Nobuhiko's right cheek split open!

A tiny crack opened, as if Nobuhiko Uchiha's face was covered with a transparent mask with jet-black flame-like edges. When the lavender spiral pill approached, it cracked and cracked. There was a crack that seemed to break glass.


And at this moment, a sharp light burst out from Minakaze Minato's reddish eyes that had been paying attention to Nobuhiko Uchiha's dark flame-like chakra.

Oh no!

At the same moment, Uchiha Nobuhiko's face completely stiffened.


However, in the next second, the expressions of Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Nobuhiko, whose senses were slowed down countless times, suddenly changed.

what happened?


How can this be!

At this second, Namikaze Minato's expression became unbelievable.


This is...the information...

At the same time, Uchiha Nobuhiko's stiff face was relaxed, but his face was strange.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

At the same time, a series of shattering sounds continued to sound. At this moment, time seemed to speed up countless times in the senses of the two of them. The lavender spiral pill whizzed past, bringing out A thin band of fissures ran from his right cheek to his left cheek.

However, after the lavender spiral pill whizzed past Uchiha Nobuhiko's nose, Namikaze Minato's face became even more ugly.

But Nobuhiko Uchiha's face became more and more relaxed and soothing, and even had some faint smiles.

Dodge... dodge!

This Uchiha Nobuhiko, escaped!

The lavender spiral completely unscrewed from the black chakra coat on Uchiha Nobuhiko's face. Namikaze Minato rested his right hand and looked down almost in horror. At this moment, under his right hand, Uchiha Nobuhiko's limbs were hanging in the air in a big shape, but his face was completely raised back, forming almost a right angle with his body, and the spiral pill just passed his nose.

Except for that crack zone, Nobuhiko Uchiha was not hurt at all!

And just now, every detail of Nobuhiko Uchiha's avoidance was constantly echoing in his mind.

Such a fast speed!

It was slower than this speed just now, and he couldn't escape it!


Why is this faster speed, but missed!

At this moment, his heart was filled with horror.

"Good power, but slow!"

And at this moment, Uchiha Nobuhiko looked up through the gap in the arm and fell on Namikaze Minato's face, and a faint, soft sound came from his mouth.


In the next second, Namikaze Minato's face suddenly turned aside, and his eyes suddenly moved away from Uchiha Nobuhiko's face, and fell on his chest and abdomen. Almost at the same time, he coughed lightly.

At this moment, I don’t know when, the fist formed by the black flame Chakra has twisted and hit the Nine-Tails coat on the chest and abdomen, and the Nine-Tails coat on the chest and abdomen of the direct hit is distorted spinning.

The feeling of being hit by a heavy hammer flooded into his pain nerves in an instant!


Then, there was a muffled sound, and amidst the muffled hum, Namikaze Minato's figure suddenly flew out from behind the 45-degree image, and an arc of blood sprayed out.

Yes...it was the defensive pupil technique from before!

It was the other two hands!

But at this moment, Namikaze Minato, who was spitting out blood and wanted to rush back quickly, was staring at Nobuhiko Uchiha's back. On his back, the jet-black dog grew backward from his right shoulder. arm.

That's it, that's it!

I don't have Bamen Dunjia, but I have the power of Susano and Taki Chiba, which allowed me to absorb the power of Susano's first stage!

Now, what I wear on my body is Susanoo!

And this strength and speed are the improvement produced by the concentration of Susanoo's power in my body!

It's terrible!

The power of this Taki Chiba is really terrifying!

Compared to Susano, what is the Eight Door Dunjia!

At the same time, Nobuhiko Uchiha had such a thought in his heart, the moment between life and death, the moment of life and death that was about to be hit by the lavender spiral pill just now, the series of information, and the blowing wave feng shui The punch of the door made him completely understand the source of his current strength.

It is also clear, now that Taki Chiba is in a state of strength, what is his ability!


And at this very moment, after understanding, Uchiha Nobuhiko's black arm suddenly protruded from the left shoulder of Uchiha Nobuhiko, and in the clear and crisp sound, he suddenly grabbed Namikaze Minato who was knocked into the air. The lavender spiral pill that was taken away was firmly held in his hand.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Suddenly, a crackling sound came from the palm of the pitch-black arm.

"Then, let me borrow it! Helix Pill!"

At the same time, Nobuhiko Uchiha sneered under the touch of the real Chakra, and the jet-black arm behind him suddenly turned around, and suddenly pushed and pressed in front of him!

But at this time, in front of him, in front of him, Jiu Xinnai was rushing forward with her chest raised and her fists clenched!

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