Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1935 Inadvertent... change?


Eliminating those Amaterasu fires just now should consume a lot of pupil power, but why, there is no strong reaction now?

Even, the chakra is quite abundant, without the intermittent chakra sluggish feeling that is caused by the intense use of the kaleidoscope writing sharing eye pupil power.

What kind of treatment did Kushina-sensei, Minato-sensei, and Yukina give me?

Step by step towards the masked man who fell on the ground, Hirohiko frowned slightly, and he was full of doubts.

Generally speaking, the pupil power consumed just now is still quite large. According to the general situation, he should feel severe pain at this time, especially the right eye. It will cause blurred vision or something, and there will be a strange perception, as if some kind of seal, part of his eyes will be permanently sealed.

This part will affect his eyesight.

In the previous battle, he had already fully felt it.

However, this time, the consumption was the same, and it was even greater. Not only did he not feel the seal, but his vision was not temporarily blurred. On the contrary, apart from the initial pain, he could be said to be full of energy now, and not only did he not feel any pain. , Weakness, chakra stagnation, and even a feeling of ecstasy.

There are no signs of the past at all.

It was as if he could use this kaleidoscope Sharingan without any side effects.

Of course, it just seems that Hirohiko still has a very clear understanding of himself. What he has is an ordinary kaleidoscope Sharingan. According to what he knows and some information collected by Chiba, his eyes, the more The more you use it, the more you will step into darkness.

And whether it is pupil power or ability, they are far inferior to this Uchiha Nobuhiko's eyes.

He is not naive enough to think that the side effects of the kaleidoscope Sharingan have been eliminated.

However, because of the treatment just now, there are some residual effects.

The pupil power that should be consumed is still being consumed, and the chakra that should be consumed will still be consumed, but there are no side effects yet.

Perhaps during this legacy effect, this side effect will not appear. However, after the legacy effect disappears, the sealed light still needs to be sealed.

Of course, it is also possible that it will not be sealed, and the legacy effect will be offset.

However, no matter what, he still couldn't abuse the pupil power of this pair of kaleidoscope sharing eyes.

It's not because he will be blind. For him, whether he is blind or not doesn't matter much.

What he cares about is the owner of these eyes.

This is what Nao left him.

Now that Uchiha Nobuhiko has been defeated, he must keep these eyes well.

Although Nao is gone, he can use Nao's eyes to see the world, as if Nao never left.

Besides, if you are blind, it will cause trouble for Chiba, Yukina, and Kushina-sensei.


What is going on with this information, this technique called Susanoo?

At the same time, thinking of this, Hong Yan frowned slightly.

At this moment, at the moment when a series of thoughts flashed across his mind just now, there was a lot of information in his mind, and it seemed that there was a force that was transmitted from the eyes to the whole body, cooperating with the flow of information and power , as if a sudden enlightenment, or a flash of inspiration, suddenly understood the application of a technique in his mind.

A technique called Susano.

The excellent kaleidoscope Sharingan, after awakening the abilities named Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi, can it awaken another ability?

Is this Susano?

I... I awakened this Susanoo?

Moreover, this Susanoo has several stages, and each stage will greatly improve the offensive and defensive capabilities, a kind of absolute defense, and also possesses a power that surpasses most forces in a sense.

God's power?


Is the full body comparable to a tailed beast?

Even, more than Tailed Beast?

However, the ordinary kaleidoscope Sharingan cannot make Susanoo evolve to a full body?

these messages……

I... I have mastered such a technique?

Moreover, with the different abilities of each person's Kaleidoscope Sharingan, the form of Susanoo will also change?

And after the second form, can you use the artifacts derived from the ability of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, or the artifacts collected by the caster?


What a terrible technique this is!

And at this moment, with the influx of information and various seemingly invisible pupil powers pouring in from the eyes, every step Hirohiko takes out basically has a more comprehensive and careful view of Susanoo. understanding.

Even the cells in the whole body are orderly and constantly adjusting the way of extracting energy from the body according to the seemingly real and seemingly illusory power transmitted by the eyes.

This is a very wonderful feeling, Hirohiko can hardly describe his current state.

It's as if he has been able to instinctively use this technique that he has never known or understood, and this technique is so powerful that it is even somewhat automatic. As long as he moves his mind, his body will automatically cooperate with him to perform it. this technique.

And when he walked to the side of the masked man, following the infusion of the information in his brain and the power of the eyes that seem to have nothing, seem to be false, and the changes in the cells stopped, he already felt that he would have been able to Such a technique.

It seems that it has been tempered in the past, and now it is completely mastered.


Slowly leaning down, Hongyan felt a wave of turmoil in his heart. Although there was a strange change just now, this change was actually passive and did not require him to spend energy. He just knew that there was such a change. His attention was completely focused on the masked man.

At this moment, even though the change had been completed, he wasn't really shocked. There were turmoil in his heart, but it wasn't the kind that could affect his attention, as if it was a convention.

It's as if he knew that he would master this power, but this power just came a little later, such a feeling.

Will Uchiha Nobuhiko also have this kind of power?

Under this power, did Minato-sensei and Kushina-sensei still defeat him?

At this time, the thought in his heart was not to marvel at this power, but to marvel at the strength of his teacher.


Then, in the next second, a pitch-black flame ignited at the broken arm of the right shoulder of the masked man who had fallen face down, and a whiff of white air burst out in an instant.

Now, let's make sure whether this masked man really passed out.

But in his heart, his attention seemed to be completely focused on the masked man, and he began to confirm whether the masked man really lost his fighting power.


However, at this moment, a slight sound of feet stepping on the ground suddenly sounded.


Almost at the same time, Yukina, Minakame Minato, Kushina, and Hirohiko looked to their left at the same time.

The complexion all changed!

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