Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1944 Impossible



Manipulating... Manipulating other people's Chakra?

This...how is this possible!

Never... never heard of such a thing, chakra manipulating others!

Eyes widened bit by bit, at this moment, hearing Hirohiko's explanation of another possibility, Xue Nai's face already had an expression of disbelief and horror intertwined.

Chakra that controls other people?

Never heard of such a thing!

Although everyone has Chakra, and can form various Chakra-derived attacks, defenses, and auxiliary means such as ninjutsu through changes in nature and form, or supplemented by means such as knot seals, and form Various methods such as ninjutsu have the same effect, and there is no difference in form, but everyone's chakra is actually different.

The reason is that the composition of chakra is a fusion of physical energy and spiritual energy.

Body energy or it can be said that it only varies from person to person, but in essence, it is the same.

However, spiritual energy is two completely different concepts.

Everyone's spiritual energy is different, and what is different is not that it is the substance itself as energy, but that it contains personal thoughts, because this kind of thoughts that only belong to individuals, or in other words, embody The will of human personality, so ninjas can control chakra.

It is precisely because the spiritual energy contains human will that the various effects of Chakra can be produced.

For example, the curse seal here, the conditional curse seal, why the controlled person must fulfill the conditions of the conditional curse seal, it is because the chakra that makes up the curse seal has the will of the caster, and against this will, the curse Printing will start. The conditional seal is a means to strengthen the will of the caster, making it coercive, and it is also an application of Chakra.

For another example, perception ninjutsu, perception ability, in fact, why can you convey your thoughts and words to the other party, in fact, through perception ninjutsu or perception ability, you can convey your own will, and can also collect other people's will, This is the basic principle of the perception network.

At the same time, the perception ninja perceives other chakras, why there are other chakras to distinguish, it is because the chakras are mixed with personal will, so the difference will appear.

If a person has excessive hatred when extracting Chakra, some perception ninjas can feel that this person's Chakra is quite cold, or in other words, different colors, cool tones and the like.

Including, the ability to perceive emotions and the like, in fact, is to feel the will of the other party's chakra that only belongs to the individual.

Everyone's chakra is the same according to the energy principle, and its essence is a kind of magical energy. However, it is different from other angles, because the personal will and emotions contained in it are all different. are different.

And if the chakras of two people are fused, unless it is a special medical chakra, they will generally have a rejection reaction, which is why there will be collisions between ninjutsu and ninjutsu, if the chakras are the same , the ninjutsu composed of chakra should be fusion, not collision.

Chakra is the same for everyone.

However, everyone is different.

Therefore, Chakra is quite independent, and because Chakra is a perfect fusion of spiritual energy and physical energy, there is no way for other spiritual energy to be mixed into it. Basically, there is no other party of will control the existence of will.

Chakra can be disturbed by other spiritual energy or Chakra, but it cannot be controlled by other parties.

This is almost the iron rule of chakra's magical power.

If what Hirohiko said is true, and Nobuhiko Uchiha can control other people's Chakra, then Xue Nai can hardly imagine what kind of terrible and terrifying thing this is.

You must know that chakra is not only an output of spiritual energy, but also a feedback of spiritual energy.

The simplest example is illusion.

Because of chakra disorder, it will cause people to hallucinate, and even enable the caster to control this person to a certain extent.

This is a kind of Chakra's feedback effect on the body. The will integrated into the spiritual energy of Chakra will also affect the spirit of the person. The phantom ninja uses this bond to disturb the spirit of the person. For things like getting intel, killing, fighting.

If Nobuhiko Uchiha can control a person's chakra, or even control chakra to form ninjutsu, then he has the right to dominate everyone.

That is to say, he can control people's spirit and control all their behaviors!

This is no longer the category of illusion!

And if this is the case, then it is normal for Hirohiko to show such an expression, this possibility is really terrifying!

"This...how is this possible?"

Then, thinking of this, Xue Nai couldn't help showing a rather ugly smile, and said.

"Well... I also... I also think that this second possibility is a bit unrealistic."

And hearing this sentence, Hong Yan, who had been slightly relieved from his second possibility, also curled up a forced smile, and echoed a sentence.

Controlling other people's chakra, after all, this is too ridiculous!

If this is really possible, then Nobuhiko Uchiha doesn't need to be so fanfare, just control one person.

And if Uchiha Nobuhiko really awakens the ability of such a kaleidoscope Sharingan, why does he need to hide from XZ, and he can run wild in all directions.

Or the first possibility is more likely, Kaleidoscope Sharingan, there are not many rumors among the Uchiha clan, and even now the Uchiha clan, most people or even everyone don’t know how to open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, but, in In the history of the Uchiha clan from ancient times to the present, there must have been people who opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, but these people did not make the Kaleidoscope Sharingan public.

After all, killing the closest relatives and friends is by no means something that can be advocated. If this method is made public, then, wouldn’t everyone in the Uchiha clan be in danger, ranging from riots to riots? He exterminated himself.

Even if this kind of thing is learned by the Uchiha Clan's high-level, the high-level may only kill people to silence it and keep this secret forever.

Keep it a secret.

Even, it has never been found.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan is indeed powerful, but behind it is more unworthy.

Besides, the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is more like a one-time power. Every time it is used, it will make the eyes one step closer to darkness.

And it should be normal for these clansmen who have opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan to have different Kaleidoscope Sharingan abilities.

For example, Hirohiko's ability to eliminate pupil power, Uchiha Nobuhiko's ability to strengthen Amaterasu's power, and the masked man's time and space ability... It can almost be said that Uchiha, who has now awakened Kaleidoscope Sharingan, has his unique ability.

It is not abnormal to have another ability that can transcribe and transcribe the seal.

"Now, Nobuhiko Uchiha has lost his fighting power, let's remove the seal on Chiba."

And after a few dry laughs, after a moment of silence, Xue Nai spoke.


To this, Hirohiko nodded.

The top priority is to remove the seal in Chiba's body, the most important thing!

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