Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1950 Together!


His target is Chiba, and Xue Nai!

There were jet-black flame trails in the eyes, which drew turning arcs in the air, and Hirohiko's eyes tried to look behind him.

However, he couldn't see anything except the tail of the flame that never turned fast or slow in the corner of his eyes.

At this moment, after all, his posture is to maintain the appearance of squatting beside Qianye, although when Xue Nai exclaimed, he turned around immediately and leaned to face the jet-black flame long arrow attacking behind him , expanded the field of vision to some extent, and made Susano appear in the state of slanting and grabbing the piece with the other arm and now hitting Nobuhiko Uchiha with a fist. However, so many black flame arrows can hardly be seen in the sequel Under the arm, that is, the jet-black flaming arrow that turned and passed under the left arm that originally grabbed the arrow, which was retracted because Susanoku punched out with the other arm, but he couldn't see it.

After all, now he is actually the same as everyone else, surrounded by the sense of shackles that seem to be out of touch with reality, and he can't move at all!

And because of his current state, what his Susanoo can actually do is to face his visible range attack, like this Uchiha Nobuhiko's attack now.

He is unstoppable!

Damn it!

Just a little bit, just a little bit!

However, even if he couldn't see it, he could still imagine in his mind that the countless tiny jet-black flame arrows bypassed his Susanoo, and shot towards Chiba and Yukina who couldn't move behind them. .

And the range of his Susanoo, probably because it was used for the first time, the range can only cover half of Chiba's body behind him, but it can't take care of Xue Nai on the other side.

Even, he only covered the upper half of Qianye's body, and the lower half of his body was still exposed to the attack.

And this jet-black flaming arrow is undoubtedly composed of Amaterasu's fire. As long as Chiba and Yukina are contaminated, they will be burned quickly. Uchiha Nobuhiko's Amaterasu is much more violent than his own Amaterasu, and Because of the current angle of view, he has no way to eliminate the fire of Amaterasu.

Even, his pupil power is still abundant.

Even, because of the unknown treatment, he doesn't have the sequelae of pupil power depletion now.

Just get a little closer!

As long as it can be moved a little to the side, it will cover Chiba and Xue Nai!

And at this moment, as if time stopped completely, Hongyan's teeth were already clenched tightly, and even with the two bloodstains that suddenly overflowed and dripped on his cheeks, it looked a little hideous.

Only a little bit, he was able to block this attack and save Chiba and Xue Nai!

"Chiba! Yukina!"

And at this moment, Jiuxinna's exclamation suddenly rose, and from her angle, she was able to see everything.

Seeing that the falling flame suddenly twisted and turned into an arrow, and then turned out at a speed far higher than the collapsed just now, bypassing Hirohiko's defensive pupil technique, and then slowed down suddenly, in the After passing through Hirohiko's perspective, it returned to the unhurried speed of collapsing and falling, no, it was even much slower.

At this time, from Kushina's perspective, those spiral jet-black flame arrows shooting towards Chiba and Xue Nai seemed to be slowed down countless times at this time, slowly but impartially towards Chiba and Yukina attacked and left.


Xue Nai?

what happened? Why did it become Chiba and Xue Nai, isn't it all right?

Just now Nobuhiko Uchiha appeared out of thin air, Hirohiko should be fine, why did it become Chiba and Yukina again?

And hearing this sound, Namikaze Minato's heart suddenly tightened as his thoughts unfolded and he became more optimistic because Hirohiko revealed Uchiha Nobuhiko's pupil technique.

Hirohiko and Xue Nai are the best talents he can leave for the village in the future, and even this battle is to save Chiba.

If something happened to Chiba, what they did would mean nothing.

it's wired……

How is this going?

Why, why slowed down!

But at this time, the pitch-black arrow that could barely be seen from the corner of his eye suddenly slowed down, almost stopped, and then the slowed down jet-black arrow, Nara Shikahisa's face suddenly sank.

Suddenly, scenes flashed in his mind, from just now to now, there was no time to be anxious and worried because of Qianye and Xue Nai's danger.

Faintly, he seemed to have caught something, something important.

it's over……

it's all over.

But at this time, looking at the jet-black arrows that suddenly slowed down and came towards her and Chiba, a faint smile appeared on Xue Nai's face.

These arrows seem to be slow, and can almost be described as a slow motion, but they are sure to hit.

Because they can't move.

If she can move, she can dodge casually, even if she can slowly hug Qianye up and walk out slowly, she can dodge.

However, they cannot move.

"Thank you, Hirohiko, it's great to have Chiba and you. So, don't force yourself."

And at this time, with a 360-degree field of vision and perspective white eyes, looking at Hirohiko who was frantically mobilizing his chakra and pupil power, Xue Nai took a slight breath, and then said softly.

"Live well, bring me and Qianye..."

Then, she paused, looked at Chiba lying on the ground, and spoke again.

That's enough, Hirohiko.


I think Chiba will thank you too.

Thank you for your company for so many years!

And at this moment, it was like a revolving lantern, all kinds of loneliness in her childhood, the few robberies of the enemy's village that caused a psychological shadow on her when she was still young, and the scene where she was obsessed with cultivation and became more and more lonely. Then, when she met Chiba, After meeting Hirohiko, all these things were shattered. Scenes, every detail, passed through her mind.

Finally, it turned into a warm smile.

The three of us, even one, must stay and accompany Teacher Kushina!


However, this time, before she could speak, she was interrupted by Hongyan's deep drink.


Then, there was a sound of heavy footsteps on the ground.


And this sound, as if stepping on her heart, the voice trembled, and a sound of surprise and consternation blurted out.

At this moment, her 360-degree vision seemed to be completely blocked, and she was completely overwhelmed by the figure of chakra that opened her hands and surrounded her body with a red flame like hot blood. blocked.

"The three of us have to accompany Teacher Kushina together! And... Naruto!"

Then, the next second, in front of her, there was a decisive sound.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

In an instant, all the spiral jet-black arrows coming from the sky and covering the sky hit the crimson flaming skull with its hands outstretched, and instantly scattered into dots of jet-black sparks, which scattered in all directions.

"We are going to go together."

And at this moment, the young man turned his head gently, looking at the two most important people in his life, between the two lines of blood, the warmest smiles bloomed.


The most handsome smile Yukina has ever seen besides Chiba.

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