Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1955 Unbelievable

This is……

Uchiha Nao's pupil power?

Eliminated, my pupil power?

This Uchiha Hirohiko is not dead, so there is no way to kill him?

Looking at the eye-catching hollow holes on the thick black flame pillar, Uchiha Nobuhiko's expressionless face finally slowly changed.

His brows furrowed.

His face was already tense.

At this moment, he couldn't believe it!


And it was also at this moment that the eyes of Jiu Xinnai and Xue Nai who were about to burst into tears suddenly lit up, and a gleam of joy burst out of their faces.

They knew very well what this meant, and these holes were obviously written by Hirohiko.

In other words, Hirohiko is not dead yet!

Even the injury may be lighter than he looks, and it didn't affect his combat effectiveness!

Although the shattering of the defensive pupil technique like Uchiha Nobuhiko's is frightening, Hirohiko still has fighting power!

Moreover, the black flames that suddenly erupted from his body may look terrifying, but Hirohiko has the ability to eliminate the black flames after all.

Hirohiko, he can still protect himself!


This is!

And at this time, when Kushina and Yukina burst into joy, the expressions of Akimichi Dingza, Nara Shikahisa, and Yamanaka Kai all changed, and a thought of surprise and uncertainty flashed in their hearts.


Even Namikaze Minato, whose hand was only half a centimeter away from the masked man's mask, seemed to feel something at this moment, and his face changed slightly.

what happened?

Reduced distance?

Has the distance between my hand and the mask man's mask shortened?

Also, how I feel right now...

Could it be that Nobuhiko Uchiha's control of time and space is not perfect, we are just in a state where time is slowed down, in fact we are still moving, not absolutely static?

And at the moment when his face changed slightly, such a thought naturally flashed through Namikaze Minato's heart.

"Chi... chi chi... chi..."

At this moment, the black pillar of flames that shattered due to the hole opening in front finally completely turned into strands of black flames and dissipated in the air with the sound of burning the air.

Amaterasu, was completely eliminated!

Here... here!

And at this moment, looking at the center of the black flame pillar that was shattered and steaming hot, Uchiha Nobuhiko's brows finally twisted into an upside-down character.

It seems that Taki Chiba's traits are not completely without a trace of emotion.

In his heart, such an inexplicable thought with an irrepressible shock flashed across him unconsciously.

"Hirohiko, you're fine!"

And at this time, almost at the same time, the joy on the faces of Kushina and Xue Nai finally completely turned into surprise, and they blurted out.

This this!

At this time, Nara Shikahisa, Akimichi Choza, and Yamanaka Kaiichi seemed to be silent in the greater shock, without any reaction.


Is Hirohiko all right?

At the same time, Namikaze Minato couldn't help looking at Nobuhiko Uchiha who just caught a glimpse, seeing that although Nobuhiko Uchiha was still expressionless, there was already a mask that was about to collapse When he was in a broken state, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

If all the parties involved have this expression, then Hongyan must be fine!

This is... this is...

what, what...


And at this moment, on the other side, as the captain of the rescue team, Shinoda Ichiro and others, they were already dumbfounded looking at the person in the center of the heat.

From just now to now, from when they were controlled to now, from the crimson skeleton appeared and collapsed, and now the people who returned from the flames appeared on their faces, their previous battle outlook suddenly appeared at this time It collapsed, but there was no way to react.


And in the eyes of everyone who can see it, at this moment, the original position of the Black Flame Pillar, that is, half a meter away from the side of the unconscious Qianye, the circular ground with a radius of about one person, is constantly chirping Thick white air was steaming upwards, and one could feel the scorching heat just by looking at the densely steaming hot air without looking at the circular melting ground below.

However, at this moment, all the people who could see were not paying attention to the scorching heat, and no one lamented that the heat of the black flame pillar could actually roast the ground, but under the heat, It can still maintain the shadow of a human figure.

In the center of the white air is the seemingly intact black shadow.


Then, at this moment, a sound of exhalation, accompanied by a slanting downward white air that was completely different from the upward white air, entered everyone's ears.

It's okay, it's Hirohiko!


still alive!

And at this moment, seeing this scene and hearing this sound, Kushina and Xue Nai were completely surrounded by joy.


should be……

And the three of Zhuludie were still shocked beyond words.

Is this Hirohiko?

Hirohiko's breathing?

Intact, or injured, but all right?

At the same time, Namikaze Minato couldn't help feeling a surge of surprise.

Unbelievable, is this the top battle?

Is this the top ninja?

At this time, Shinoda Ichiro and the others were completely shocked.

not dead?

Although pupil power and chakra have been consumed a lot, but still survived?


Even if Hei Yan couldn't kill him, the damage that exploded from his flesh would still mortally wound him!

Impossible not to die!


This is absolutely impossible!

It's all like this? How is it possible to survive?

It's just that it's just a dying struggle!

It's just that those eyes are dying!

Amaterasu being completely wiped out, that's conceivable, foreseeable, but surviving in that situation?


Absolutely impossible!

And at this moment, as if the mask had shattered, an indescribably shaken expression covered Nobuhiko Uchiha's face.

At the same time, the heart, which had no fluctuations at all and kept beating at its own rhythm, suddenly accelerated, and a kind of palpitation came to my heart.

Is it possible that this Uchiha Hirohiko must be like that Taki Chiba?

Amidst the palpitations, there was only one thought left in his mind.


However, at this moment, as if to prove that his unbelief was nothing more than self-deception, a sound slowly sounded in the white air.

No! Can! able!

In an instant, the expressionless mask on his face finally shattered, and a look of horror emerged out of nowhere!

Very good!

It's Hirohiko!

At this moment, the hearts of Kushina, Yukina, and Minakaze Minato all shook together.


And at this moment, amidst the chi chi sound, the white air gradually faded away.

Hirohiko's figure slowly appeared!

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