Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1956 Always

Whole body, apart from those stabbed wounds, without any other fatal wounds?

Moreover, using Amaterasu's burning, the wound was successfully treated to stop bleeding?

Not only was there no further damage, but the bleeding was stopped?

how did you do that?

new abilities?

Still, the eyes of Uchiha Nao...

As the white air gradually faded away, the horrified look on Nobuhiko Uchiha's face gradually changed to a dignified look, even an expression of facing a formidable enemy.

At this moment, in front of him, Uchiha Hirohiko, who slowly emerged from the white air, besides the rising heat all over his body, the wounds on his body pierced by the flame chakra cone , but it was scorched black. Although it looked terrifying, there was no blood seeping out.

Although I don't know why these explosions are enough to form the black flame pillar just now, and the chakra flame cones that contain such a large amount of Amaterasu did not further expand the wound, but Uchiha Nobuhiko can be sure that the current Uchiha Hirohiko Although his clothes were torn and his body was covered with scorched holes, his injuries were not serious.

These chakra flame cones did not hurt the root, at most it was a skin trauma.

And the skin trauma has stopped bleeding now.

Hirohiko Uchiha did not lose his combat effectiveness, and was able to survive the black flames. The only possibility is that his eyes may have awakened some ability, which may be even more difficult.

And looking at his pair of ordinary kaleidoscope sharingan, but exquisite appearance, Nobuhiko Uchiha has not been so shocked that he lost his mind and dared not face the reality.

The current Uchiha Hirohiko may be stronger than before!

And Nao Uchiha's eyes were the type he least wanted to meet. In this battle, although he had infinite light and far superior pupil power, he might not be able to completely suppress Hirohiko Uchiha in front of him!

Has the bleeding stopped?

Not a big wound!

And at this time, Jiu Xinnai and Xue Nai's hearts were shaken, and they also carefully observed the young man who was hugging the hot air and didn't even take a breath. Except for the torn clothes, who were a little embarrassed, those scorched clothes Aside from the scary little spots, they couldn't find any injuries that endangered the boy.

At this moment, they were really relieved.

Although I don't know what's going on, it's better than anything else for Hirohiko to live well!

Besides, that Uchiha Nobuhiko finally changed his face at this time, and under such circumstances, Hirohiko was able to move freely.

They still have hope!

Live, everyone must live together!

"Chi... chi chi..."

But at this time, amidst the steaming white air, Hirohiko didn't even look at Nobuhiko Uchiha over there, the kaleidoscope Sharingan slowly turned, but looked at Minakaze Minato, and then followed the movement of the eyes , glanced over Shikaku Nara, paused on Kushina's body for a while, turned his head again, looked at Chiba behind him, then paused on Xue Nai's body for a while, and finally looked at Nobuhiko Uchiha.

It's okay, it's okay.

This Nobuhiko Uchiha did not hurt anyone.

Very good.

Very good……

That's great!

Then, when his eyes turned and settled, suddenly, amidst the steaming heat, the corner of Hirohiko's mouth slightly curled up into a smile.

A touch of a relieved smile.

A kind, comforting smile.


Seeing this smile, and looking at the silent young man in front of him, Nobuhiko Uchiha frowned slightly, as if he was facing a big enemy, even more dignified.

Now at this time, are you laughing?

Is it a sure thing?

Or did you find a way to deal with me?

He completely developed Uchiha Nao's eyes?

There was a thump in his heart for no reason.

A sense of fear that had never been seen since the battle of the Nine-Tails Seizure suddenly surged into his heart. At this moment, he suddenly had the urge to swallow his saliva.


And at this moment, in front of him, where his eyes were focused, the sound of footsteps on the ground suddenly sounded.

Hirohiko, step forward!

come yet?

Are you going to attack?

What kind of ability will it be?

Since I can completely isolate and eliminate my Amaterasu, it should be a range attack, right?

It can eliminate my pupil power, although I didn't show any signs before, but my Susanoo will also be eliminated.

And if Susano can be eliminated, then all my pupil powers will be eliminated by him.

After all, probably evolved!

I don't know if using the power of outsiders to form the new power that is now contained in Susanoo can resist the ability of the evolved Uchiha Nao to eliminate the pupil power.

And if Susano can almost be eliminated, then...

So, what means of defense should be used?

How should I fight back!

Seeing Hirohiko's appearance, the eternal kaleidoscope pattern in Uchiha Nobuhiko's left eye shrank suddenly, and almost instantly, his right foot took a half step back, tensing up and making a defensive posture.

It turns out that you will be so nervous too.

Nobuhiko, brother.

Seeing Nobuhiko Uchiha's undisguised nervousness, the comforting smile on the corner of Hirohiko's mouth seemed to slowly change.

However, the change of this smile is not mocking or mocking.

Instead, with a slightly warm color.

Laughing again?

What is it this time?

What does this smile represent?

Seeing this smile, Nobuhiko Uchiha frowned again, subconsciously, he retreated slightly, the eternal kaleidoscope pattern in his eyes shrank, and his heart tightened again.

He couldn't understand the Uchiha Hirohiko in front of him.

And things that don't understand, people who don't understand, are undoubtedly the most terrifying!


Then, when Nobuhiko Uchiha retreated again, Hirohiko stopped, took a deep breath, and suddenly spoke.

Then, in the next second, everyone changed their colors.

At this moment, between these three words, Hirohiko's voice suddenly weakened, his figure swayed slightly, and the kaleidoscope Sharingan in his eyes suddenly dimmed.

Then, one more time.

Then, it shook again.

"...I'll leave it to you."

Then, after turning his head and glanced at everyone, with a big smile, and with a "poof", Hirohiko kept taking a step forward...

It fell obliquely.


fell to the ground.

Nao, I'm here to accompany you.

Between the rising white air and dust, those bright red eyes slowly faded away, turning into lifeless pitch black.

All the time, looking into the distance.

Through everyone, looking at the unknown distance.

But that warm smile was always on the rise.

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