Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1960 In an instant

Oops... Oops!


Listening to the creepy cold words that suddenly sounded behind them, Shikahisa Nara, Choza Akimichi, and Kaiichi Yamanaka turned their gazes instantly, and landed in front of Kushina. Naku Shinna's body was only on the young man whose left eye was still open.

Either the corner of the eye, or the frontal gaze, or the gaze that tried to look back, all fell on the young man.

And before he felt that Uchiha Nobuhiko suddenly made a black hand to destroy Hirohiko's eyes, he thumped, and his face changed several times.


too fast!

Just like the moment when the blood spurted out of Hirohiko's eyes just now, Nobuhiko Uchiha stepped in front of Kushina in one step, without any time interval at all, as if Nobuhiko Uchiha was originally behind them .

A feeling that transcends time and space arises spontaneously.


What is Uchiha Nobuhiko doing!

Then, after a thud in the heart, the heartbeats of the three suddenly accelerated.

Who is Kushina?

What did Nobuhiko Uchiha just say?

Nine tails!

In an instant, they all realized the seriousness of the problem.

what happened?

Why did Nobuhiko Uchiha get behind me!

No footsteps at all!

And just now, was it the fluctuation of space?

And at this time, although Minakame didn't see what was going on behind him, his heart thumped, and cold sweat dripped down from the corner of his forehead at an extremely slow speed.

As a master of time and space ninjutsu, and a very powerful time and space ninja, Namikaze Minato is quite keen on the concept of space and time, and the imprint perception in his mind is the best proof.

Just now, when footsteps sounded behind him, he clearly felt a strong spatial fluctuation, which even affected his spatial perception. There were ripples.

This kind of spatial fluctuation can almost cause the imprint to shake. It may be a more advanced space-time ability than Flying Thunder God...


No, time and space ability and ninjutsu, there is no distinction between superior and inferior!

However, the spatial fluctuations just now, many imprints...


Many imprints?

Judging from the fluctuations just now, it happened that this area was affected?

Is this Uchiha Nobuhiko's time and space ability limited in scope?

Suddenly, Namikaze Minato's active thinking had a series of associations, and from the rippling imprints in his spatial perception, that is, the spatial fluctuations of the imprints just in this open space, he suddenly discovered something.

The imprints beyond this open space did not fluctuate, only the imprints in this open space were affected!

In other words, Nobuhiko Uchiha's time and space ability is to control time and space, so that time slows down to a certain extent, and it should not be able to change the time of the human body itself. There is no obstacle to the sound transmission of the human body, but the cold sweat The flow rate is quite slow, it should be slow for the time of matter, as for the space, he should be able to flicker anywhere within the control range.

Almost instantly, Namikaze Minato had a conceptual calculation by Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Wait... wait a minute!


And almost at the same time as these flashed by, his face also changed drastically, and he suddenly realized what was going on now.

This Uchiha Nobuhiko, I am afraid that he has shot his wife now. However, he still has no effective way to deal with Nobuhiko Uchiha's time and space dominance!

Even if he knew the characteristics of space dominance at this time, he still had no time to think of a countermeasure.

Everything happened so fast!

It's too fast to react.


And at this moment, a series of tadpole characters slowly flowed out from Uchiha Nobuhiko's five fingers, and through Kushina's clothes, infiltrated the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki who did not know when it had appeared. In the seal.

In the silence, a sound like a key inserted into a keyhole rang in Uchiha Nobuhiko's ear.


This... what's going on?

How could this Uchiha Nobuhiko have the key to the seal!

And at this moment, Jiu Xinnai, who was still in the diffuse, causing her to be unable to react, was suddenly awakened by a kind of fright, her eyes moved down in shock, and her face was instantly pale.

The sound of the key being inserted into the keyhole also rang in Kushina's ears.

And this voice, Kushina knew what it meant!

How can it be!

How could Nobuhiko Uchiha know the key to the Four Elephant Seal!

How did he know!

Now there are only three people who can use the four-element seal, and none of them are from other villages, and it also requires a very high talent for sealing. Not everyone can use this advanced sealing technique.

Not to mention special keys!

The key of the four-element seal of the nine-tail seal is different from other four-element seals!

how so!

How would he know?

And at this moment, the grief of Hong Yan's passing has been completely replaced by a kind of extreme panic.

What the current situation represents, Kushina is very clear, very clear!

The key has sneaked into the seal, which is equivalent to half of the Kyuubi seal being opened. Now Nobuhiko Uchiha only needs to turn it slightly, and he can remove the Kyuubi seal, and he can release the Kyuubi.

And with the pupil power of his kaleidoscope Sharingan, it only takes a quick glance, and Kyuubi is in his pocket.

As a Nine-tailed Jinchuriki, how could Kushina not know that Sharingan can control tailed beasts!

But now, her original plan to commit suicide, now that she can't even move a finger, is a complete joke!

At this moment, Kushina realized what a stupid decision she had made.

If Kyuubi is captured by such a person with ulterior motives, Baobuqi is another Uchiha Madara, she can't bear the price!

How... how could this happen!

what to do?

What can I do now, take my own life!

And at that moment, in Jiuxinna's mind, only the thought of suicide remained.

She can die, but Kyuubi must not fall into the hands of the enemy!


However, under the absolute control of time and space, even if she wanted to die, she couldn't do it. At this moment, there was already a smile on the corner of Uchiha Nobuhiko's mouth.

His right hand has already turned slightly.

The key, you can turn the door lock!

Nine Tails is already in his grasp, and the next second will be when Nine Tails breaks the seal.


When he won the Nine Tails!

And at this moment, there was only one thought in his mind.

Everything is over.

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