Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1965 Retreat?

"This is!"

Seeing Yukina rushing to Hirohiko's body, touching her knees heavily to the ground, stopping and inspecting Hirohiko's body up and down, as if she still wanted to find a breath of life, Shikahisa Nara's expression changed slightly, and his mouth subconsciously It's just one sound.


And at this time, looking at Jiu Xinnai who was sitting slumped on the ground with a look of fear on his face, Qiu Dao Ding Zuo also opened his mouth in astonishment.

"No, it's not untied, but left."

At the same time, Haiyi Yamanaka, who couldn't help but look towards the direction where the biggest cloud of smoke was rising, frowned, and said heavily.

Although his head is buzzing now, as a sensory ninja, in a sense, he is still much more sensitive than Nara Shikahisa and Akido Dingza.

Even though he possesses Hirohiko's ability to eliminate pupil power and cannot feel the changes in time and space around him, he can still vaguely feel something leaving.

"Can... Can you move?"

And at this time, on the other side, the four of them, Shinoda Ichiro and others, who had a weak sense of presence, also had a look of astonishment flashing across their faces.

They only felt the viscous air like water fading away from them, and then, that strange sense of dissonance, which made them unable to move, left their left side like a tide, their hands and feet, already It is able to move.

"Just now, what happened?"

At this time, Endo couldn't help but stood up immediately because he was able to move, watching the largest cloud of smoke and dust that evaporated with the heaviest thunder-like impact, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"I don't know! But what I know is that the battlefield over there is not a place we can go to."

Regarding this, Ezaki, who stood up one step later, said bitterly at the corner of his mouth.

The battle just now, even if it just saw an end, even if it wasn't the most intense conflict they had ever seen, but, undoubtedly, this was a battle that subverted their fighting concept.

The art of dominating time and space?

Huge chakra entity skeleton?

The pitch-black flame that seems to be able to burn everything?

Do these things exist in their common sense?

No, not at all!

To be honest, they couldn't move just now, partly because time and space were fixed, and partly because they couldn't react which subverted common sense.

Even now, they still have some ways to react.

Such a huge chakra entity, is this the amount of chakra that a human can have?

And that kind of flame, that rushing heat wave, can ordinary fire escape have?


Is there such a black flame?

Not to mention the technique of controlling both time and space?

This is no longer the domain of humans!

It is not the category of power that humans can possess!

This is God!

This is god-like power!

In the face of such power, even if they are not imprisoned by time and space, the only thing they can do is to retreat and try their best to save their lives.

In the past, they used to think that they were also elite and powerful characters, but on the battlefield with these characters whose combat power is only average, even Master Minato, they are not even ants!

At this moment, it is very rare for them to be able to remain calm.

The paragraph just now has completely shattered their worldview.

Even, except for Endo and Ezaki, who are relatively lively and quick to digest, Shinoda Ichiro and the captain are completely speechless, and they have not slowed down now.

"Lu Jiu, Hai Yi."

And at this time, Minami Namikaze touched the mask of the masked man and felt the hard reality of the mask at his fingertips, his face slowly became serious, and he spoke softly.

"Yes, I understand."

Hearing this sound, Nara Shikahisa immediately moved his eyes away from Xue Nai, turned around, and responded softly but firmly.

"Lu Jiu..."

At this time, Yamanaka Kaiichi, who had already understood the meaning of Namikaze Minato, also looked at Nara Shikahisa, and said.

"Notify everyone and return to the village. No matter who it is, you can't stay here, and you are going to defend the village. Even if you can only exhaust the pupil power of this Uchiha Nobuhiko, you must guard the village."

In this regard, Nara Shika said without thinking for a long time.

He is very clear about the meaning of the Fourth Hokage. There is no need to stay here now. No matter what the situation is, there is no reason to stay here.

The strength of Nobuhiko Uchiha has far exceeded their budget, and this is no longer a problem with them or just Konoha.

This kind of power that is infinitely close to that Uchiha Madara, in the era when there is no second ninja god, or even when no one is close to this ninja god, the existence of Uchiha Nobuhiko is already a problem for the entire ninja world.

Now, before Nobuhiko Uchiha's pupil power is exhausted, they must go back, must go back, all go back, and stick to the village.

Keep Kushina of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki firmly in the village.

Now, these elites cannot be compromised here, the rescue mission is meaningless!

Nobuhiko Uchiha can no longer be strengthened!

Not only do they have to stick to Konoha, but when they do, they must also disclose the identity and ability of Nobuhiko Uchiha, as well as the fact that he is infinitely close to Madara Uchiha, so as to unite with the other four major ninja villages to deal with this Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Moreover, Konoha may have to spend all his resources to deal with this Uchiha Nobuhiko, and at the same time win the trust of the Four Great Ninja Villages.

In view of the current situation, I am afraid it will take a lot of work.

The situation is no longer optimistic.

"I see."

At this time, Haiichi Yamanaka did not hesitate at all about the words of his best friend, suppressed the influence of the buzzing pupil power that had subsided slightly in his mind, and began to mobilize the nearest perception ninja to make a perception call, and through the perception network Pass this thing on.

Although the perception ability is greatly disturbed by the influence of pupil power, but because the rescue team is rushing over, the nearest one is over there, and the second closest one is not far away, so he can still make a perception call.

"Then, Minato-sama, the three of us retreat too."

At the same time, Shikahisa Nara said again.

Now, the meaning of my Hokage must be to take away everyone present with Flying Raijin, especially Kushina, and Flying Raijin teleportation requires Chakra, and one less person can save a lot of Chakra consumption .

Better yet, they rush back.

Right now, Nobuhiko Uchiha should not have suffered much damage, and he will make a comeback soon, and when Hokage takes Kushina away, he is bound to rush towards Konoha Village frantically, and they also need to rush back as soon as possible.

"Well, let's go."

But at this time, Namikaze Minato's face became more solemn, with a gloomy feeling, and he pressed his five fingers on the mask, but he didn't move.


What is this feeling?

The control of time and space should be lifted, but why...

why is that?

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