Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1968 Calculate!

"Six seconds! Minato-sensei, Uchiha Nobuhiko is back, we have to leave!"

After an exclamation, Xue Nai's face changed again when she saw Minakame who was not moving at all, and she couldn't help but screamed again.

So fast!

This speed is like an upgraded version of Chiba's eight-door model.

Although it is not the Bamen Dunjia used by Chiba, the way Nobuhiko Uchiha's chakra flows and the feeling of Chakra are almost exactly the same as when Chiba uses the Bamen mode, except that it is colder than Chiba's.

It's just that there are more chakras amplified than Chiba's eight-door mode, and the density of chakra is much higher, and the physical chakra similar to the defensive pupil technique is directly formed on the body surface.

Chiba's eight-door model is a further improvement and application of the forbidden technique of eight-door dunjia. Although it seems a bit unbelievable, it is understandable and logically explainable.

The reason why the forbidden technique has so many side effects is because the forbidden technique is not perfect, but because a certain aspect has reached the extreme and cannot be further improved. If it is improved, it will be another kind of technique. A technique far inferior to the forbidden technique.

With the aptitude shown by Qianye, the improvement of Bamen Dunjia is just one of the miracles he created.

However, Nobuhiko Uchiha can also have the power similar to Chiba's improvement of Bamen Dunjia, which is a bit wrong.

What did this Nobuhiko Uchiha do?

What did you do, what did you do to Qianye, to get this power!

At the same time, unable to bear the exclamation again, this series of thoughts quickly flashed through Xue Nai's mind.

Unconsciously, the white eyes shifted slightly from Nobuhiko Uchiha, who was approaching at high speed, to Chiba behind him.

As for Qianye's situation, it was the same as before, and she couldn't see anything unusual, but she was unconscious.

Faintly, she seemed to have caught some connection between Nobuhiko Uchiha's power and Chiba's coma.

"You are not unconscious!"

At this moment, when Xue Nai's voice just started, before it fell, Namikaze Minato, who seemed to be unresponsive from Xue Nai's perspective, suddenly leaned forward slightly, and said something in his mouth. It was an exclamation.

No coma?

And hearing this sentence, Yukina, who was flustered, shivered, and her eyes suddenly fell on Namikaze Minato.

What... what's going on?

This chakra?

And it’s okay if you don’t pay attention to it. After she noticed, she saw her Minato-sensei’s Chakra in her supercilious vision, which seemed to overlap with some kind of chakra without entity. As she leaned forward, that The chakra, which seems to have no body in human form, keeps rising, as if a person is slowly standing up.

"Fourth Hokage, Minato, Nine Tails, I'll accept them!"

At this time, a slightly gloomy voice came from afar.

Then, in the bulging eyes of Xue Nai who turned suddenly because of the sudden sound, there was a change in Minakaze Minato who was leaning forward.

A hand, like a phantom, slowly stretched out from Namikaze Minato's back, and then, the right shoulder, the chest covered in a black robe, the chin, the left shoulder, and then the whole body with the Anbe mask The head, after the hand was stretched out, slowly protruded from Namikaze Minato's forward-leaning back, as if a lying person stood up, and came out through Namikaze Minato.

It's the masked man!

He is not unconscious!

Who is counted!

In an instant, Xue Nai's trembling heart tightened again, suddenly, she suddenly realized something.

"Run! Teacher Kushina! Run!"

Almost at the same time, after realizing something, another cry came from her mouth!

It's Teacher Kushina!

His goal is Teacher Kushina!

This Uchiha Nobuhiko was either tricked by this masked man, or he had discussed it with the masked man!

He looked unconscious on purpose!

All of this is actually their plan!

The purpose is to paralyze us, make us careless, let us ignore!

Now is the time for them to show their fangs!

The two of them are either plotting against each other! Or they are each other's backhands!

While shouting, her heart was clear.


Then, there was a muffled groan filled with pain, but her figure suddenly froze.

Subconsciously, she was about to stand up and run away at this cry, but her slightly elevated figure suddenly stopped.

Oops... Oops!

my feet!

Amid the severe pain from her knees and calves, Xue Nai clenched her teeth tightly, but she couldn't stand up.

Her feet were already dripping with blood.

She rushed too far just now, and the two shallow ravines she pulled out when she knelt beside Hong Yan were covered with blood.


The target is Kushina!

But at this time, the moment Xue Nai paused, Minato Namikaze moved his toes slightly, his forward leaning stopped suddenly, and suddenly, his head turned behind him.

Behind him, in the direction of his wife!

We've been tricked!

This masked man is not in a coma at all!

He and Nobuhiko Uchiha, either plotted against each other, no, Nobuhiko Uchiha was plotted by this masked man!

Or, the two are each other's backhands!

We are completely calculated!

Moreover, it was too late!

Too late!

At this moment, in the gaze covered by the slowly solidified back, Minato Namikaze read that he was too late now, with the speed of the masked man's space transmission, it was too late for him to use Flying Thunder God now!


And just at this moment, stood up through Namikaze Minato, and the materialized masked man, when the heel touched Namikaze Minato's heel lightly, pressed his hand on the other side without hesitation and sat down on the ground, Looking over there subconsciously and screaming, but suddenly stopped Xue Nai who was standing up, on the shoulder of Kushina who was about to say a worried "Xue Nai".



And following the touch of the enemy's palm on his shoulder, Jiu Xinnai's face changed suddenly, and he swallowed the words as he came to his mouth.


At this very moment, at the edge of the forest and the clearing, in the fallen forest, a figure wrapped in a thin jet-black flame flashed out.

That is……

Obito Uchiha!

Suddenly, Uchiha Nobuhiko's pupils suddenly shrank, and his face suddenly changed.


I was calculated!

This Uchiha Obito is not in a coma.

Seeing the masked man pressing on Kushina's shoulder and the twisted pupil power, Nobuhiko Uchiha immediately had such a thought in his mind.

Damn it!

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