Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1970 Finally...

Goodbye, Chiba.

Goodbye, Shane.

Farewell, junior.

The last ray of distortion covered his body, the touch of time and space transfer and the continuous intensification of his own different world suddenly intensified. , the girl who was struggling to stand up, the boy who was unconscious and unresponsive, and the boy who had made no sound, his cells were dead, and there was no possibility of survival.

And in his mind, such a thought flashed involuntarily.

At this time, in his mind, those memories when he was Uchiha Obito suddenly surged up.

The genius trio in front of him can be regarded as his closest friends back then. During the mission of Shenwu Biqiao, they also shared joys and sorrows, lived and died together.

At this time, the masked man, seeing the miserable appearance of the three of them, felt a flash of unbearable in his heart.

However, this bit of unbearableness quickly dissipated as he recalled the mission of Kannabi Bridge. The cold and turbulent coldness filled his mind the moment the girl he loved so much appeared.

Also at this moment, his eyes were cold for a moment.

Then, he turned his eyes, and at the last moment of the transfer, he looked at the cold sweat dripping from the forehead. Although he still maintained a calm look, only the handsome blond man in despair remained in his eyes. The corner of his mouth, the deepest touch His sneer resurfaced again.

Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, Minato-sensei, you are always like this, you have the fastest speed in the ninja world, but you are always one step late.

Me too.

Lynn too.

Now, Mr. Kushina, too!

Following the desperate look in his eyes, such an inexplicable and complicated thought flashed through the mind of the masked man, no, Uchiha Obito.

Full of hatred, but it doesn't seem to be the kind of hatred of hatred.

Even, with a little pity.

A little, inexplicable emotion that he couldn't explain.

However, no matter what he thinks now, it doesn't matter anymore, Kyuubi has already started, and his plan has succeeded.

As long as he arrives in his different space, even if Uchiha Nobuhiko possesses the ninjutsu that dominates time and space like Heavenly Control, there is no way to threaten him.

His different space is an independent space, a space independent of any space, and it belongs to him alone.

Uchiha Nobuhiko has no way to interfere.

And I will also enter my own different space and cut off all connections until I take out Nine Tails.

Now, the key of the seal is still embedded in the seal, as long as Kushina is taken away, Nine Tails can be obtained!

But at this time, his space transfer has been activated, and no one can stop him!

"Do you think that if you calculate me, I will have nothing to do with you."

However, at this moment, at this moment, beside his ear, which was pulled into a different space by the power of the spiral pupil, such a leisurely and cold voice suddenly sounded.


The moment he heard these words, his expression changed drastically.

At this very moment, the twisting and rotating pupil power suddenly slowed down, and the induction of the different space suddenly began to go away.

Even, the distorted image of the two people in this space is slowly reversed, slowly but irreversibly, reversed into a clear and correct effect.

What... what's going on?

How...how can he...

And at this moment, Uchiha Obito's eyes, with indescribable shock, looked towards his right side bit by bit.


At this moment, the sound of footsteps on the ground softly resounded from his right side, stepping on everyone's hearts.

Nobuhiko Uchiha!

At the same time, Minakaze Minato on the side and Xue Nai on the other side slowly widened their eyes.

At this moment, on the right side of the masked man, in front of Namikaze Minato, and directly in front of Kushina, stood a young man wrapped in pitch-black flames who stepped out step by step. With a half-smile on his face, he looked at the masked man whose surrounding space had completely returned to normal.

It is Nobuhiko Uchiha!

And the words just now came from the mouth of Uchiha Nobuhiko.

"Impossible! This is impossible! You should not be able to activate the second Heavenly Control to control time and space, and the time should have come."

At this time, Uchiha Obito's slightly frightened voice suddenly sounded.

At this time, he was already surrounded by a sense of discord between time and space, unable to move, and his own space teleportation was also suspended. Obviously, this is the Heaven's Guard, and it is the domination of time and space.

However, this should not be possible.

First of all, he has already canceled the Heavenly Ward once just now. The distance just now is obviously within the scope of the Heavenly Ward, and time and space are not dominated. It is obvious that Nobuhiko Uchiha has already canceled the Heavenly Ward once.

According to the intelligence, it is impossible for him to use it again!

Moreover, Izanagi's time should be coming to an end soon, and now, time and space should not be dominated anymore.

"Oh, you said that the Heavenly Armor can only be used once within the duration. I'm sorry, I don't seem to have interrupted the Heavenly Armor in front of people, nor did I use it again after interrupting the Heavenly Armor. Well, the information you got may be wrong, my Heavenly Armor can be used at any time within the duration, and it can be interrupted countless times, and it can save pupil power."

In this regard, Uchiha Nobuhiko, who pulled Kushina up with one hand, glanced at Uchiha Obito, who was beside him with Jinchuriki's shoulders, and the eyes under the mask flashed with horror, and said indifferently.

"Don't you think, I don't know that old man, so investigate me again?"

In the end, after straightening Kushina who was standing upright, Nobuhiko Uchiha moved closer, and whispered in Uchiha Obito's ear in a very low voice.

He...knows all?

This is... a trap he set?

Is this a trap he set?

And at this moment, upon hearing this sound, the frightened look in Uchiha Obito's eyes suddenly changed into a kind of fright.

He underestimated this Uchiha Nobuhiko too much!

Uchiha Madara also underestimated this Uchiha Nobuhiko!

This Nobuhiko Uchiha has been on guard against them and deliberately gave them wrong information!

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his heart in shock. From head to toe, it was already icy cold!

"What are you doing!"

But at this time, Xue Nai's anxious voice suddenly sounded.


At the same time, Namikaze Minato's eyes widened suddenly, and in the pupils, there was a clear reflection of the five fingers that were pressing on his wife's seal again.

It's over...it's over!

And their hearts were filled with despair.

At this time, the seal is once again in the hands of the enemy.

They are still unable to move in the sense of discord split by time and space.


Now, there is only despair.

Just like before, only despair.


And the fact is that there is only despair. At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha twisted the seal again without any hesitation.

In the sound of the key turning the keyhole.

Yukina, Namikaze Minato, and even Uchiha Obito all had pale faces of despair.

Now, no one can stop Nobuhiko Uchiha!


Then, there was another sound.

"Kushina (teacher)!"

They are powerless, even so powerless to shout!

it is finally over.

With the second twist in his hand, another layer of seal was released, and Nobuhiko Uchiha breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, no one can stop him.


Just as this thought turned, smoothly, another layer of seal was released!

Hinata Yukina's anxious and desperate look, Namikaze Minato's desperate and powerless look, Uchiha Obito's eyes of despair and fear that cannot be concealed.

Nine tails is already in his pocket.

And at this moment, his hand was also a little bit harder.

"call out!"

Then, his figure became blurred.

Disappeared in place.

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