Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1977 Should be able to feel


Can't run?

Seeing that the vortex in that space was completely absorbed by a certain point in the air, it turned into nothingness, as if the masked man and his wife never existed there. Namikaze Minato looked at his left side in a little astonishment. He didn't know when, he was already standing there, holding himself down with one hand, so that he could stop flying Thunder God. His whole body exuded a misty green brilliance, as if wearing A young man in an emerald green coat.

"Yes, Minato-sensei, you should be able to feel it."

At this time, watching the masked man in front of him use the time and space ability to move Kushina away, noticing Namikaze Minato's gaze, Chiba gently let go of Namikaze Minato's hand, still looking at the front Air, he said.

Didn't use Flying Thor?

Is it just because I suddenly put my hand on him?

Or, he has absolute trust in me...

But because of this absolute trust, he didn't catch up...

This is also...


At the same time, an inexplicable mixed thought flashed through his mind.


Hearing Chiba's words, Namikaze Minato, who was half squatting on the ground, was taken aback for a moment, then frowned slightly, and thought for a while.

Could it be!

Then, after thinking about it for a while, suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, he quickly closed his eyes, and suddenly raised his fingers.

And in the darkness with eyes closed, the ripples of time and space perception spread out like bright ripples, and in an instant, the imprints of the words "Sword of Tolerance" slowly appeared in this area. Lights up in the dark.

one extra?

That is, the imprint behind that masked man!

Just now, Qianye broke the seal?


In an instant, Namikaze Minato understood what was going on, what Chiba meant when he said that the masked man couldn't escape.

Because the Flying Thunder God imprint on him was unlocked, he could never run away, and he could find him anytime!

And as long as there is the mark of Fei Lei Shen, it doesn't matter how many people are brought to rescue Jiu Xinnai.

"I see."

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato slowly opened his eyes, stopped sensing the space imprint, nodded, and said.

He already understood why Qianye said that.

"But, you..."

However, there is still something he doesn't understand.

Why, Qianye wanted to stop him, even if he had the mark, it didn't mean he couldn't save Kushina just now.

In Jiushina's nine-tailed seal, there is actually his Flying Thunder God mark, and he could have used Flying Thunder God to rescue Kushina just now.

"Minato-sensei, please don't worry."

But hearing Namikaze Minato say this, Chiba's mouth raised a smile of unknown emotion.

"Okay, tell me."

Regarding this, Namikaze Minato seemed to be quite patient, even though his wife had been snatched away by the enemy, he didn't feel the slightest impatience at this time.

It seemed that saving his wife was already a certainty.

There is no need to worry and rush at all.

Or in other words, with this young man in front of him, he doesn't need to worry and be impatient.

"Your current amount of chakra should be a little insufficient. If you used Flying Thunder God just now, are you sure you can take Mr. Kushina away directly? Are you leaving the time and space ability range of the masked man?"

As for Namikaze Minato's patient waiting, the smile at the corner of Chiba's mouth seemed to stiffen slightly, and then he spoke.


Hearing this sound, Namikaze Minato suddenly shrank.

That's right, if I really made a move just now, I'm afraid that the chakra on my body may not be able to take away Kushina, or in other words, as long as the second flying thunder god transfers to take away Kushina a little slower, even if it is 0.1 second In the middle, maybe he and Kushina will be transferred away together.

At that time, I am afraid that both of them will be in danger.

It would be absolutely unwise to rush forward just now.

Moreover, when the imprint on the back of the masked man has been unlocked, it is even more unwise, even a little stupid.

"So, now, what should I do? If I recover a little more, I can take you there. However, now that the key is already in the seal, this masked man can also unlock the seal of Jinzhuli. Now every second, Maybe it's all..."

Afterwards, thinking of this, Namikaze Minato didn't talk nonsense, and said straightforwardly.

In the current situation, it is not easy to sit back and relax. In a sense, once the key is inserted into the seal, it is equivalent to that the lock has been opened. To remove Nine Tails is just a process of twisting and unlocking.

Kushina's being taken away is actually equivalent to Kyuubi being in the hands of the masked man.

"I know, I have a way, I can restore your chakra."

And at this time, before Namikaze Minato finished speaking, Chiba looked at her hand that was emitting a green brilliance, and interrupted his words.

"Restore my Chakra? You... Aren't you going to save Kushina?"

Hearing this sound, Namikaze Minato stopped talking first, then was slightly taken aback, and then quickly reacted, and hurriedly opened his mouth to speak.

Chiba's implication is to restore his Chakra, and then let him save Kushina.

"Well, I'm not going."

In response to this, the smile on the corner of Chiba's mouth was slightly suppressed, and he nodded affirmatively, acknowledging what Namikaze Minato said.

"Because I can't go yet."

Then, he turned his head slightly, looked at the fallen avenue, his face slowly turned serious.

Can't go back?

That Uchiha Nobuhiko, hasn't been defeated yet?

Hasn't the control of time and space been untied?

And hearing this, Namikaze Minato subconsciously looked at Chiba, and saw Chiba's serious face when he turned around, and instantly understood what Chiba meant.

Now, Chiba's chakra materialized appearance has obviously increased his strength, and with the super speed attack that made Uchiha Nobuhiko suddenly disappear just now, I am afraid that he may not be his opponent relying on Flying Thunder God, if it is not for Uchiha A person of Bo Xinyan's level, everyone present, including the masked man, may not be worthy of Chiba's prudence and dignity.

Only Uchiha Nobuhiko, who is infinitely close to Uchiha Madara's strength, is worthy of Chiba's face as an enemy!

"Really...I see."

And after figuring this out, Namikaze Minato no longer struggles with this problem. As long as Chakra can be restored, it is reasonable to save Kushina by himself. It is also wise for Chiba to stay here to hold back or defeat Uchiha Nobuhiko .

And he has confidence in Chiba, he believes that Chiba can get rid of another Uchiha Madara who is already a big problem in the ninja world.

"Well, thank you, Minato-sensei."

But hearing Namikaze Minato's words, Chiba turned around, took a good look at Namikaze Minato, and said solemnly.

Afterwards, without waiting for Minato Namikaze, who was slightly astonished to hear this, he pressed his hands on Minato Namikaze's back.

Suddenly, a pale emerald chakra similar to medical chakra surged in his hand.

At the same time, on his forehead, under the cover of emerald green brilliance, a purple rhombus slowly emerged.

This... this is!

And at this moment, Minato Namikaze opened his eyes slightly, and his expression changed drastically in shock!

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