Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1982 Healing Power

The wound... healed so quickly!

Much faster than general medical ninjutsu!


No pain, no pain at all.

This is not an ordinary medical ninjutsu. If it is an ordinary medical ninjutsu, if it is an ordinary medical ninjutsu, it will not feel pain. Although it is also a cure, there will be pain.

Listening to Qianye's soft words, Xue Nai lowered her head silently, and said nothing more, but the shyness and nervous throbbing in her heart also subsided because of the strange warmth and comfort on her legs and feet, and her heart , but such a thought flashed through.

At this moment, the fleshy part of her legs and feet had begun to peel and scab, and under the light green light cluster that was almost milky white, the scab also began to shed its skin, revealing the new tender skin.

This treatment method is completely different from ordinary medical ninjutsu. Ordinary medical ninjutsu is healing, which means that the separated wounds are closed and healed by stimulating cells. It is impossible to have any scabbing. But now, it seems that the normal healing time has been accelerated. The whole process is a normal healing process without any medical ninjutsu treatment.

Chiba's medical ninjutsu accelerated this process.

It seems that it is more gentle.

Much milder than normal medical ninjutsu.


This situation?

At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha, who was still trying to suppress his rage and his chest heaved violently, seemed to have noticed the strange change in Xue Nai's wound, and discovered the difference between the medical ninjutsu used by Chiba and the general medical ninjutsu .

In an instant, the almost uncontrollable rage dissipated without a trace, and a clear emotion tinged with astonishment emerged in his heart.

This situation has never been seen before.

Could it be that this Taki Chiba really has another outsider power, and this power is related to healing power?

In terms of general medical ninjutsu, it is impossible to treat such an injury so quickly, and it is impossible to heal so perfectly. Moreover, in this way, the damage and overdraw to the cells are very small.

It should also be an outsider force.

At the same time, a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

Also, he said that there shouldn't be other people... Did he mean this Hyuga Yukina and Uchiha Hirohiko's corpse?

Is it true or false?

Is it a bluff, or is it true?

I'm holding back now, is it really okay?

Is it really okay to let Hyuga Yukina, who can threaten this Taki Chiba, leave like this?

But, what if, what Taki Chiba said is correct?

Then, the next second, he started to get tangled up, and his face slowly became cloudy.

It seems that this Nobuhiko Uchiha is really not simple. With the accumulation of experience in so many lives, he figured out this matter abruptly.

In comparison, I am much worse.

He was clearly in the center of the vortex of fate, but he didn't find the most important thing. Even after Nobuhiko Uchiha appeared, he didn't notice it at all.

can only say……

But at this time, Chiba's eyes glanced over there, seeing the hesitation on Uchiha Nobuhiko's face because of the entanglement in his heart, Chiba's heart unconsciously flashed such a a thought.

At the same time, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Nobuhiko Uchiha showed such an expression, it means that Xue Nai is absolutely safe in the future.

Even Hirohiko's body can be guaranteed to go back intact.

His goal was achieved.

Although it is said that when Nobuhiko Uchiha did not hit a punch, he already understood the situation of Nobuhiko Uchiha, almost his goal was to be able to succeed 100%, but now it is finally confirmed that he still let him loose the boss in one breath.

Anyway, Xue Nai is still alive, he must let her return to the village alive, to a safe place.

Hong Yan is dead, and time cannot be turned back. Then, at least, his body should be sent back to the village intact. He may not have been very happy, but it was the place where he was born and raised.

his hometown.

This is also what he can do as a partner.


At this time, various thoughts flashed in Qianye's mind, and he was distracted to pay attention to Nobuhiko Uchiha, but his attention, after all, was most focused on the girl in front of him, Yukina in front of him. At this time, Yukina's eyes The legs, the scabs had fallen off, were already tender, white and flawless, without any visible scars.

Xue Nai's leg injury was healed.

"How about walking around?"

And as the chakra brilliance in his hand dissipated, Chiba raised his head again, looked at Xue Nai and said.


Looking at Qianye's gaze from bottom to top, Xue Nai, whose blush had subsided, suddenly felt hot again, but her head went blank for a moment, and she just walked around a bit according to Qianye's instructions.

"How about it?"

In this regard, after seeing Xue Nai walking around a few times, stopping, and jumping a few times, Chiba smiled slightly, and asked again.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, and there is nothing unusual. It should be completely cured."

Hearing this, Xue Nai replied subconsciously.


In such a short period of time, it was completely healed. I couldn't feel any pain. Not only was there no pain, but I also felt that some hidden injuries from my previous practice had been healed.

It's like being reborn!

And during this answer, Xue Nai looked at her flawless white legs, but she was amazed in her heart.


It seems that he has completely recovered, so there should be no problem for Xue Nai to take Hirohiko away.

The key is, how to get Xue Nai to leave!

Having lost Hirohiko, Xue Nai will definitely not leave, and she is not easy to fool.

At the same time, Qianye's heart began to worry.

Now Uchiha Nobuhiko's side is basically done, but Xue Nai's side is a bit tricky.

It would be fine if Hongyan was here, but now Hongyan...

But thinking about it, Qianye's eyes unconsciously fell on the gray boy who was no longer angry.

That, has been with his best friend.

That is, after dropping the glance, he couldn't move it away.


Hirohiko, that's all right.

Is that all right?

At this moment, he noticed that although Hiroko's pale face was already stiff, there was still a bright smile exuding warmth.

Even though his eyes were bloody and bloody, there was nothing hideous about this smile.

It can be seen that Hirohiko is willing to die.


You guys, if you really laugh, there must be nothing good!

Seeing this smile, Chiba gritted her teeth tightly.

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