Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1989 Probing?


Amidst the dull crashing sound, the right hand with the jet-black flaming chakra and the right hand covered with emerald green flaming chakra slammed together fiercely.


In an instant, the moment the fists collided, a crack, like shattered emerald green glass, climbed onto the emerald green flaming chakra wrapped fist.

Susanoo's defense is still stronger!

And at this moment, Chakra covered in jet-black transpiring flames, like Nobuhiko Uchiha's body punching like a mass of black flames, is also slowly revealed, and the shattered emerald green is reflected in the eternal kaleidoscope. Traces of green chakra, such a thought flashed in my mind.

So it turns out that this dissipated chakra can be condensed into a kind of armor-like chakra to enhance the defense.

This Nobuhiko Uchiha should have used a method similar to my eight gate model, thus producing this black armor-like Chakra.

At the same time, on the opposite side of him, like a mirror with two sides, Chiba, who is the same as Nobuhiko Uchiha punching his body, is wrapped in emerald green flame chakra, also revealing his figure, as if A group of emerald green flames.


And at this moment, the force of Juli and Juli's collision burst out suddenly, and immediately turned into a violent wind, which collapsed from the place where the two fists clashed.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Almost at the same time, the place where the two of them vacated, the ground under their feet was also cracked and deformed by the huge burst of force, and suddenly sank.

In just a moment, in the time of a thought, a strong wind blows violently, centering on the two of them, it spreads tens of meters away in an instant, rolling up dust, sand, black flames, and the flame that still remains behind the two of them. The steaming or pitch-black or emerald-green flame column formed a dust roll close to the ground, whizzing away in a ring. And under their feet, the depression suddenly spread, as if following the pace of the ring-shaped dust roll, the depression cracked all the way away.


Then, amidst the sound of dust rolling into the forest and the sound of smoke and dust hitting the trees, a huge crater covering most of the original open space suddenly formed amidst the dust and smoke of the large forest.



And at this moment, the two people in the center of the giant pit maintained a fist-to-fist posture, and both fell to the ground.

However, although the defensive power is not as good as the Susano model, but in terms of strength, it is not inferior at all.

This eight-door model developed by Taki Chiba with the help of outsiders should be his biggest reliance!

Also in line with his special!

Now that I have seen through the true capabilities of my eyes, it is best not to rely too much on them.

Just now, this Taki Chiba suddenly hugged Hinata Yukina, it is very likely that she is trying to deceive others, the purpose is to get my information from Hinata Yukina!

Lolicon or something, I underestimated Taki Chiba!

It just so happens that Taki Chiba's power is still there, and it can last for a while, so let's test it first!

Use his power!

And the moment he landed, Uchiha Nobuhiko's eyes flashed a gleam, and this thought full of speculation and judgment flashed in his heart.

Sure enough, I rushed up immediately. If I was a little slower just now, judging from the impact just now, my hand might be seriously injured!

At the same time, a thought flashed through Qianye's mind who landed at the same time, and in the blink of an eye, the crack on his right hand was already covered with emerald green brilliance with a crackling sound. In the blink of an eye, the rift disappeared invisible.

Can it still be repaired!

At this time, with a click, after landing, the right foot stepped back a step, and the corner of Uchiha Nobuhiko's eyes twitched slightly as he pulled his fist back with his right hand, and such a thought flashed in his mind.

It worked!

The armor composed entirely of chakras can indeed be repaired!

And almost at the same moment, Qianye, who stepped back with her right foot and pulled back with her right fist, had such a happy thought flash in her heart.

At this very moment, they retracted their fists and stepped back at the same time, and the two looked at each other as if they were holding their chests out and clenching their fists.

Still a right fist!

In an instant, Uchiha Nobuhiko suddenly had such a thought in his mind.

Right fist!

At the same time, the same thought turned in Qianye's mind.



And at this moment, the moment the eyes of the two met, both of them took a step forward with their left feet, making exactly the same lunge, chest raised and fists clenched.


At this moment, at the moment when the posture of lunging, chest out and fists was the most tense, the figures of the two of them suddenly blurred.


Then, it blurred again.


Finally, when the next second passed, the figures of the two flashed suddenly, disappeared in place, and then flashed again, and at the moment of flashing, the right fists of the two had already collided.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Suddenly, amidst the muffled sound, a series of cracking sounds sounded. The dense cracks, like glass shattering, spread from the intersection of the two fists all the way to the emerald green fist. In an instant, the emerald green The fiery chakra wrapped fist was already covered with emerald green cracks, wisps of emerald green chakra escaped and drifted between the two.

Is the speed... about the same?

However, looking at the shattered emerald green fist, Nobuhiko Uchiha was not happy, and was secretly shocked in his heart.

The speed can keep up with the speed of Jingmen mode!

This Nobuhiko Uchiha used my strength to absorb something into his body, and he exploded with such fighting power!

At the same time, Chiba didn't even look at those cracks, her emerald green eyes just stared at Nobuhiko Uchiha, secretly startled in her heart.


And at this moment, in the air to their left, there was a muffled sound, the sound of fists colliding.

"Crack! Crack!"

At the same moment, two opposite footprints suddenly split open on the ground where the sound of the fists colliding came from.

"Boom! Boom!"

And the next moment, there was another punching sound, which suddenly sounded on the right side of the two.

"Crack! Crack!"

At the same time, at the moment the sound of the fist sounded, two sets of opposite footprints were immediately sunk on the ground below where the sound of the fist sound was located.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

And this seemed to be some kind of signal, and dense boxing sounds suddenly sounded around the two of them, front, back, left, and right.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Along with the sound of boxing, more and more relative footprints suddenly appeared on the ground around the two of them.

"Swipe! Swipe!"

And at this moment, the shock force from the collision of the two fists swept across, and in a flash, they turned into two figures, one black and one green, and each flew back!

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