Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1996 Fierce Battle


In mid-air, amidst the sound of crackling, the pitch-black flame of the upside-down figure dragged a trail of jet-black chakra fragments that were constantly shattering and dissipating in the air, turning into a jet-black streamer, fiercely crashed into the ground.

"Crack... bang!"

And at the moment when the jet-black streamer hit the ground, the ground instantly cracked and shattered, and in an instant, a spider web-like crack zone was formed in an instant with the place where the jet-black streamer crashed into as the center.


Then, only a moment later, under the impact of the huge force, the dust in the cracks spurted out, rushing up the city wall along the cracks, and spread away along with the cracks on the ground.

Like thousands of walls of dust, suddenly formed.

On purpose?

This Taki Chiba is waiting for me to take a step back!

A small subsidence technique, unexpectedly using a small subsidence technique!

Although he has gained more powerful power, this Taki Chiba does not seem to have forgotten what he is best at!

Damn it!

I was... actually scared like this!

And among these thousands of dust walls, Uchiha Nobuhiko, who fell deeply into the center of the thousands of dust walls, bit his teeth lightly, and in the sound of clicking, the Susano on his back moved in a pattern. The coat has been completely peeled off, and under the black robe, a faint fist mark has slowly emerged.

Under this blow, Susanoo's defense in the mode has been completely defeated!

Did you choose to go back?

This Uchiha Nobuhiko!

But at this time, above the thousands of city walls, the momentum of her body's soaring into the air has stopped, and Qianye, who faintly has the intention of falling, is maintaining the posture of soaring into the air and punching obliquely downwards, but her face is flashing. After a trace of dignified meaning.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

At this moment, white air like hot air suddenly evaporated from his body where the thunder light suddenly disappeared, and in an instant, those shocking wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

At the same time, the emerald green brilliance of the Jingmen coat that was peeling off from half of his body quickly covered his body again at the moment when the white air was transpiring.

The touch and strange force just now should be able to break through his defense.

Next, there is no need to activate Thunder Tunnel.

Although these Jingmen coats on the body surface can be directly converted into regeneration-level medical chakras, they cannot be so expensive after all.

Now there may be more chakras than the eight modes of all stages combined, but in front of him is Uchiha Nobuhiko, who is comparable to Uchiha Madara, and is also a reborn person like an "antibody".

Can't be too wasteful!

No one knows what will happen next!

Besides, this Nobuhiko Uchiha chose to retreat!

He chose to retreat...

At this moment, a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

At this moment, thinking of this, his face became more serious than ever.


At this moment, Nobuhiko Uchiha seemed to sense something on his face, and his face suddenly changed. Kakaka's back was dark in the chakra protective film repair room, and he turned over suddenly, from a posture inclined to the ground to lying flat, At the same time, he clasped his hands together violently and spat out from his mouth.


Suddenly, a gust of wind rose into the sky, rolled up dust, and scattered away.

Wind escape, strong wind palm!

And at this moment, in the midair, Qianye retracted his right hand to clenched his fist again, and swiped his left hand backwards. After adjusting the direction, a gust of wind suddenly howled out from his left hand.

"call out!"

In an instant, in the midair, an emerald green figure flashed, swooping down with a posture of slanting towards the ground!

A flash of green light broke through the bottom-up wind, rushing towards the figure wrapped in jet-black flames.

Can't escape!

And at this moment, the moment the green light broke through the gust of wind, in the visual sense of Uchiha Nobuhiko whose vision was already clear, time seemed to slow down infinitely, but in the reflection of the pair of eternal kaleidoscope sharing eyes, there was only The figure of the young man who swooped down with his fists furiously and smashed down towards his face, as well as the blown wind that had been broken and entrained with dust and slowly spread outward.

In his mind, there was a scene where his head was shattered and red and white things flew around.


At this moment, Qianye's eyes flashed, but his teeth were clenched slightly.


And the next moment, time seemed to speed up countless times, and there was a flash of green light, and the pillar of smoke and dust that was waiting for it by the strong wind suddenly scattered in all directions, and then there was a rumbling roar, and the ground suddenly trembled.

Amidst the bang, a huge column of smoke and dust suddenly rushed up along with the accelerated expansion of cracks and depressions in the ground.


And at the moment when the smoke and dust rushed up, somewhere in the lower half of the smoke and dust column, a hole suddenly opened, and a green figure broke through the dust with a posture of tilting its head upwards.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Fragments of emerald green brilliance peeled off and shattered from the broken right cheek of the figure.

Actually... escaped!

And at this moment, the emerald green figure's mind flashed through the side of the enemy's cheek that had just punched into the enemy, and at that moment, under the ground, the fist that had been wrapped in pitch-black flames broke through the ground. , suddenly hit the side of his face, and the huge force instantly made him fly into the air.


And at this moment, a crisp cracking sound suddenly sounded the moment the emerald green figure escaped from the pillar of smoke and dust.


The next moment, a pitch-black figure flew out from the column of smoke and dust along with the peeling pieces of jet-black chakra on the right hand while the emerald green figure was dragging its downward right hand.

damn it!

What a quick response!

But at this time, in the mind of the pitch-black figure, he hit the opponent with a punch, but the opponent who was about to fly out suddenly grabbed the punching hand, and was directly caught by his Susanoo mode. The distance gives the appearance of flying out.


And in the next second, the two of them flew out of the smoke and dust column, one in front and one behind, and after drawing an arc in the air, the emerald green figure's eyes froze suddenly, and he swung his hand violently, and instantly took the gun in his hand. The pitch-black figure swung over the top of its head, towards the end of the falling arc, on the ground where the cracks and dust spread, and smashed hard.


Without any suspense, I saw a black and green arc flashing in midair, and a black arc drew a semicircle again at a faster speed, and fell hard to the ground, with a bang, a pinch Small dust smoke suddenly rises.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

In an instant, the sound of cracks and cracks spread far away in the small dust.


However, at the moment when the shattering sound sounded, the pitch-black palm that had been loosened by the emerald green figure suddenly grabbed the emerald green arm in his hand.

not good!

In an instant, the face of the emerald green figure changed suddenly.


Before he could react, an arc of emerald green flashed in the air. In front of this handful of dust and smoke, the emerald green brilliance fell, and immediately another column of dust and smoke rose!


And in the next second, black and green brilliance flashed suddenly in the column of dust and smoke, followed by a muffled crash of flesh and flesh!

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