Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2001 Expected!

"Bang bang bang! bang bang bang bang! bang bang bang bang!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless fireballs, countless blazing flames, the spreading crimson fire clouds and white steam clusters, and those mixed with shrinking black flame clusters, the reflections here have flashed a shrinking tension. In the eternal kaleidoscope of Sharingan.

Then, without any suspense, the golden flame ball hit the jet-black chakra shield heavily, and at the same time, it also covered the entire area with a radius of several meters around the boy wrapped in jet-black flames, Like a phoenix spreading its wings and roaring, it completely engulfed the young man.

Between that, where the youth stood was as if there were no popular bombs, the flame dust smoke instantly evaporated, and the sound of bombardment was endless. , resounding through the open space.


And at this moment, in the midair, a gust of wind rushed upwards, and then, an emerald green figure suddenly descended from the sky, fell from midair, and squatted to the ground.

Just relying on Chao Peacock's words, it should be completely impossible to hurt this Uchiha Nobuhiko's Susanoo mode.

Although the defensive power has been reduced, and the impact on the peacock is sufficient, it is Susano after all.

If you block it, it's easy!

That is to say, after this wave towards Peacock is over, I will see an intact Uchiha Nobuhiko.

And the technique just now has been cancelled, and now it is unnecessary to re-seal, and it is completely too late!

And at the moment of landing, the last wave of fireballs falling from the sky was reflected in his eyes, and in Chiba's mind, it was the first batch of fireballs that were caught just now under the dynamic vision under the amplified scene mode. , hitting Nobuhiko Uchiha's Susanoo coat, like a scene where flour hits steel and shatters.

Chao Peacock, although he smashed the Amaterasu Fire attack that almost put him in a desperate situation just now, but for the Susanoo mode, only strange power can break through that layer of defense.

This time, it seems that he has the upper hand, but in fact, he just defuses Uchiha Nobuhiko's offensive.

There is no winner at all!

According to his performance just now, he should already be familiar with my fighting habits, and may have copied my physical movements, and he should be able to predict my attack even with his eyes closed.


Fighting with Sharingan is the trouble.

And just now, the first thing I wanted to do was to go around and attack from behind.

His judgment should be the same!

And at this moment, after judging that Nobuhiko Uchiha would not suffer substantial damage, Chiba paused slightly, stopped walking around, and such a thought flashed in his mind.


Then, just as this thought flashed by, his figure suddenly flashed, leaving a circle of emerald green transpiring flames on the spot, and then disappeared on the spot.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

At this moment, the popular flame group towards the peacock fell to the ground in the last wave of laser-like impact.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

And in the very center of this area with a radius of tens of meters of black smoke and potholes, the young man wrapped in the pitch-black flames with his hands crossed to block, raised his head slightly, and the moment the smoke slowly evaporated from his body, his eyes The Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan already glanced up, down, left, and right.

Not in the air!

Not around!

Well, it can only be!

And at this moment, there was no change on his face because he couldn't see the enemy, but such a thought flashed coldly and calmly.


Then, at this moment, the ground behind him flashed a green light and shattered suddenly, and a footprint suddenly appeared.


However, at this moment, his gaze didn't change at all, and his body shape also kept the appearance of crossing his hands, as if he didn't notice the movement behind him at all.

It seems that they don't care about what's behind them at all.

At the same time, amidst a muffled sound, a pitch-black wall of fire was formed out of thin air, standing less than half a meter in front of him.

Then, at the moment when the black wall of fire was erected, he suddenly withdrew his fist and twisted his body, and punched back suddenly.


And at that moment, in front of the wall of fire, a green light suddenly flashed, and between the steaming green flames, a foot exuding emerald green brilliance clicked into the wall of flames less than a centimeter away. among the ground.

Damn it!

Was seen through!

He calculated that I seemed to be attacking from behind, but it was actually a frontal attack!

And at this moment, as the footsteps stopped, an emerald green figure suddenly flashed, with one foot on the ground, chest out and fists, and stopped in front of the wall of fire, only a centimeter away, Chiba's nose, It is about to be contaminated with this pitch-black flame, and then be burned into a ball of flames.

Now, that's the only way to go!

Looking at the pitch-black wall of fire that filled his sight, the young man's thoughts flashed, but his figure disappeared again, leaving behind a belt of flames on the ground that was steamed up by a punch.

If he didn't hit the wall of Amaterasu, he would definitely have noticed that I had noticed his actions at the first time, and at that high speed, there was only one thing he could do to prevent me from attacking!

And also at this moment, Uchiha Nobuhiko's Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan shrank slightly, and in his hand, ten to ten strength was accumulated!


In the next second, the fist wrapped in jet-black flaming chakra and punched back, and the fist wrapped in emerald green flaming chakra collided heavily!

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The relative huge force burst out in an instant.

In an instant, on the fist wrapped by the black and green entity Chakra, the crack was instantly healed.


Amid the crackling sound, countless jet-black physical Chakra fragments and emerald green physical Chakra fragments suddenly shattered!

He had expected it all!

And at this moment, Qianye's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face changed slightly.

He is ready!

At the same moment, Nobuhiko Uchiha's face also changed slightly. He could feel that Taki Chiba was wary of him with this punch.


If this continues, it will only repeat the previous physical attack!

Never repeat it!

But in the next moment, they had the same thought in their hearts.



However, the next second, the two of them looked in a certain direction at the same time, but at the same time stopped the left hand hidden under the waist that was about to strike!

This... this is!

This stock... this chakra!

At the same time, there was a sense of horror in their hearts!

At this moment, in this instant, a cold and ominous chakra feeling suddenly spread in the open space where they were!

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