Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2013 That's Reasonable

"Boom! Long!"

The heavy bronze door slowly closed behind him, and the heavy closing sound reverberated in the all-white room.

The ball of light on the altar...

Does it feel a bit like the power of the traverser?

Could it be that there is a second time traveler power hidden in my body? That is, time travel benefits?


It is only possible that there is a second time travel benefit, or power, that I can still live, otherwise, I can only die as Uchiha Nobuhiko said.

That makes sense.

In my sealed space, there is another space that stores the power of time travelers that I have not discovered, that is, the benefits of time travel.


Among the time-travelers mentioned by Uchiha, almost everyone has the time-traveling benefits of directly advancing to the top, especially those time-travelers who join the Uchiha clan have awakened powerful eyes.

Everyone's travel benefits should not be weak.

For someone like me, it is indeed too abnormal.

It is normal to have this second travel benefit!

And at this time, Qianye, who had recovered from some space reversal, glanced at the room hidden under the ground of the sealed space.

This is a pure white room, but it is somewhat similar to the sealed space. It is also illuminated by light sources, and the edge is endless darkness extending out. However, this pure white room has a brick building in the center. The building looks like a stone altar, and above it is a ball of light with a diameter of more than two palms floating, exuding a soft and warm white light, probably because the light source is much larger and more stable than the flame of the traveler who sealed the space before. There are many, this ball of light is like a small sun, it is extremely stable to illuminate the surroundings into white, even, because of the pure white here, it is easy for people to ignore the darkness that extends to nowhere after the pure white .

It looked like a pure white room without any darkness.

And after this glance, Qianye's eyes naturally fell on the only two things in this room.


Then there is the light ball on the altar.

And by comparing with the power of the traverser, Chiba quickly came to a new conclusion.

The sphere of light on this altar is the second traveler's benefit to maintain his current life.

Moreover, looking at the size of this light sphere, it is obvious that the time travel benefits inside are much better than the previous time travel benefits.

At the same time, at this moment, Qianye felt that everything made sense.

This world is a world that has been traversed by traversers all the time, and each traverser seems to have some kind of power that is extremely strong or even the number one in the ninja world casually. the power of.

Chakra's ultra-fine control ability, in fact, Tsunade in the original book, and Naruto and Sasuke in the later period all have chakra control that is comparable or even above. With Qianye's diligence and enough time, it can be done.

Although this ability is easy to use, it is not an exaggeration. It just makes Chiba work harder. It is not a bug level, or the ability to be the number one in the ninja world.

Secondly, the ability to copy, that is, the instant memory that Chiba claims, is the degraded version of Sharingan. This is more common. It is not a rare ability for every member of the Uchiha clan to awaken Sharingan.

It also just made Chiba less effort.

After all, with Chiba's identity, if he wants to learn conventional ninjutsu, Konoha will basically support him at any time now. As long as the ninjutsu stored in the entire village is not forbidden or family secrets, if Chiba wants to learn it, he can do it. It can be learned.

Even without such a layer of identity, this kind of conventional ninjutsu can be learned by Chiba as an ordinary ninja with a little effort.

Ninjutsu can be learned, but whether you learn it or not depends on whether Chiba works hard or not.

This ability is definitely not against the sky, or in other words, it has brought Qianye a qualitative leap.

What's more, the avatar has been strengthened. This ability, relatively speaking, has strengthened Chiba's tactical ability. After all, the avatar is used as a bait and a substitute. It is a kind of auxiliary ninjutsu. Can save my life.

However, this ability cannot bring crushing level strength to Chiba, and it is still far behind the previous traversers. The avatar enhancement is extremely practical, but it is far less than the average standard of traverser strength .

The power of the subsequent fetters is a little unclear, but it doesn't seem to have any substantial effect. Without knowing the effect, the effect of this ability is actually not as good as the first three.

Looking at it this way, Chiba's time travel benefits are far from being comparable to other time travelers.

This is quite strange.

The history of the existence of time travelers runs through the development of the entire ninja world. For hundreds of years, every time traveler has good time travel benefits. At least from Uchiha Nobuhiko’s narrative, the time travel benefits of each time traveler can directly Let them become the best in the ninja world, why come to Qianye, but they can only become strong if they can cooperate with uninterrupted hard work.

Even, Chiba's body was flawed at the beginning, unable to have too much chakra.

Why did he come to Chiba's side to produce an "extremely weak" traverser individual.

Is it because the effect of time travel is getting worse?

However, if the time travel effect is getting worse and worse, then, in Chiba's generation, it will suddenly change from extremely strong to extremely weak.

There is no diminuendo in the middle.

There is definitely something wrong with this.

But now, the ball of light in front of him said everything, because Qianye had two time travel benefits hidden in his body, so the one shown was so weak.

Because, what is not shown is the real and powerful power that meets the power standard of the traverser!

In this way, all this can be explained.

"It should be like this. Then, this should be my real time travel benefit. Although I don't know why, this should be my time travel benefit."

And thinking of this, Qianye no longer wonders about everything around her, and thinks why there is still a door hidden in the sealed space, why there are two copies of this travel benefit, and the better one will be hidden until Straight to the altar, which is the ball of light.

According to the previous situation, if you touch this light ball, you should be able to know the ability inside.

Although I don't know how to use these abilities, it is good to know what these abilities are.

Now Kushina may confront or fight Uchiha Nobuhiko, I don't have much time!

Quick fix!

It must be done quickly!

At this moment, such an urgent thought flashed through his mind.

And the altar was not far away from him, only a few meters away, almost after Chiba's thoughts flashed, he had already walked in front of the ball of light.

At the same time, without saying a word, he stretched out his hand to touch the ball of light emitting a warm and soft light.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so anxious to touch it."

And at this moment, the moment Chiba's hand was about to touch the ball of light, a slightly old voice sounded abruptly.

From the darkness behind the pure white.

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