Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2015 Discovery

This guy……


Listening to these solemn words, Qianye couldn't help taking a deep breath, and such a thought involuntarily came to her mind.

"who are you?"

But thinking of this, Qianye gently put down her hand, completely giving up the act of touching the light ball.

To be honest, when he heard the old and majestic voice say that he couldn't speak, he had an urge to press it directly.

The sentence just now, the act of wanting to press it, firstly, it was indeed an impulse on his part, and secondly, it was actually a kind of test.

Test the credibility of this old and majestic voice.

If this old and majestic voice stopped him more fiercely, then he would press it without hesitation. Since he couldn't say it, but he stopped it more fiercely, it was obvious that there was something wrong with this old and majestic voice. There is an ulterior purpose, and at this time, it is better to try it than to ask a hundred times.

After all, this is his spiritual space, and the things stored here are not banned by seals, so they should be harmless to him.

If it is harmful, then without any restraint, I am afraid it has already begun to cause harm to his spirit or body.

What's more, the soft and warm light emitted by this ball of light made his mental body feel very comfortable and comfortable, and even his thinking became clearer and clearer, and it didn't look like something harmful.

Therefore, it should be no problem to touch it yourself. After touching it, it will only be that old and majestic voice.

That is to say, this old and majestic voice is most likely harboring evil intentions.

And if, although this old and majestic voice did not stop it fiercely, but still stopped it in a slightly softer way, that is, if it softened its tone, then Qianye would press it without hesitation.

If this old and majestic voice softens its tone, it is obvious that if I touch the light ball, it will cause great disadvantages to this old and majestic voice, because I am afraid that I will touch the light ball. Only the voice could stop it, and because of fear, he softened his tone when he was about to touch, trying to stop himself.

It also shows that this old and majestic voice is full of evil intentions.

However, this old and majestic voice now uses words like "I hope you don't regret it", as if everything has been handed over to Qianye, and Qianye can also hear the solemnity of the matter, and he is not lying.

That is to say, to this old and majestic voice, it doesn't make much difference whether you touch the ball of light or not.

In other words, there is no direct conflict of interest.

For him, however, there may be a big difference.

In this case, either this old and majestic voice is desperate to win his trust, or this matter really has a lot to do with him, and this old and majestic voice is sincerely reminding him, He is good.

In short, at least half of this matter has something to do with him.

Then we can't be too decisive now.

Now, he still knows very little about this space, and if he fails, something really big will happen.

Even if he doesn't think there will be any problem touching the light ball now.

Be careful where you should be careful, and don't be carried away by emotions.

Chance, maybe only once.

He must ensure 100% success.

This is a very contradictory mentality.

On the one hand, Qianye wants to go out quickly even if it is a tenth of a second faster, on the other hand, he has to be careful to ensure that he can go out smoothly.

So, no matter what the intention of this old and majestic voice is, since the reaction of this old and majestic voice may involve himself, then he has to figure it out.

In the end, can you touch the light ball!

In other words, should you touch the light ball!

To figure this out, start with the sentence "Who are you?"

"When you see me, you know who I am. You should have seen me."

In this regard, said the old and majestic voice in the darkness.

"What do you mean I should have seen you..."

Hearing this, the corner of Chiba's mouth twitched slightly. There seemed to be something wrong with the logic of this sentence.

If he had seen the body of this old and majestic voice, he would have recognized it, but the key point was the uncertain word "should" in the words of this old and majestic voice.

Since he said he had seen him, he must have seen him too, otherwise how would he know that he had seen him.

Then, there should be two words, as if he had never seen himself, which vetoed the previous logic.

This sentence is really very strange.

"I don't know if you've met me, but, I do, you should know me."

Regarding this, the old and majestic voice emphasized it again very seriously.

What's the meaning?

And hearing this, Chiba felt a little bad all over, and the logic of this sentence was even more problematic.

What do you mean I don't know if you see me, but I know, you should know me...

This sentence is completely contradictory.


Wait a minute, something is wrong, this old and majestic voice just said, time traveler?

Is it a time traveler?

Not an outsider?

He knows that I am a time traveler, not an outsider?

He knows where I come from!

And saw my every move from the "door"...

And at this moment, apart from feeling all kinds of contradictions in his heart, Qianye's heart suddenly set off a turbulent sea.

Although the meanings of "time traveler" and "outsider" are the same, the hidden meaning behind them is different.

And there is a big difference.

The name of the outsider is from Nobuhiko Uchiha's side, and from the performance of Nobuhiko Uchiha, he only knows that the outsider is "a person who knows everything that shouldn't exist" and has power. How and where it came from, I don't know.

And the name of the time traveler is a common saying in Qianye's previous life, that is to say, this old and majestic voice knows where he came from!

That is to say, this old and majestic voice knows his past life, the reality without magic, without any magical power, but with technology!

These are two concepts.

This old and majestic voice knows the world he came from!

At this moment, Qianye felt threatened, and even paused for some breathing.

"Then, let me take a look."

Then, thinking of this, Qianye's face became serious, he walked around the ball of light and the altar, clenched his fists lightly, and walked directly to the darkness where the voice came from without saying a word.

Now, the situation is not just a matter of what should or should not be touched, who is the owner of this old and majestic voice, why does he know his past life, and why does he know the term time traveler.

Now, what this old and majestic voice knows is completely different from what Uchiha Nobuhiko knows.

The owner of this old and majestic voice, most likely, has been to reality!

Or, to be able to obtain information about the reality he was in in his previous life!

If it is said that he and Uchiha Nobuhiko are the problem of this world.

Then, the owner of this old and majestic voice may be...

A problem of two worlds!

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