Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2018 Disaster?

"This... this... how... how..."

His eyes widened bit by bit, and the indescribable horror became more intense bit by bit. Looking at the Sage of the Six Paths in front of him, Qianye took a step back slowly, and then took another step back. It was an unbelievably mixed murmur.

It seemed that the sight in front of him made him unable to react.

"Now, you should understand."

And at this time, the Sage of the Six Paths who opened his left skirt in front of him looked at Chiba with a look of shock, with a strange look on his face, but he still spoke with a sense of majesty.

"What... what's going on here? How did it happen?"

Hearing these words from the Sage of the Six Paths, Chiba's eyes did not move at all, and he was still staring at the open skirt of the Sage of the Six Paths. However, he took a deep breath to calm down his shock.

And following this deep breath, the indescribably horrified expression on his face also subsided a little.

However, although it subsided a little, the stiff shock seemed to be engraved on his face, and it could only fade away, there was no way to dissipate it.

what's going on?

What happened to make this happen?

What kind of information is hidden in it... How crazy is this world?

At this time, there was an extremely ominous premonition in his heart, as if something terrible was about to happen in front of him, from under the left skirt of the Immortal of the Six Paths in front of him, which made him almost horrified. , slowly revealed to his eyes.

But at this moment, in front of his eyes, under the left skirt that horrified him, in the black void that seemed to be nothingness, a circle of soft and warm flames slowly ignited from the edge of the void, moving towards The empty center of nothingness, like a flame gushing thin, circled around and finally dissipated in this hollow.

Under the left skirt that the Sage of the Six Paths tore open, there was a hole where the heart was.

That's right.

At this time, the Sage of the Six Paths in front of him, under the ripped skirt, there was a hole where the heart used to be.

One, black, with a hollow around the edge that occasionally erupts inward with a warm, soft, flame-like glow.

It was precisely because of this void that Qianye was shocked.

Although the Sage of the Six Paths at this time looked quite real, as if there was a real person in front of him, Qianye could tell that this Sage of the Six Paths should be a spiritual body just like him.

It’s not even the Sage of the Six Paths that Naruto Sasuke saw when he was dying. The Sage of the Six Paths is at least a chakra. It is not a big problem to make it into an entity.

Chakra is originally composed of physical energy and mental energy. Even the power of the pupil can be visualized as Susanoo. It is still very easy for the Sage of the Six Paths to guarantee that he is an entity.

It's just that the existence form of this entity cannot be a "living person".

Now, the Sage of the Six Paths is just a spiritual body, and Qianye can't feel any chakra fluctuations. In other words, maybe this is his spiritual space. The people in this world are a bit illusory, they don't seem to exist physically, and they don't have the feeling of chakra.

In other words, within his perception, this Sage of the Six Paths, like him, is a spiritual body.

Does not have any chakra.

He may be able to touch the Sage of the Six Paths, but it doesn't mean that the Sage of the Six Paths has an entity.

And the problem is here, the Sage of the Six Paths here is a spiritual body, and he is also a spiritual body. He is very clear that the spiritual body is just the embodiment of human consciousness in the spiritual space, a manifestation of spirit, the embodiment of consciousness, There is no entity.

It is basically impossible to open such a hole in the heart of the spiritual body, especially in the spiritual body of the Sage of the Six Paths.

Unless it was Otsuki Kaguya's attack.

After all, in this ninja world, there is actually only one type of mental attack, and that is illusion. However, illusion attacks are mostly based on confusion, which can reflect on the body and hurt the body, that is, the kaleidoscope sharingan level Only powerful illusions such as Yuedu can do it.

However, the person in front of him is the Sage of the Six Paths. With his power, even if several Itachi use Tsukuyomi together, they may not be able to shake this one.

Moreover, opening a hole in the heart of the spiritual body is like opening a hole in the consciousness. It can open a hole in the consciousness of the Sage of the Six Paths, and it seems to be the type that cannot be recovered.

This is simply unbelievable.

Qianye has no way of imagining what kind of power is capable of doing such an unimaginable thing.

It was also because of this that he couldn't help but ask such a question amidst the shock.


Then, the next second, when the turbulent waves in his heart calmed down a little, the Immortal of the Six Paths raised his hand, and pointed at him after listening to his question.

Then, subconsciously, the word popped out of his mouth.

Even, his right hand unconsciously pointed to his stunned face.

At this moment, after hearing the question of who did it, the Immortal of the Six Paths pointed at him.


I didn't do it, he didn't mean me!

Then, the next moment, he suddenly looked behind him.

It's this ball of light!

In my heart, I suddenly became enlightened.

The Immortal of the Six Paths is not referring to him, but this ball of light. It was this ball of light that opened a hole in his consciousness!

So, I said, will this ball of light bring disaster?

Turning around, looking at Sage of the Six Paths who had put down his hands and straightened his clothes and nodded silently, the horrified look on Qianye's face slowly subsided, and slowly changed into a dignified look.


It shouldn't be as simple as opening a hole in consciousness.

If it just opened a hole in consciousness, how could the Sage of the Six Paths say that this ball of light would bring disaster.

At most, this ball of light is extremely destructive, has absolute attack power, and can hurt him.

From the perspective of the Sage of the Six Paths, it is impossible not to know that if it is just pure power, there is no distinction between good and evil.

It depends on how to use it!

And this sphere of light is now peacefully staying in my mental space, without any aggressive or tyrannical tendencies.


Why, if the Sage of the Six Paths wants to say it, it will bring disaster?

instead of...

Need to be careful with wording like this?

However, at the next moment when he suddenly understood, he quickly realized something.

Things are not that simple!

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