Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2036 consideration



think about...


The flow of information expressed in countless forms is like a tsunami, surging in, as if to fill up this suddenly emptied head in an instant.

However, with the sudden and savage infusion of this huge and violent information flow, Qianye's face did not show any pain. On the contrary, he slowly closed his eyes, because of the sudden information The brows that were frowning subconsciously were relaxed at this time.

That's fine...

Next, it's up to him to have everything I have and everything I don't have to make the best use of this second chance.

It doesn't matter if it's raw.

It doesn't matter if it is death.

It doesn't matter anymore.

I'm finally... free.

But at this time, looking at "Qianye" who relaxed Qianye's brows, his gloomy face slowly stretched out, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth before he knew it.

A smile of relief.

At this very moment, he maintained this relieved appearance, his skin slowly mist, and in just one breath, his whole body had returned to a human form made of mist.

Then, the human-shaped mist that maintained a relieved smile seemed to be blown away by the wind. It flew up in a standing posture and merged into the body of the young man standing in front of him.


It seems that everything is going pretty well.

To this child whose name is... no, Taki Chiba now.

At this time, on the other side, the spiritual body of the Six Paths Immortal raised his right hand placed on his cross-legged body, and gently stroked his long gray beard, and an inexplicable look flashed in Samsara's eyes.

But at this time, he had already turned his direction and floated in front of this metallic door that was already full of cracks, and in his reincarnation eyes, there were densely packed complex spells starting to crack in the shape of a door.

Did not expect this day to come so soon.

Then, after the thought flashed in his mind, the Immortal of the Six Paths couldn't help but look back again, and fell on the quiet ball of light emitting soft and warm light in the center of the pure white brilliance behind him.

With no one around at the moment, his expression showed undisguised fear.

As an existence similar to eternal life in another form, he watched everything that happened in his world with cold eyes. He did not intend to intervene in the development of the world. He always insisted that he was a dead person and should not interfere with world affairs. According to the creed, he still observes this world, in fact, it is only for one thing, the only regret in his life.

That is to say, the problem of surviving his two sons, the two children who inherited his power.

The war, the strife, the never-ending darkness.

He is now just waiting for an opportunity to end this and create a better and brighter future for the world he saved.

He is waiting, waiting for the reincarnation of his two children. This time, he intends to make up for his mistakes at the beginning, distribute his power equally to the two reincarnations, and no longer favor any side. The future direction is completely Let go and let the two kids decide.

No matter which child wins in the end, or ends the war that spanned thousands of years due to his mishandling in another way, he believes that any one of his two children will bring Come to a bright world.

This is also the result of his painful experience over the years.

Originally, he thought that he could wait quietly like this until the two children appeared, and he handed over his strength to lead the final battle.

However, I didn't expect that on the day when a vague concept of time came, it seemed to be a long time ago, so long that he seemed to have died not long ago, and it seemed to be twelve years ago, this ball of light suddenly swept across the edge of the world, Like a fashion, it fell into this world.

Then, in his mind, a term that had never been produced suddenly appeared.

Naruto World.

Yes, that day, when the ball of light fell, such a term appeared in his mind, and this term, obviously, referred to his world.

Then, the moment the ball of light landed, a hole inexplicably appeared in his heart.


lost heart.

Afterwards, another inexplicable change occurred in his other form of existence that achieved immortality. A part of his spirit suddenly split off, and when this part of his spirit reacted, he had already come to this space.

A spiritual space that belongs to another person.

Then, he saw the lonely and desolate young man touching the ball of light. He was young, only in his twenties, but he had a pair of bottomless eyes that he couldn't even see. A young man with penetrating eyes.

And the young man made his request without waiting for him to express his doubts.

He asked himself to extract all his memories of certain stages, and use the technique of yin and yang escape to shape them into some kind of spiritual body that can preserve memories and independent consciousness, and keep them in the six seals, and the remaining ones after being extracted Consciousness, young people will find a way to invest in their own world, and guard the six seals, waiting for the remaining consciousness to return here and merge with the extracted consciousness.

At that time, for this unknown intruder, the suspect who stole his heart, of course he did not choose to believe, and of course it was impossible to obey his words. He tried every means to get the young man to confess his identity and figure out why his heart was lost. puzzle.

However, this young man rejected all his requests to find out the reasons in the most forceful way, and, before the conversation reached a deadlock, he threatened himself with destroying his own world, and, with a In a way that he could somehow understand, he convinced himself that youth could destroy the world.

So, according to the youth's request, he separated his memory and consciousness, and reshaped a youth's spiritual body to carry this memory and consciousness. At the same time, he didn't know what the youth did with this ball of light. The remaining consciousness was restored to a complete existence that lost the memory of the past, and it was put into the unborn baby of the widow of the ninja named Taki Maya, replacing the baby's original soul consciousness. It also led to the death of the widow in childbirth.

What's even more incredible is that, without knowing what kind of terrifying power this young man has mastered, he actually sent the replaced baby's soul and the mother's soul directly into the Paradise of Elysium that he only discovered after his death. Among them, it can be regarded as a relatively happy ending for the mother and son.

At least, it is much better than that because the souls of the mother and child are forcibly injected, neither the souls of the mother nor the child can bear the incomplete consciousness soul of the youth, and both become chakras and are absorbed by the soul of the youth.

And also from this incident, he somewhat felt at ease with the young man. This young man was not a reckless person, nor was he purely evil, let alone hostile. He just had a goal he wanted to achieve.

Because of this, he chose to wait and see.

As long as this young man has no thoughts of destroying the world, then he doesn't need to worry about it. He doesn't really need to care too much about this outsider, or in this young man's words, this time traveler.

It's not like there are outsiders and time travelers.

He was quite sure about some things, and he was quite sure.

What's more, watching Taki Chiba's every move from inside the door made him feel more at ease.

But now, the change he was watching quietly finally happened, and the day when the two consciousnesses of the youth finally merged.

And next, what kind of sparks will the two souls of the same origin and different growths collide, and what kind of brand new youth will be produced? Is what this young man wanted at the beginning is what he thought.

At this time, even as a Sage of the Six Paths, he was quite curious.

"Then, let's see, it's the young man who walks out, or Taki Chiba. I have to prepare too."

But thinking of this, the Immortal of the Six Paths withdrew his gaze and looked at the gate again.


And at this moment, the moment the Immortal of the Six Paths turned his eyes, the door suddenly shattered.

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