Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2043 No way...

What does it take to...?

Meaning still need to measure?

Is there a play, or no play?

Although what I asked for should not be too much for the Sage of the Six Paths, but since the Sage of the Six Paths did not directly agree and asked me so carefully what I needed to pay, I am afraid it will not be that easy.

Since it needs to be weighed, then the Sage of the Six Paths is willing to accept it, but because of something, he can't agree immediately, so he can only use other things to try to persuade him to accept it.

And the object of this persuasion, whether it is the Sage of the Six Paths or the will of the world...

Sure enough, it is not that easy?

Seeing the Immortal of the Six Paths who had completely recovered his seriousness and majesty in front of him, Chiba's face remained unchanged, but a gloomy gloomy flashed in his heart.

"I want to learn the technique of yin and yang escape."

However, although there was a haze in his heart, Qianye said without any pause in his mouth, and said very simply and straightforwardly.

He has already pushed up the bargaining chip of the deal, there is no need to be hypocritical here, and there are no tricks to use, and even if there are any skills, the old monster who doesn't know how many years of experience the Sage of the Six Paths is, and he is still the highest in the world. Strength, a representative of the will of the world in a certain sense, skills are useless, and may even have the opposite effect.

Now, the best way is to be open and honest like this and keep a transaction as it should be.

And learning the technique of yin and yang escape is the reason why he stayed here and didn't leave immediately.

After all, after leaving here, he has to face that Uchiha Nobuhiko, to save Kushina, this Uchiha Nobuhiko is a hurdle that can never be avoided.

And to defeat Nobuhiko Uchiha, or to save Kushina in the hands of Nobuhiko Uchiha, then Susano cannot be avoided.

He had to face Susano.

This Uchiha Nobuhiko has evolved the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, and Susano's power has not even been fully exerted. If he does not have the means to hurt Susano, then even if he goes out, he will have nothing to do. as.

And although this ball of light can do many things, even unimaginable things, but with its current size or power, it is impossible to create an ability that can hurt Susano out of thin air. What's more, this ball of light will stay here to restrain the Sage of the Six Paths, and even the will of the world that may not have any affection for him.

It is also impossible to use it recklessly.

Therefore, in the current situation, if he wants to hurt Susanoo, there is actually only one thing he can do, that is to learn the technique of Yin-Yang Dungeon, and then combine Yin-Yang Dungeon with the other five kinds of escape techniques. Together.

Only in this way, with his current conditions, only this kind of power is the most convenient way to learn, and it is an effective means that can cause damage to even a complete body.

Moreover, an existence who is most proficient in Yin-Yang escape in the entire Naruto world is right in front of him at this moment.

He can definitely learn the most complete Yin-Yang escape technique.

Of course, this yin and yang escape technique, looking at the entire original work, and even the Hokage world that Chiba understands, is also a very special existence. This kind of technique that can create shapes and give life, in a sense, already involves the foundation of the world. Although even if Chiba learns it, it is impossible to reach the height of the Sage of the Six Paths, and it is impossible to exaggerate to the extent that the Sage of the Six Paths can divide the Ten Tails and create a new life like the Sage of the Six Paths.

However, it is a world-class escape technique after all.

After all, my identity is still a time traveler, and in terms of standpoint, I am more or less on the opposite side of the Immortal of the Six Paths. It is not that simple to ask for advice.

Therefore, he also proposed this deal, using the plot of the original book that he knew to make the deal.

For the Sage of the Six Paths, apart from the ball of light, what Chiba possesses is the most alluring thing that knows everything.

It is impossible for the ball of light to let it out.

Besides, even if he lets it out, the Immortals of the Six Paths may not dare to accept it.

And it is completely possible to know everything, and even in various senses, it can kill a few birds with one stone.

After all, even if you tell the Immortals of the Six Paths, there will be no loss. The original book describes their stories, but it does not contain any information or intelligence from Chiba.

Of course, the premise is that the Sage of the Six Paths accepts it.

"The technique of yin and yang escape..."

Upon hearing this sound, the Immortal of the Six Paths was slightly taken aback, apparently not expecting Qianye to make such a request.


It turns out that this is the case, he knows everything, he should know that the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan can use Susano, and it is a complete Susano, that Uchiha Nobuhiko has evolved the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and If he wants to save his teacher, he must face Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Yin-Yang escape technique combined with other five escape techniques...

This kid is perfectly using his best advantage.


And in the next second, he immediately reacted. He has watched the experience of Taki Chiba in front of him here, and he is very clear about what kind of situation he is facing now. Combining these, it is not difficult to figure out what Taki Chiba is thinking now. , and why this transaction is proposed.

"Sorry, I can't agree to this deal."

However, even though he knew that Taki Chiba wanted to learn the Yin-Yang Escape Technique to save his bond, to maintain the bond between himself and the world, but the Sage of the Six Paths refused quite simply.

He couldn't agree to the deal.

Even if Taki Chiba's reason is very legitimate, even if the conditions he gave are quite attractive to him, but...

He can't agree!

can't you?

And hearing this sound, Qianye's face changed slightly, and he became a little stiff.

Could it be that, next, I can only proceed based on the memory of the other person who created the spiritual body when the Immortal of the Six Paths performed the Yin-Yang escape technique, and the part he saw...

However, although his expression changed, there was no big disturbance in Qianye's heart. On the one hand, he was already mentally prepared to be rejected, and on the other hand, he also planned to be rejected.

When the other self asked the Sage of the Six Paths to create a spiritual body that could accommodate his part of consciousness and memory, he had seen the Sage of the Six Paths perform the technique of yin and yang escape. At that time, it happened that the ability of instant memory was successfully localized. A person who has all kinds of knowledge from countless experiences happened to be able to partially analyze the yin and yang escape technique of the Immortal of the Six Paths through his instantaneous memory. In his mind, he actually has a part of the knowledge of yin and yang escape, but it is incomplete.

If the Sage of the Six Paths doesn't teach it, he can only make calculations based on this part of the knowledge. As for whether he can learn it, it depends on luck.

Although it is not very reliable, but he can only do so.

"Really...I know..."

Therefore, at this time, after hearing the refusal of the Sage of the Six Paths, Chiba, who couldn't offer a better bargaining chip, could only choose the latter path. She sighed immediately, as if she didn't intend to fight any more, and said.

"However, I can teach you the technique of yin and yang escape."

However, at this moment, when he was about to think of another way, the words of the Immortal of the Six Paths sounded suddenly.

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