Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2050 more important than imagined

"Is this... the Yin-Yang Escape Technique?"

Slowly lowering her head, Qianye slowly opened her closed eyes and looked at her raised hands, with an uncontrollable look of surprise on her face.

This is really...

It's amazing!

Yin-Yang Dun, Chakra of the Yin attribute, and Chakra of the Yang attribute, even though it is only a simulation in the mental space now, you can still fully feel its magic.

It is completely different from the five regular nature changes of wind, earth, water, fire, and thunder. Although it is said that it is the use of chakra that is similar to the nature change, it is different, completely different.

This is something on a higher level, the full development of the magical power of chakra, the purest use of physical and mental energy involved.

If the five regular nature changes are the outward development of chakra after the fusion of mental energy and physical energy, then this yin and yang escape technique is the inward development of mental energy and physical energy, exerting the spiritual energy of chakra or The real power of body energy produces even more miraculous changes.

Although it is still chakra, it is still a perfect mixture of physical energy and spiritual energy, but it is a single characteristic of exerting spiritual energy, or the characteristic of physical energy.

And the one that only exerts the characteristics of spiritual energy is Yin Dun, which can create form without form. The one that only exerts the characteristics of the body's energy is Yang Dun, which can greatly increase the activity or concentration of the body's energy, or in other words, changes at a deeper level can give life.

And this yin-yang escape technique can do more than that. Through the use of these yin-attribute chakras and yang-attribute chakras, it can also evolve a variety of ninjutsu just like the other five conventional nature changes.

In the original book, there are also techniques in this area, and they are all secret techniques of the family.

For example, the shadow binding technique of the Nara clan, and the heart turning technique of the Yamanaka clan are both secret techniques extended from the Yin escape.

Another example is the multiplication technique of the Qiudao clan, which is a secret technique extended from the aspect of Yang Dun.

Now, if you give me enough knowledge, based on the Yin-Yang Dungeon I have mastered now, learning these secret techniques is basically as easy as pie.

After all, this is the yin and yang escape technique taught by the Sage of the Six Paths, which is unprecedentedly complete. Moreover, the Sage of the Six Paths can be said to be quite dedicated. He taught all the experience he gained when he split into ten tails and made the tailed beast. It's not that I don't have enough Chakra, and if I still have the power of the Six Paths, I can easily suppress the current Kyuubi.

To suppress the chakra of Nine-Tails, I already basically understand how to make it.

Even, if I learn the Six Paths Immortal Art in the future, I can separate the yin and yang sides of Nine Tails without any external force.

It really is... the power related to the root of this world, which is already a power of qualitative change.

In the future, I just need to study more in this area to accommodate the power I have now.

I'm very likely to reach the quasi-ceiling level.

After learning the Six Paths Immortal Art, it is the real ceiling level.

But now, even if he didn't learn the Six Paths of Immortality, he could face Uchiha Nobuhiko with confidence.

At the same time, when the light of surprise was shining in his eyes, a series of surprise thoughts also flashed in Qianye's heart.

This... is amazing!

He actually memorized the main points I said so quickly, and directly simulated Yin escape chakra and Yang escape chakra.

Basically, you have already found out how to use Yin Yang Dun.

And with his fine control over chakra, even if he returns to the physical body, he can use Yin Yang escape exactly as he is doing now.

Maybe you will fail once or twice, but you can already say that you have mastered the Yin-Yang escape technique.

Could it be that……

Has this child, in the process of continuous learning, mastered a strong learning ability?

Although he doesn't have any ability from the outside world now, his own learning ability can already be called ability.

Or, does he already have a fairly thorough understanding of the power of my world?

So, after mastering the method, will you quickly understand and learn it?

The time from accepting to learning just now, if converted into normal time, is just one day.

Then, how long will it take him to learn the Six Paths Immortal Art?

At this moment, the Immortal of the Six Paths, who had maintained a serious and majestic expression, had a slightly stiff face, and a slight shock was already present in his heart.

But at this moment, his pair of reincarnation eyes are fixedly staring at Qianye Xutuo's hands, as well as the slightly radiant spheres floating on his left and right hands.

The left hand is a sphere that exudes warm orange-white like a small sun.

The right hand is a sphere like a tailed beast jade exuding a cool black purple.

"That's right, since you can simulate yin-type chakra and yang-type chakra in the mental space, it means that you have learned the yin-yang escape technique. Even if you return to the physical body, you only need to get used to it a little bit before you can use it." gone."

However, although he was astonished in his heart, the Immortal of the Six Paths did not pause at all, and spoke directly.

"Then, how should I use this Yin-Yang escape?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Chiba first looked at the black-purple sphere formed by yin chakra spinning in his left hand, and then at the orange-white sphere condensed by yang attribute chakra, then raised his head and looked at Sage of the Six Paths , opened the mouth.

It has been almost a day since I agreed to help the Sage of the Six Paths find the heart, and after I said the phrase "Yin-Yang Escape Technique, what should I pay attention to", the Sage of the Six Paths taught the Yin-Yang Escape Art very simply, and almost Knowing everything, talking endlessly, combined with the knowledge of Yin-Yang Dun that he already knew, it took about a day in normal time, and finally created Yin-Attribute Chakra and Yang-Attribute Chakra, and mastered the ability to create Yin-Yang Chakra at the same time. , Yang attribute chakra skills.

Of course, this is not due to his extraordinary talent, but the experience of the Immortal of the Six Paths in yin and yang escape, which is too rich, and the expression is quite clear, Qianye can quickly understand it, and can immediately put it into practice.

However, during this day, the Sage of the Six Paths did not say how to use the yin attribute chakra and yang attribute chakra.

Although Chiba knows what these two chakras can do by creating chakras with two attributes, it doesn't mean that he can use the chakras with these two attributes now.

In other words, Chiba can create yin and yang chakras, but they can't use their skills accordingly.

He learned Yin Dun and Yang Dun.

However, he did not learn the art of yin escape and yang escape.

And without learning these two techniques, even if he could use Yin Dun and Yang Dun, it would not be of much use.

It is impossible to exert the power of Yin Yang Dun.

"come over."

And upon hearing this sentence, the Immortal of the Six Paths didn't say any nonsense, and raised his right hand, signaling Chiba to come over.

"This is……"

Regarding this, Qianye was slightly taken aback, and spoke with some doubts.

"The technique of yin and yang escape, I can't explain it."

Hearing this, the Sage of the Six Paths also spoke extremely simply.

no way to explain...

And hearing this sentence, Qianye frowned subconsciously,

"If you go directly to the actual combat stage, I have no way to explain it."

At this time, it seemed that he could see Qianye's doubts, and the Immortal of the Six Paths added another sentence.

Go directly to the actual combat stage...

And hearing this sentence, Qianye's mind suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he suddenly understood.

It seems that the heart of the Sage of the Six Paths...

It's more important than I thought!

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