Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2056 Delete!

The Three Migrant Workers?

The protagonist of migrant workers?

Answer this...for what?

Hearing his abrupt words from the young man opposite him, the young man was taken aback. This problem was a bit too big, and he was still struggling with how to prove his identity, or find a way to break the deadlock. Suddenly, He couldn't react.

"What... what?"

Then, this sentence blurted out.

"If you can answer my questions, I trust you to be my backup."

In this regard, Qianye looked at this young man who was exactly like himself, and repeated it again.

Obviously, the other side is a little confused, and the span of my problem is a bit big. Just now it was a ball of light, but now it has become the three major migrant workers comics and the protagonists of migrant workers comics that have nothing to do with it.

However, this is the best way for Chiba to confirm the identity of the other party. The function of the light ball is not the only problem that can be used to test the other party. Questions can be used as questions to verify identity.

As long as the Sage of the Six Paths and the will of the world don't know things, and what he knows, they can actually be used as proof of identity verification.

There are actually many things that the Immortals of the Six Paths don't know. In Chiba's previous life, there are too many things that can be exemplified.

Now, as long as this young man can answer these questions that only he knows in this Naruto world, then it can be proved that this young man is indeed his backup.


is that so!

Indeed, the Sage of the Six Paths and the will of the world should not know about these problems in the previous life. The will of the world may continue to run according to the set program, that is, the plot of the original work. It knows the plot of the original work, but these it is unknown.

Even if it is the will of the world, it is impossible to know about the three major migrant manga, the protagonist of the migrant manga!

And at this moment, upon hearing Qianye's words, the young man's eyes lit up slightly, and such a thought flashed through his mind.

"One Piece, Naruto, Bleach. One Piece protagonist, Monkey D Luffy, Naruto protagonist Uzumaki Naruto, Bleach protagonist, Kurosaki Ichigo."

Then, after thinking through this section, the young man said without thinking.

The three major migrant workers comics, as long as they mix ACG, they should be no strangers.

"So, what is the ending of One Piece? What is it?"

However, although the young man's answer was completely correct, Qianye still raised a question.

Even, the previous question could not explain the identity of the youth.

"I haven't finished the painting yet. Where is the ending? If there is an ending, it would be that Luffy became the Pirate King. Are you satisfied?"

Regarding this, the young man didn't say much nonsense, and his face didn't change significantly, he just spoke lightly.

The tone was exactly the same as the tone of the other self when he started to be dissatisfied.


But at this time, hearing this sound, Qianye suddenly realized something, and said, "Sorry, I subconsciously added a question, which is also safer."


In response, the young man snorted coldly, but didn't say much.


And hearing this cold snort, Qianye took a step forward and stretched out his right hand without talking nonsense.

Obviously, it was to indicate to the young man that he could check the imprint left by the Sage of the Six Paths on his hand.

In other words, Chiba has confirmed the identity of the youth.

These two questions are enough to show that this young man is another backup of himself, at least the memory part must be completely backed up.

In terms of personality, Qianye feels that there should be no backup. Compared with the other self before, although this young man has the same calm and gloomy expression on his face, he doesn't have that aggressive feeling.

In other words, there is no other self with momentum.

Even, it feels like, without this aura, this young man still seems to have an unreal feeling compared to his other self, as if standing in front of him is a phantom.

Of course, Qianye can be sure that the young man in front of him is definitely not a phantom.

Maybe, this is the difference between the replica and the body, the replica of the light sphere is not perfect.

Just now Qianye has been obsessed with the authenticity of the other party and how to confirm the authenticity of the other party, so he has not observed carefully. At this time, after thoroughly confirming that the other party is really another copy of himself, he subconsciously I took a look at it.

Then, there is this feeling.

However, despite this somewhat unreal feeling, Qianye is still convinced that the young man in front of him is real.

Or, at least in this space, it really exists.

"The next step may cause you some discomfort. I will use the power of the light sphere to check the imprint. If there is any problem, I will automatically eliminate the imprint for you."

But at this moment, looking at the right hand that was handed to him, the imprint of the Immortal of the Six Paths emerged, the young man raised his hand, but he did not rush to touch it, but looked at Chiba, and said.


To this, Chiba nodded and agreed.

Although the imprint on the right hand may be the only way to find the Sage of the Six Paths and learn the art of the Six Paths, Qianye still readily agreed.

Compared with the Six Paths Immortal Art, Qianye cares more about not being implanted by the Six Paths Immortals or the will of the world that is not good for him.

According to the memory of his other self, he is very clear that the god of a world and the unification of all the worlds, that is, what Qianye now calls the will of the world is terrible, and how unimaginable things it can do.

Moreover, in the power system of Naruto World, there is also clearly the power that can restrict or even control a person. If there is a problem with this imprint, it is definitely better to eliminate it than to keep it.

Even if, behind this mark represents the supreme power of the Six Paths Immortal Art.


For Qianye's straightforward promise, the young man seemed to have expected it. Almost the moment Qianye's voice fell, his hand held Qianye's right hand, and covered Qianye's palm with his own. superior.

Foreign body inspection, start.

Then, like an auditory hallucination, Qianye's ear sounded a completely emotionless voice that seemed male and not male, female and not female.

Then, with this sound, his palm suddenly became hot, and the place where the imprint was engraved suddenly became hot.

The foreign object inspection is completed.

No abnormality.

Then, there was another voice that he didn't know how to describe. After the heat, it sounded like an auditory hallucination in his ears.

"No problem, next..."

At the same time, the young man let go of his hand and spoke.

"What is this ball of light?"

However, before he finished all the words, Qianye suddenly raised his head and interrupted abruptly.

this voice...

What's going on again?

What is this ball of light?

But at this moment, for some unknown reason, Qianye felt an inexplicable eagerness in his heart.

The memory of the function and purpose of this light sphere may be...

Part of it was deleted by another self!

Inexplicably, he seemed to understand something in his heart.

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