Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2058 The genre is about to change?

Undoubtedly, another I should have plans beyond my imagination, maybe even a plan for this Naruto world.

And all of this, including fusion, entering this space, being backed up by me, checks whether I have been tricked, and then checks whether I have fully accepted that part of the memory, plus this unknown third thing... It should be another One I designed.

As for why the design is so troublesome, secretive, and even delete my own memory, I don't even know after the fusion.

I'm afraid it's to guard against the prying eyes of the Sage of the Six Paths and the will of the world. Obviously, on this point, another plan of mine must be aimed at this Hokage world.

Of course, it is also possible that they are guarding against me, that is, me after fusion.

In other words, he didn't trust me, the consciousness that he had to cultivate by separating memory and consciousness, and the me that had acquired what he had discarded or could never regain.

You must accept his part of the memory before you can give this plan to me with peace of mind.

The third thing may be to explain the plan to me.

After all, now I already have what he has, and what he doesn't have and can't have again, and I haven't been manipulated by the Sage of the Six Paths or the will of the world, so I have absolute independence. The cruel memory is the one he wants most.

Also, the most suitable self to start his plan.

There was a slight hesitation on his face, but Qianye's heart slowly brightened up. The whole thing, at this moment, has been completely connected by him.

What happened, I am afraid that another self, that is, the original first consciousness, had already made up his mind when he fell into this world, and then he was in front of the god of this world, the Sage of the Six Paths who lost his heart. When I came to investigate, with the power of the light sphere, I successfully deceived the Sage of the Six Paths, divided memory and consciousness, and created a localized and completely blank self, waiting for one day to be able to merge and find what I have lost. thing.

Such as feelings, such as partners, such as fetters and the like.

On the surface, it should be such a process, but secretly, it was all arranged by the other himself. At that time, he had already made a plan, which is the plan Qianye discovered now for this Naruto world.

In the open, he divided his consciousness and created a localized blank self. In the dark, he used the power of the light sphere to copy a backup with memory greater than consciousness, and set a series of responsibilities for this backup, and then deleted it. I can remember everything about this plan, including this backup.

At the same time, as long as he has a complete consciousness or soul, when he touches the light ball for the first time, he will be absorbed into this space for storing the backup memory and consciousness, and then accept the few things he ordered to backup. matter.

To know everything about the plan.

At the same time, it also ensures that this complete consciousness or soul is the one who has experienced the cruelty he has experienced.

As for why, why do you have to experience the cruelty of the complete consciousness or soul.

I'm afraid, to carry out this plan, to complete this plan, these cruel memories are indispensable.

In other words, the fused Chiba affected by these cruel memories is indispensable.

At this moment, amid hesitation, combined with some memories that are not closely related to these, but connected, Qianye has already figured out another thought of her own.

It's just about this plan, the plan for this Naruto world, there is really too little information, and he has no way to speculate.

"Only by accepting that part of the memory, can I tell you the third thing. That part of the memory is also very important to you, I hope you make up your mind early."

But at this time, seeing Qianye's hesitant appearance, the young man did not have any urgency, but said lightly.

The expression is still calm, it seems to look more gloomy.

This young man should be more like some kind of program that carries the memory. Although he has inherited a small amount of the consciousness and personality of another me, it is still some kind of program, but it is not as simple and brainless as a computer program in the simple sense.

But hearing this sound, Qianye didn't feel any waves in his heart, he just looked at the young man again, and once again convinced himself of his deduction about this young man.


This young man does not have an independent personality and consciousness. He is just another projection of a small part of his personality or consciousness, and the rest are running according to another program he has set.

It's just that it looks very realistic, like a person.

"So, can I ask some questions?"

Since what is in front of me is a program more than other existences, it is useless to use stereotypes and emotional touches. It is better to ask straightforward questions.

Moreover, this young man does not seem to force him to accept that part of the memory, that is to say, the other self does not intend to force himself. Before making a decision, it is better to check some information that can be found now, and then make a decision Decide.

As for whether to try to accept it or not to try to accept it, we can talk about it after asking clearly.

"Okay, I can tell you, you can ask any questions."

Regarding this, the young man hesitated for a moment, as if he didn't expect Qianye to ask such a question, but in the end he still said it directly.

The meaning is also obvious.

You can ask, you can tell everything you know, and you can talk endlessly.

If you can't ask, you won't mention a word.

"World, how many worlds are there like this Hokage world? Do I still have to leave this world and go to other worlds for adventures, or to gain power? Is my journey now? Just begun."

And hearing this sentence, Qianye didn't talk nonsense, and asked the most urgent question now.

Before, the other self also explained this problem before the fusion, but now, after being exposed to these and understanding that there is a plan behind this, Qianye became a little uneasy.

If this is a fan novel about traveling through Hokage, then it may be a fork.

There are also popular genres of doujin in the previous life, in which the protagonist travels through multiple animation worlds, which are called Zongman doujin.

He doesn't want to experience so many worlds, one Hokage world is enough.

"No, you have already taken root in this world, it is impossible to experience other worlds, and now there is only one Hokage world, you don't have to think too much, you can only be here, unless you want to be wiped out, even if it is wiped out, you It will only enter the afterlife world of this Naruto world."

To this, the youth answered quite simply.

In other words, it is impossible for him to go to other worlds.

he can only...

In this Naruto world!

This is the only world in which he can exist.

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