Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2065 That ball of light...


Droplets of water gently slid down from that expressionless face, rolled down that delicate face, and fell heavily on the bluestone floor tiles after falling for a distance of more than one meter. , shattered into pieces, a few pieces of dark color were wet in the throat.

no problem?

This... shouldn't be a problem, right?

Looking at the ground that was shattered and drenched by the drops of water, and looking at the empty-eyed, expressionless young man in front of him, like an empty shell without any thoughts, the young man swallowed softly. , the corners of his mouth twitched unnaturally.

And his forehead was already beaded with sweat.

At this time, he was a little worried.

This time is too long.

At this time, the slowly spiraling bubbles around this fusion body have all burst, that is to say, he has experienced all the memories once.

Of course, he is not worried about the experience of memory.

Instead, these bubbles actually burst two hours ago.

In other words, these memories have actually been experienced two hours ago.

Moreover, the personal experience of memory, for the person who experienced it, the experience will last as long as the memory span. However, in the eyes of outsiders, it is actually just a momentary thing, which is the speed of thinking.

Now, from the two hours when the bubbles all burst to the present two hours, this fusion has always maintained this kind of soundless feeling as if it was experienced in person.

It really scared him a little.

The young man also has these cruel memories. Even when this space is boring, he will check it carefully every time to prevent the memory from escaping. He is very clear about the situation of these memories.

And now the fusion's reaction.

It is very likely that it crashed!

Collapsed in these cruel memories.

The spirit has fallen into autism, which is why it has the current performance.

This...how can this be done?

If you are really trapped in autism, then what should you do next?

This fusion body is the only hope, and it is also the only entrustment of the main body. At this time, it can't bear it, and the next plan will be completely stranded.

The meaning of existence is gone.

Even, because this life is cut off in this space, the external body will also have a death reaction due to the long-term inability to connect with the spirit. In terms of state, I am afraid that the external body will really be exhausted and die.

And as long as the bearer of the body is lost, the light ball will also dissipate, and when the light ball dissipates, this space will no longer exist.

If this space collapses, then everything in the space will disappear into nothingness.

In other words, this fusion body that has fallen into autism will also collapse into nothing, and then there will be nothing left.

Everything planned by Ontology will naturally come to naught.

Even, what will become of this Naruto world is also...

And with the cold sweat on the forehead, a series of frightening thoughts flashed through the young man's heart.

Even, when he thought of the last moment, he couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and almost couldn't imagine it anymore.

This is absolutely unexpected.

He never imagined that this fusion body would be so fragile. After experiencing those cruelties, it would fall into a state of autistic collapse to escape these cruelties.

It stands to reason that the second personality consciousness of this fusion body should have experienced many desperate situations, and was able to overcome those desperate existences from desperate situations. It cannot be so fragile, what autistic escape.

Basically impossible.

Even, the young people never thought of breaking down and autistic at all.

How... what to do?

If it really is an autistic meltdown, escape from reality.

Can't go on like this, everything will collapse.

Not just the plan, but the whole thing, will crumble.

My existence will also be completely eliminated.

I can't get rid of it until the responsibilities are all completed. It's fine if the plan fails, but like now, it's over before anything starts.

This is not the ending it should have!

But, I can't wake him up at all!

Everything here is actually under his control. If he is autistic and breaks down, escaping from reality, it will be useless for me to do anything.

I am part of this space.

I'm also under his control, as long as he doesn't want to wake up, I have nothing to do!

And at this moment, thinking of this, a drop of cold sweat involuntarily slipped from the corner of his forehead, and the young man swallowed again.

The current situation is dangerous, too dangerous.

If the boy in front of him didn't wake up, everything would be a joke.

However, the other party has not responded for two hours.

The whole experience should have been over.

"Really...is it over?"

In the end, with a lot of thoughts, the calm look on the young man's face, or the gloomy look, suddenly turned into a look of helplessness and loss intertwined.

Feel sorry.


I really didn't expect that your fusion body, what you long for, turned out to be such a fragile thing.

And at this moment, all the thoughts in his mind turned into this complete disappointment.

I said it was too dangerous!

This plan should be carried out by Ontology itself. Since such things were planned by Ontology, it was completed by only three people.

Defeated the existence that almost transcended dimensions.

Shattered, that kind of existence beyond the world.

If it is the main body, the plan should be more than half completed now, how could it be over before it started.

Damn it!

It shouldn't be!

Such a fusion should not be cultivated!

Now, it falls short!


Fall short fart!

This looks like suicide!

Then, the next second, after being disappointed, he couldn't help it, and the young man began to curse angrily in his heart.


However, at this moment, a sigh suddenly sounded in front of him.

"Before I knew it, I had experienced it more than a dozen times."

Then, in the next second, an understatement that made the corner of his mouth twitch unnaturally rang out slowly.

Qianye took a deep breath, and the smooth and orderly memory in her mind slowly faded away, turning into a permanent memory.


Then another tear, in the other eye, rolled down.


Ten... a dozen times?

And at this moment, the entire face of the young man opposite him became unnaturally stiff.

There was already a touch of disbelief on the quiet face.

"Is that ball of light... a fragment of the Lord God?"

Then, the next second, the words that made his entire silence shatter, sounded again.

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