Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2077 Revenge (4500 words)

No feeling, no emotion, nothing seemed to shake his heart.

Even if it is the imminent death.

Even, in the process of dying.

It seems that the soul has been withdrawn, and all his actions now are like the instinct of the flesh to complete the obsession of revenge.

After losing everything, the past self experienced several scenes, and in these scenes, Qianye also slowly figured out the current state of the past self.

In addition, he also seemed to have an emotional feeling that his soul seemed to be pulled away.

At the same time, as his past self understood the evil of human nature more and more deeply, he almost learned to look at things from another angle, another angle that he would never think of now.

Gradually, he saw things more clearly than before.

At this moment, he seemed to understand a little bit why the other self insisted on experiencing this cruel memory by himself.

Although this memory is cruel, even so cruel that it may cause some irreversible changes in Chiba's personality, the things contained in it are really what Chiba needs now.

It will help him in the future.

And it's very helpful.

Both technically and psychologically.

However, this kind of help has a price to pay in a certain sense, that is, his current mental state may be because he is in this memory and completely feels all the feelings of his past self. He experienced the mental state of no feeling and no feeling, the feeling of being separated from the soul, he really felt it.

And this state has begun to bring him a kind of unpleasant psychological changes, such as a sense of emotional detachment, and even now, when he recalls himself before entering memory, he has a sense of strangeness.

Even in these few scenes, Chiba spent a considerable part of her experience, constantly recalling the beauty of the Naruto world, in order to prevent the further expansion of this emotional detachment.

But now, he only hoped that this stage would pass quickly.

That is to say, the past self should get rid of that team as soon as possible and complete revenge.

Now, the only thing that can give the past self a feeling is the matter of revenge, and as long as the past self can feel something, it means that he can also feel something, at least after feeling something, the feeling of detachment will be gone. Relieves a lot.

At this time, Qianye also knew that the real test had already begun, a test for him.

Whether he is assimilated by this memory in this way, or detached from this memory, all depends on whether his mind is firm enough to resist the feeling of being pulled away from his soul.

The more than 300 nightmare reincarnations and the backlog of emotions caused by the hell-style torture of human nature are just appetizers. The current sense of detachment of the soul, the state of no feeling and no emotion, is the main meal.

If he can survive, then he will obtain wealth that may be greater than he imagined, or in other words, he will get the biggest inheritance left by himself besides the light sphere.

Of course, if he can't hold on, then he is very likely to become a second self.

Everything depends on how firm his mind is and whether he can resist this kind of mental breakdown.


In Chiba's view, in fact, the current situation of the past self is already a kind of mental breakdown, or in other words, because of excessive emotional agitation and great depression, after the backlog of emotions burst out, it directly surpassed The maximum range that the past self can bear leads to the activation of the self-protection mechanism in the subconscious of the past self, shielding all senses about emotions, resulting in this state of no feeling and no emotion.

It's just that because of the tragic death of his partner, his emotions in the past were backlogged and on the verge of collapse. Although Xiaoqian temporarily awakened his reason, he just kept these emotions deep in his heart. Just a moment of those emotions.

As Chiba, who can truly feel everything about her past self, and who can use the perspective of a bystander, she is very clear.

In the past, although compared with myself, my psychology was much darker, and I was used to thinking in the worst direction when doing things, and using the most sinister human heart to measure everything, but in essence, they were all the same of.

Since he is in the world of Naruto, he will disregard life and death for Kushina and the others, then, although the past self is different from him, the enthusiasm to sacrifice his life for his partners is the same.

This can be seen from the first scene, when Xiaoqian saves him, his past self doesn't care about any subsequent opponents, he raises his gun and shoots to save Xiaoqian.

What's more, those perverts on the evil side who have collapsed and twisted have steadfast love and a friendship that can be used for both sides. What's more, the past self is just a little darker psychologically, which has nothing to do with perverts.

The past self, losing his partner, and watching them being tortured to death, is no different from Chiba watching Jiu Xinnai and the others being tortured to death alive but helpless.

Qianye understands very well how heavy, explosive, and dark the emotions of her past self are accumulated in her heart!

And the matter of killing Xiaoqian with his own hands completely detonated these emotions. Xiaoqian's death destroyed the last line of defense in his heart, and the backlog of emotions burst out all at once. Any chance I had in the past touched the body's defense mechanism, and all feelings, emotions, and sensations were blocked.

Especially when I saw the pistol that Xiaoqian dropped out at the end.

Back then, it was the same pistol that saved Xiaoqian and gave him a beam of light, a dazzling light, and gave him the best time.

Then, the same pistol burst out all the darkness in his heart. In an instant, he lost his feelings and feelings, and his soul seemed to be pulled away.

Obviously, Xiaoqian had a chance to kill him, and he was able to kill him very easily.

However, Xiaoqian didn't do that.

Both the past self and Qianye knew very well that Xiaoqian did it on purpose, broke up on purpose, and gave up his life on purpose, it was all designed by her.

To keep my past self alive.

Even if it's for revenge, you have to live.

From the very beginning, Xiaoqian stabbed him in the chest with a knife, the seemingly decisive break, and the appearance of being swallowed by hatred, Xiaoqian began to plan, and even, very likely, the first three waves of enemies, secretly Xiaoqian There is assistance.

Xiaoqian may have been by his side all the time.

And Xiaoqian is completely capable of protecting this past self when the past self is not aware of it.

Because of this, because of Xiaoqian's wholehearted devotion, the past self felt unprecedented warmth. It was the first time that I felt other people's positive emotions towards me. For the first time, there was a girl who was wholeheartedly for herself. , the past self felt the greatest joy in his entire life. At the same time, how strong this joy is, how violent the regret and resentment after killing himself to give him this happiness transformation is precisely because of this, as if All the dark emotions like dynamite burst out together.

However, thanks to the sudden explosion of these emotions, I didn't give my past self any chance to react.

Otherwise, if these dark emotions accumulate bit by bit and cannot be vented, in the process of accumulating, I am afraid that my past self, who was originally psychologically dark, would have a mental breakdown and become an evil side before it exploded. Those are perverted.

The current result, in Chiba's view, is relatively good.

Of course, all of this is due to Xiaoqian, and the deep bond between the past self and Xiaoqian, at the moment the pistol fell, even Qianye was moved and shocked.

To be honest, Qianye never thought that Xiaoqian would do such a thing for her past self.

This girl, in Qianye's eyes, is definitely a ruthless character, ruthless to others, even more ruthless to herself, and her kind of ruthlessness is also an understatement, as if she has done some unbelievable things that others don't like. It is very normal to dare to do things.

That's what's really scary.

In this way, in order to survive, to be able to exist so fiercely and decisively, Qianye never thought that this girl would entrust her hope of life to her past self at a critical moment.

He didn't even realize that this girl had deeper feelings for her past self.

To be honest, he didn't even know how his past self attracted such a girl who was destined to become a strong person.

To tell the truth, although my past self had an extraordinary mind, he did not have the qualifications of a strong person after all.

Perhaps, under the influence of Xiaoqian Rihou, there is a chance to become a strong man, just like the strong man in the team that tortured and killed his partners.

However, it was impossible to rely on the past self alone.

And now his past state, this extreme state, has caused great troubles and tests to Chiba, but, in a sense, he has already possessed the qualifications to become a strong person.

Perhaps, this is also in Xiaoqian's calculations.

Even, very likely, the last kiss that Xiaoqian took the initiative to give was an encouraging kiss to her past self.

This kiss ignited all the dark emotions.

Similarly, it is also a key to becoming a strong man.

Although, it is what Chiba does not want.

And then, when Chiba was struggling with that sense of soul separation, the past self was also constantly experiencing the seemingly endless reincarnation of nightmares, and for the past self who has no feelings or feelings now, mastering After mastering the technique that originated from the evil of human nature like the whisper of the devil, every scene was spent so easily.

Almost every time, the past self played with everyone in the palm of his hand, and even, when it reached about five hundred games, the past self almost did what a god can do, or in other words, manipulated this nightmare reincarnation Things that can only be done by the master.

He has reached the point where in a scene, he uses various available factors to determine who will live and who will die in the end.

Even, it doesn't matter how strong this person is.

He has a lot of ways to defeat the opponent and decide the life and death of the opponent.

Although, in the past, I had no feelings and feelings, but my acting skills seem to have been greatly improved. Using various body and facial expressions, I can almost 100% simulate emotions, emotions, emotions, and even some subtle emotions. emotional expression, as if it can be transformed into any type of person.

Also relying on this seemingly incidental stunt, he was able to manipulate other people again and again.

To be honest, even Chiba felt terrible about his past self after five hundred games.

After that, Qianye in the past began to have another shadow of himself more and more. Of course, it was just a shadow, and the feeling given to Qianye was still very different.

However, during this period, the past self has been hovering around the scene with around 30 people, and has never entered the team battle.

At this time, the past self also began to think about the factors of entering the team battle, and with the wisdom of the past self, it is actually not difficult to come to the result.

After another hundred games or so, five or six "partners" gathered around my past self, and all of them survived logically, and then, once again, entered the scene of a team battle, at least a hundred people.

Then, in the first team battle, the past self encountered that team again, and this time, the past self was no longer the weak person before, but a person who understood the evil of human nature and possessed the most perfect personality. The camouflage color and the most terrifying heart can almost control the entire scene.

That time, it was extremely easy to win.

However, the past self did not do anything excessive, and even designed to let them escape from death.

Narrow escape from despair.

And survived.

However, some rumors about this team began to spread among the surviving people.

Then, another ten games or so, they encountered again.

That team narrowly escaped death again.

Rumors began to spread among more people.

Afterwards, just like that, within the following hundred games, they encountered at least ten games, and each time, the team narrowly escaped death without even losing personnel.

However, just after this, the nightmare of this team began.

Even without doing anything by myself in the past, this team was hunted down by more powerful teams, more perverted teams from the evil side, as if they were prey exuding a tempting fragrance.

In the end, there is almost a phenomenon that the stronger and more evil the team is, at the beginning of each scene, they will look for this team at the first time, and take pleasure in killing the members of this team.

From here on, this team will become the first target of more evil people in every scene, and slowly, every scene becomes the beginning of this team's escape.

The fear of being hunted down by something stronger and more evil haunted them every minute and every second.

Finally, after another two hundred games, this fairly strong team began to collapse, unexplained fear broke out, and the personnel began to go crazy and lose continuously.

In the end, when the past self met this team again, there was only one left in this team, the strongest man who trembled in the corner every time he woke up, and the last one in the team that killed his partner. strong.

And the scene of this person trembling at that time seemed to be the appearance of the past self and Xiaoqian hiding in a corner and trembling.

exactly the same.

At this moment, the past self finally felt the thrill of revenge.

He stepped forward, and with a higher attitude, told everything, and explained to this person all the plans to destroy the team.

and the relationship between them.

Seeing this frightened, on the verge of madness kneeling in front of him and begging for mercy, the face of his past self that was smiling when he felt the pleasure slowly turned gloomy.

It became a kind of silence.

Then, he completely drove this strong man crazy, without a trace of mercy, watching him roll his eyes and drooling, the past self didn't even plan to do anything to end it, and after leaving this strong man to fend for himself, it ended quickly this scene.

At this moment, Qianye's heart became heavy.

The past self still has no feelings and no feelings.


It does not allow him to have feelings and feelings.

he still...

Feel nothing!

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