

The two wooden dragons that bound their arms like screws twisted in, bypassed their backs, passed through their armpits, opened their huge mouths suddenly, and bit hard on the giant's shoulders. In an instant, the wooden but extremely strong teeth , Embedded in the jet-black entity chakra, amidst the sound of cracking, jet-black cracks spread continuously from the teeth until reaching the chest.

There was a creaking sound under the continuously tightening wooden dragon body.


I can't move!

The feeling of being squeezed by the distance transmitted by Susano is unreservedly transmitted to Nobuhiko Uchiha's perception. Although the body is not squeezed by any huge force, it is in Susano, As long as Susano is not destroyed, he is in an invincible defense.

However, in the transmission of 100% feeling, he still gritted his teeth subconsciously.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

And at this moment, thick white air evaporated at the place where the wooden dragon, the wooden palm and the dark Susanoo came into contact.

These two wooden dragons are absorbing chakra!

Then, Nobuhiko Uchiha gritted his teeth slowly, and he could clearly sense that the chakra that he maintained Susanoo suddenly lost at an accelerated rate.

Obviously, these two wooden dragons are constantly absorbing Susanoo's chakra.

And this is one of the reasons why Uchiha Madara lost to Senju Hashirama in the first place, the wood escape technique can absorb chakra!

Nobuhiko Uchiha knows very well why Senju Hashirama, who owns Mutun, is called a god!

God of ninjas!

This Wooden Dungeon can be said to have surpassed the extreme of chakra's nature and form changes, or in other words, it is already a qualitative change after the extreme.

From the perspective of morphological change, the technique of wood escape can change the form of trees into most forms. Even, Qianshou Zhujian used the technique of wood escape to create a small village. It solves the living problem of a group of refugees who want to join Konoha. Houses, tables and chairs, etc., as long as they can be connected with the wood attribute, can be transformed into one. It can be said that the Chakra has been completely transformed into an entity. In a sense, it is very close to the technique of escaping from the shadows.

Apart from the Yin-Yang Dunjutsu, Nobuhiko Uchiha has never seen any forbidden technique and secret technique that can achieve the level of Mutun in terms of form changes.

In terms of nature changes, the five nature changes of water, earth, wind, thunder, and fire basically transform chakra into various elements, and then transform them into ninjutsu attacks. In a sense, they are all non-biological, even The physical avatar cannot be counted as a living thing, nor can it be counted as a life.

But this wood escape technique is different. The tree it transforms into chakra has normal life. It can absorb the nutrients needed by normal trees to survive, and it can also survive by absorbing chakra.

Nobuhiko Uchiha once saw that when Senjujuma subdued Nine-Tails, under the influence of Nine-Tails Chakra, the summoned Mudun grew almost uncontrollably. The more intense Nine-Tails Chakra, the more The crazier it gets, in the end it's already a terrifying towering giant tree!

And the more Nine Tails struggles, the stronger the effect of restraint is. It can be said that the technique of wood escape is also the best at controlling the blood-successor limit he has ever seen. When restraining itself, it weakens the opponent while weakening it Strengthen yourself, the longer the time, the better the effect of this restraint.

This kind of wood attribute transformed from chakra is basically transforming chakra into life. Compared with Yang Dun, it is not much different.

It's just that Mu Dun is limited to creatures like wood after all, while Yang Dun's concept is vitality, and in principle it is applicable to any living body, or in other words, living things.

However, in any case, the technique of wood escape is basically related to Yin Yang escape, and it is already a qualitative change beyond the extreme of chakra transformation.

Senshou Hashirama, who was the first to use Mudun, is known as the God of Ninjas, and he really deserves his name.

To be honest, when Uchiha Nobuhiko was by Senju Hashirama's side, he was always glad that Senju Hashirama was not an outsider. If such a person were an outsider, his life would end prematurely.

Fortunately, there is such a well-matched figure as Uchiha Madara, who can drag Senju Bashirama to death alive. No, it may not be appropriate to say that he is dragged to death. It should be said that he can be grinded to death. Uchiha Madara's failure.

But now, facing this wood escape technique, Uchiha Nobuhiko's heart is actually a little trembling.

At this time, when he knew that he had been absorbed by Chakra, he was even more frightened, and his mind went blank for a moment.


Don't underestimate me!

Then, in the next second, his complexion changed drastically, and he suddenly realized that the Sharingan pattern in the eternal kaleidoscope suddenly shrank, and a nameless anger suddenly poured into his heart.

How can it be!

How could this be!

He Uchiha Nobuhiko, how could he feel such fear towards this Taki Chiba!

It was a little scary at first!

At the beginning, when I saw Mu Dun standing under the prestige of Qianshou Zhujian, I was a little scared and at a loss, so let it be!

How can you keep showing timidity towards Taki Chiba like this?


And at this moment, where Chichi's white mist was transpiring, a layer of deeper jet-black flame suddenly ignited on the pitch-black Susanoo's body surface.

"Bang bang bang!"

In just a moment, the moment when the deeper jet-black flame ignited, the two wooden dragons entangled with Susanoo and all the giant wooden palms that were in contact with Susanoo also suddenly ignited the jet-black flame, And with a swift force, it burned towards the roots of these entangled and grasped objects.

In the blink of an eye, the two wooden dragons and the giant palms were already burning with fierce pitch-black flames.

And Susano seemed to have become a burning black flame giant.

In an instant, crackling, bang bang bang, the sound of trees burning and breaking, resounded around it.

Susano, Amaterasu form!


He is not in the shield of Ranking Art!

And at this moment, Nobuhiko Uchiha's face changed color again, and the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan suddenly glanced towards his upper left side.

In the corner of the eye, a ray of emerald green light suddenly ignited.

The figure of the young man wrapped in the emerald green chakra coat suddenly appeared on the upper left side of him with his chest raised and his fists clenched!

The surging chakra instantly accumulated on his right hand!

The strange power among the Thousand Hands!

Such an amount can destroy Susano!

And almost instantly, the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan captured the moment of that boy, and this series of judgments surfaced in Nobuhiko Uchiha's mind.

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