Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2101 Metamorphosis

It's good to be mysterious.

It's okay to be really powerless to fight anymore.

It may be a trap.

It doesn't matter if the beast is still fighting.

Anything is fine, but, only, I can't hesitate!

I hesitated, maybe it was what Taki Chiba wanted.

Even, it will cause worse consequences than being caught in a trap!

In the eyes of the eternal kaleidoscope, the huge sword that was slashing down sharply was reflected, and Nobuhiko Uchiha, who was cut open by the heat wave and the sword, stretched forward with white air and boiling bubbles all the way, kept Manipulating Susano's right hand, which was slashed by a sword, to make a slash and fall, with his left hand behind his back, he stared at the circle-shaped flame belt of the splashing black flame that was cut by a sword.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

And just after this series of thoughts flashed through his mind, the aftermath of this slash from Susano in Amaterasu's full body has extended all the way out of the lake and rushed straight into the opposite mountain forest, and the ground immediately It was split into two, sand and rocks moved around, and trees fell down one after another, filling the gully that was opened by the power of the sword.


In the end, the aftermath of this sword, with pure destruction, hit something hard and stopped the destruction.

But the forest carrying the lake trembled slightly under the impact, and it took a while for the attack to subside.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

Just at the stall where the mountain body trembled and then subsided slowly, the thick steam that rose from the lake also replaced the fog on the lake, permeating it, covering everything here, even in the distance. From a distance, the giant with jet-black flames all over his body also became indistinct.

As if, it was covered by the hot white mist that diffused.

It can only be seen that an indistinguishable huge black shadow in the thick fog is almost like a hallucination.

"Wow... boom..."

And just at this moment, when the thick fog filled the air, the large wave formed by the sword also hit the shores around the lake heavily, with a loud and muffled sound, the water splashed and split into scattered streams. The high waves were stirred up in the mid-air, like a torrential rain, crackling, and pouring down among the closely connected forests on the shore, the sound of rain was everywhere.

"Chi Chi Chi... Chi Chi... Chi Chi..."

However, such a huge movement did not make Nobuhiko Uchiha look away even a little bit, and within his line of sight, the walls of fire formed by the previous underwater attacks have already continued at a speed that can be discerned by the naked eye. It was almost extinguished by the sword, Yu Wei calmed down, and the lake water poured back, these redundant Amaterasu fires were almost extinguished.

Even, under the giant sword at this time, the ring-shaped flame wall that was instantly condensed and wrapped around Taki Chiba has almost disappeared, leaving only the huge flame burning with pitch-black flames but not spreading On the giant blade that looks like a two-handed epee, there is also the fire of Amaterasu.

This Taki Chiba is proficient in sealing techniques, especially in the use of the fire seal, and even just now can directly form the fire seal on the wood hardening technique, and can seal and release the fire of Amaterasu at an extremely fast speed.

Before, when he used that blow, the lake swallowed him up, and the seal of the fire seal, which sealed all my Amaterasu fire scrolls, should have been lost, and I must not give him Amaterasu fire again.

At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha had such a thought in his mind.

At the same time, in his mind, flashed across the time when the dark purple solid long spear was about to explode, and his eyes captured Taki Chiba being swallowed by his own water escape. At that time, the sealed scroll was swept away by the huge waves and sank to the bottom of the lake.

Although the attack reached his body at the time, Uchiha Nobuhiko was always paying attention to Nataki Chiba.

In order to prevent being restrained by Taki Chiba's incredible sealing technique, Nobuhiko Uchiha immediately extinguished all the fires of Amaterasu.


And just after the Amaterasu fire was completely and completely extinguished, the entire lake slowly calmed down amidst the waves of water and the thick white mist, and the sound of rain in the forest on the edge of the mountain also began to stop sparsely.

In just a few seconds of the sword, the only thing left by this slash is the head gully that spread to the shore and was filled with earth, rocks, broken branches and broken trees.

Unexpectedly, one day, I would be forced to do this.

He was so frightened that he didn't even dare to relax for a moment.

Even if I have more powerful power, even if I have never reached a height in the past, even if there is a huge improvement in strength, I can only be timid and cautious, not daring to take one more step, and not daring to retreat more step.

Even, when Taki Chiba was at her weakest, she didn't dare to attack!


At the same time, the corner of his mouth showed an uncharacteristically self-deprecating smile, looking at the backflowing, crashing waves that gradually calmed down, the surface of the lake that submerged two-thirds of the volume of the giant sword, As well as the reflection of Susano burning on the lake, Nobuhiko Uchiha laughed at himself.

At this moment, not only did he not show any anger because of his gaffe just now, his fear and hesitation just now, he even had a strong self-mockery of helplessness towards his behavior.

But it seems to admit that the opponent is stronger than himself.

It is hard to imagine that this kind of situation will appear in this Uchiha Nobuhiko who has been reincarnated for an unknown number of lives, but still has not corrected the most important defect in his character.

At this moment, it seems that this Nobuhiko Uchiha calmed down for a moment, discarded the pride and arrogance accumulated by those who were reborn countless times and killed the traversers, and sincerely or convincingly admitted that an outsider was better than himself. powerful.

At this moment, Uchiha Nobuhiko put one hand behind his back and made a slashing gesture with the other, staring at the giant sword and the lake that the giant sword cut into, as if he wanted to see through the lake, and slowly began to exude an aura .

A kind of distant, calm and even quiet, and even some tall temperament.

One, after experiencing those cruel memories, Chiba exudes a calm and calm temperament similar to that.

As if, transformed.

In a fundamental way, it has changed.

Finally, I understand why...why this Taki Chiba, even when he was weak, beings who were far stronger than him, such as Yotsuki, Chiyo, and even Sandai Raikage, could not defeat him.

This Taki Chiba...

And at this time, at the stall where the aura slowly spread out, such a thought flashed through Uchiha Nobuhiko's mind.


At this moment, a flash of thought flashed across his mind, a string of bubbles suddenly rose up a little far away from where the giant sword entered the water, surfaced, and exploded.


Then, the next moment, another string.


After that, more strings of bubbles.

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