I always feel that this Uchiha Nobuhiko has set a death flag.

As the wind blew and the water rolled, Qianye, who was standing above the wooden figure, narrowed her eyes slightly, revealing a delicate expression.

However, I didn't expect that Nobuhiko Uchiha's Susanoo weapon was condensed with his own ability, and the attack power and continuous attack power are also quite perfect. This should also be...

Was put together.

At the same time, although his face was a little subtle, Qianye's gaze did not show any subtlety. On the contrary, there was a kind of solemnity in his gaze.

At this moment, as far as he could see, his two giant water swords, which were condensed with extreme changes in the form of water attribute chakra, were whistling wildly at this moment, and at the same time, the two samurai swords that were divided into two, But it was cutting into the giant water sword bit by bit, and as the cutting deepened, the heat from the giant sword became more and more intense.

His attack was completely resolved.

For him, the two swords did not receive any effect, and it was quite a disadvantage.

Now although he has turned on the Jingmen mode again, it is only because the shadow-level chakra decomposes and feeds back to the body, using pure body energy to replenish a certain amount of energy for the cells, just like eating, supplementing nutrition and resting for a certain period of time Similarly, doing so allowed him to recover a considerable amount of physical strength, at least the physical strength to be able to open the Jingmen mode.

Therefore, under that sword, the wooden escape can be used in time, and the wooden man's technique can block Uchiha Nobuhiko's Susanoo attack.

However, although the Jingmen mode is said to reduce the burden of the Bamen Dunjia and can use the Bamen Dunjia, it is still the Bamen Dunjia in essence. It is to untie the limitations of the human body, tap the potential of the human body, and fundamentally There is a limit to how much energy consumed by the human body can be transformed into chakra-dominated power.

What's more, this fundamental energy consumption of the human body is quite dangerous. If it is not well controlled, it may end in exhaustion.

Generally speaking, if it is turned on for too long in a battle, it will cause irreversible damage to Chiba. This kind of damage is not a simple internal injury or external injury, but a deeper injury caused by the fundamental consumption of the human body. It is the most fundamental foundation of the human body. Unless it is treatment at the level of reshaping the body, this kind of injury can hardly be detected.

And this kind of injury, although it will not be manifested, but existence is existence, injury is injury, and its specific manifestation of injury is the life span of a person.

That's right.


Even if the damage is already very small, but at the level of the Dumen and Jingmen modes, in fact, every time it is turned on, it will cause damage to the fundamental human body. Repeatedly turning it on will increase the damage and shorten the lifespan.

The reason why Bamen Dunjia is a forbidden technique is because of the damage caused by Bamen Dunjia to the human body. The two kinds of damage on the outside and inside, on the surface, are naturally caused by every time you open the Bamen Dunjia. It is a fundamental injury, an injury to a person's lifespan.

Of course, the damage to lifespan is due to the excessive use of potential. Why the human body has eight gates and why chakra is restricted is originally a defense mechanism to prevent the fundamental energy of the human body from being excessively consumed.

Of course, this fundamental energy consumption is not irreversible, and it can be recovered through various methods, such as the recovery of ninjutsu for reshaping the body, and the medical ninjutsu or ability that can reach the level of reshaping the body is currently Hashirama The vitality of the super-mature immortal body is Muji's self-healing, Tsunade's creation and regeneration, but the price of creation and regeneration is the loss of lifespan. This can only be said to be very subtle.

Another example is rest. Eating, nourishing, resting, and exercising for a certain period of time can produce this fundamental energy. Of course, this requires great attention, and the process is relatively long.

In fact, when Chiba was developing the eight-door mode before, it was already quite dangerous to open it repeatedly in a short period of time. Not too big, although there is a loss of life, but not much.

At the beginning of Dumen, it was almost repeated, that is, after a period of rest and recuperation, it was opened for the first time, and then opened again. At this time, it was already wasting a considerable amount of life.

If he hadn't awakened the power of Hashirama, Chiba's lifespan would have been lost for at least five or six years, and this was still during the development of Dumen.

Fortunately, he discovered the Jingmen model by accident, and there is not much wear and tear. Otherwise, if it is developed according to Dumen, it may have at least ten or twenty years of life.

Thanks to the awakening of Hashirama's power, Hashirama's or Asura's powerful vitality gave him a great boost to the fundamental energy of the human body. Otherwise, I am afraid that before he knew it, Chiba would probably be due to the development of the last few days. The eight-door model of the door and the one that dies silently someday.

It is also thanks to learning the art of creating regeneration, using another way of depleting lifespan, in exchange for a considerable amount of fundamental energy, delaying the loss of lifespan.

And now, Chiba has repeatedly turned on the Jingmen mode. Although the body can bear the burden and can be turned on and maintained because of the relationship of feedback, his own fundamental energy has been consumed and has not recovered. Repeat Basically, every minute and every second that Chiba is turned on is shortening the lifespan.

Even if there is Muji self-healing, even if it is also combined with creative regeneration, it will still lose its lifespan quickly.

Now, 50% of his Chakra in Jingmen mode, basically every trace of Chakra, is bought with lifespan.

And his current two-sword attack almost directly consumed 20% of the chakra. Yes, all of a sudden, with just these two swords, he consumed 20% of the chakra in the Jingmen mode.

However, this is not because the two swords themselves cost too much chakra. On the contrary, these two swords are made from local materials and only consume a small amount of chakra. The art of the wooden man has also taken shape. It only uses manipulation and does not consume much chakra. It is the reopening of the Jingmen mode. His body is already a little difficult to control, or his body is already very reluctant. The completed chakra is lost.

In an instant, Qianye only used Chakra a little bit, and the Chakra could not be restrained from leaking out.

Moreover, Qianye was also a little shocked by the huge number, and even more overwhelmed.

It can be said that Uchiha Nobuhiko blocked the two swords and gained a great advantage in an instant.

Only one hit left!

This attack can only succeed, not fail!

Otherwise, I will only have a dead end, and nothing will be discussed!

And at this moment, there was only one thought left in Qianye's heart.

Also at this moment, the wind stops and the waves are calm.


Chiba put his hands together again!


The emerald green chakra coat, which was as emerald as a flame, suddenly stretched straight!

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